I’m confused about the purpose of truncating the salt.
How does the attacker learn anything about the salt without breaking Argon2id first? It’s not like the salt is included in the Sigsum ledger.
If the attacker did somehow learn the salt (truncated HMAC), it seems like that would immediately break security, regardless of truncation. Suppose the attacker starts with a dictionary of all possible Actor IDs, which seems reasonable, and that they calculate the truncated HMAC for every possibility until it matches. Due to the truncation, the attacker may get one or more false username matches in addition to the true username match. But if the attacker has narrowed down the username to two or three possibilities, they’ve already basically won. And they could just check the possibilities against Argon2id to learn which one it is.
On the other hand, if the attacker doesn’t know anything about the salt, then why would it matter if the salt did uniquely identify a user? How would they “observe that the recent-merkle-root is the same for two messages, but their salts differ”?
It’s quite possible that I’m misunderstanding something. I am not a cryptography expert.
But more broadly, it just seems wrong to use a salted password hash but have the salt be based on the same password that’s being hashed. I don’t think it’s _insecure_, because the salt also includes a high-entropy part (the recent-merkle-root). But I don’t see how it increases security at all. The security should be the same as if the salt only included the high-entropy part.
In other words, the entire “HMAC -> truncate -> Argon2id” process can be seen as a password hash in its own right, where the input consists of the secret username, plus various bits of public information such as the recent-merkle-root. But that’s essentially a form of rolling your own crypto, and it’s unnecessary. Argon2id is already a secure password hash by itself, so you can just feed that data directly to it.
The commitment (Argon2 salt || Argon2 output) is included in the ciphertext blob.
The format of each encrypted attribute is:
h || r || Q || t || c
Where "h" is the version ID (0x01 currently), "r" is a 256-bit random value for key derivation, "Q" is the plaintext commitment, and "t" is the authentication tag. All of these values are fixed-length. Then "c" is the ciphertext, which is variable length.
> If the attacker did somehow learn the salt (truncated HMAC), it seems like that would immediately break security, regardless of truncation.
> Due to the truncation, the attacker may get one or more false username matches in addition to the true username match. But if the attacker has narrowed down the username to two or three possibilities, they’ve already basically won. And they could just check the possibilities against Argon2id to learn which one it is.
That's an interesting point. It might be beneficial to exclude the plaintext, then, given that we already have a high-entropy value (the previous Merkle root).
We could also just use "r" to calculate the salt, since that's right there.
Thank you for this feedback. My primary motivation in writing this blog post (and the ones that follow it which will focus on different design decisions and trade-offs) was to elicit better feedback for the current draft of my proposal.
That is well-written and a potentially good application for crypto-shredding, which has a lot of drawbacks in other contexts.
The issue with crypto-shredding in many applications is that it aggressively pessimizes the software architectures possible in support of the data model. For things like databases and analytics, that feature increases the required hardware footprint -- compute and storage -- by orders of magnitude. The loss of efficiency has little to do with the crypto per se, since hardware support makes that cheap, but with how the change in representation interacts with idiomatic data structures and algorithms for high-efficiency data systems.
Many system internals are essentially a bag of tricks for constructing the maximally compressive representation of the important relationships in a data model while preserving practical tractability of operations over the data model. Crypto-shredding architectures have the effect of "encrypting" before "compressing", rendering the latter moot.
Hard disagree. I need to forward this post to my CISO and have them be impressed with my breadth of reading and depth of knowledge. When we chat over brewskies later, I want to be able to casually ask what they thought about using HMAC-SHA512 instead of GHASH for making salamanders more opaque. But I can't do that because the number of cartoon furries will make them think I'm not totes profesh. Maybe we can get this post in a more professional setting like LinkedIn or something?
I think it has to do with the timing and history of the internet, which carried a bunch of correlated groups (not just those two) forward together.
Both are niche groups where you can't just cast around for some local club in your town, so using the internet to connect with a widespread but diffuse group of others was important. Then once you've found those other people (and also media to consume/publish) computers are again the way to get anything done, as opposed to phone calls or travel.
It might have something to do with the furry community being queer majority from early on, and starting in a time where information security was a personal matter of life and death.
How early on is that? What I remember of furry culture from the early-mid 1990s internet was pretty straight, at least to judge from all the announcements of heterosexual marriages, all the porn going around, and prominent internet-furry voices. I was a bit surprised when furry culture saw a resurgence in wider internet culture during the Tumblr era and now was strongly linked to non-cishet themes.
Computer industries have correlated psychometric selection effects with a bunch of subcultures. Many of these select for e.g. what is colloquially referred to as "autism", although that term refers to several probably-unrelated things in different contexts.
For all that the author doesn’t like exotic crypto, this seems like the sort of problem that the sort of fancy cryptography that the Ethereum folks love would actually be appropriate for. The goals are, approximately:
1. There exists a log, and the log follows certain rules, and everyone agrees on a summary of the log from which log entries can be validated and from which the fact that the log follows the rules can be validated.
2. One can validate a record without retrieving the whole log.
3. Appends can be done, and new summaries generated, without access to some of the entries.
Cryptocurrency, as far as I know, does not care about #3, whereas this project does. But maybe similar sorts of exotic crypto could generate a stronger form of shredding: a scheme where deleted PII only persists in the form of a constant or logarithmic size ever changing summary. It’s a bit hard to argue that, say, 10kb of data contains PII from a million users.
> For all that the author doesn’t like exotic crypto
Hah, I think that's a little imprecise.
I actually love exotic crypto; it makes my life interesting, after all. But I will not rush to deploy it into production, and I'm not going to incorporate it into a project designed with such a humble purpose like making DMs encrypted on the Fediverse. The rules I laid out in this post were with that context in mind.
Honestly, I don't get it. Maybe I don't know enough about the fediverse?
Doesn't the fediverse already have a mechanism where each user can set a profile, which everyone else has a common view of and other people can't change? Couldn't a parallel mechanism distribute public keys in a similar way?
What's the issue here - that the server where you have your account can replace your keys?
I know SSL's "certificate transparency" tries to detect replaced and mis-issued certificates after the fact, by putting them all into an immutable log that can be searched by domain name. It doesn't stop the attack, but it at least makes it detectable after the fact. Yet if the entries in the log can be deleted, so there's no longer a log that would prove an attack had happened, wouldn't that prevent the log fulfilling its sole purpose?
> Doesn't the fediverse already have a mechanism where each user can set a profile, which everyone else has a common view of and other people can't change?
Your instance admin can change it. The goal of encrypting DMs is to protect against honest-but-curious instance admins, especially since often multiple have access to the stored DM contents on disk.
> Couldn't a parallel mechanism distribute public keys in a similar way?
How do you validate that the public key you're seeing is your friend's, and not a snooping administrator performing a MitM attack by substituting the public key with theirs?
> What's the issue here - that the server where you have your account can replace your keys?
Yes, partly.
> I know SSL's "certificate transparency" tries to detect replaced and mis-issued certificates after the fact, by putting them all into an immutable log that can be searched by domain name. But if the entries in the log can be deleted, so there's no longer a log that would prove the attack had happened, wouldn't that prevent the log fulfilling its sole purpose?
The goal is to ensure everyone has the same view of which actor has which currently-trusted public keys. Additionally, the deletion of past log entries requires a legal takedown request. What this process actually looks like is out of scope for my specification, but I imagine it will usually involve lawyers.
> The goal is to ensure everyone has the same view of which actor has which currently-trusted public keys.
But isn't the profile/bio already a mechanism that gives everyone the same view of some per-account details, set by the person who controls the account?
Alas I'm not smart enough to understand your threat model, as I'm just a simple small town software developer who don't even know what a Edwards25519 curve or a SUF-CMA is.
If an admin or hacker tampers with a user's bio - i.e. gains control of a user's account - isn't that essentially indistinguishable from a user who lost their phone/forgot their password?
Is the intention that E2EE have a separate, parallel account recovery mechanism with more difficult requirements?
A single Public Key Directory will serve many hosts. (You can further add replication and cross-directory checkpointing between directories, to ensure the whole network is transparent, but that's not our concern right now.)
If a host decides to misbehave, there's an independently hosted record of every change to the state machine that maps Actor IDs to public keys. This state machine is backed by a Merkle tree, which includes a proof of inclusion for every change to its state, thereby making it an append-only ledger.
In my design, you don't have to trust the hosts' admins to behave, because the directory keeps them honest.
You also don't have to trust as single directory to behave, since its primary purpose is to be transparent and independently auditable.
If a user wants to revoke their key, they can, but it's an additional protocol message appended to the directory's transparency log.
If a user loses all their secret keys, one of two things can happen:
1. Their instance admin issues a BurnDown, which allows the user to enroll a new public key as if they were a new user.
2. If the user has issued a Fireproof message, the instance admin cannot issue a BurnDown, and the user is locked out of the protocol. This is a trade-off.
Users can move hosts. Users can publish auxiliary data (e.g., SSH public keys), if the extension for that key type is defined and enabled by the directory. Even an attacker with root access to the host cannot arbitrarily or selectively replace a user's public key with their own. With your suggestion, this substitution is trivial.
And that's basically how the system works. But that's not the focus of this blog post.
This blog post is how to solve the seemingly incompatible design goals of:
1. Offer userbase consistency verification for users' public keys.
2. Don't cryptographically inhibit an EU citizen's rights under Article 17 of the GDPR.
3. Don't introduce backdoors to the transparency log that allow them to perform the same trivial attack that your suggestion enables.
Totally unrelated to the thread, just a comment on something I noticed: You seem to be posting from 2 different accounts: soatok and some_furry. Dunno if that’s on purpose, but in the off chance that it is not: Now you know.
Love you blog, it’s nice to read something written by an actual human being nowadays. I keep several of you articles bookmarked for reference.
> You seem to be posting from 2 different accounts: soatok and some_furry. Dunno if that’s on purpose, but in the off chance that it is not: Now you know.
When folks have interesting comments that warrant a response (or answer, if it contains a question), I very quickly stumble over HN's rate limit. Using this second account works around it.
As a rule, I only use this fallback account when my main (some_furry) is unable to respond to someone's questions.
If a user has to call into your keyserver to get a key before they can start a conversation with a new friend, as you're the sole authority who can decrypt the Merkle tree entries - does that introduce any problems?
And how will you authenticate shredding requests? Does that just happen out-of-band?
> If a user has to call into your keyserver to get a key before they can start a conversation with a new friend, as you're the sole authority who can decrypt the Merkle tree entries - does that introduce any problems?
It would, but they're addressed by the total design.
> And how will you authenticate shredding requests? Does that just happen out-of-band?
Essentially, yes, it's out-of-band. The actual shredding isn't part of the protocol.
The way I see it is, this only matters when the requestor's lawyers issue a takedown for their client's Personal Data (previously referred to erroneously as PII, though the distinction between the two jargony terms wasn't something I ever needed to care about).
If I didn't take the steps outlined in this blog post, the director's operator would be in a precarious legal situation.
But with this specification, the operator just queries their database for the in-scope records and deletes the stored key.
How that's actually implemented in software, and how the operator verifies that the legal notice for the takedown is authentic, aren't problems I have a readily available solution for. There may not even be a one-size-fits-all solution here.
As I've said, my goal isn't "GDPR Compliance". That's not a property I'm advertising. My goal is to create Key Transparency and a PKI without Authorities for the Fediverse.
I simply don't want to make it logistically impossible for someone else to deploy this in the EU.
Not sure I'm a big fan of focusing on concrete cryptographic primitives; I suspect all you need is a commitment scheme and change the leaves to be commitments to the data (instead of the data itself), but I found it quite difficult to ascertain whether this would meet the requirements
I’m confused about the purpose of truncating the salt.
How does the attacker learn anything about the salt without breaking Argon2id first? It’s not like the salt is included in the Sigsum ledger.
If the attacker did somehow learn the salt (truncated HMAC), it seems like that would immediately break security, regardless of truncation. Suppose the attacker starts with a dictionary of all possible Actor IDs, which seems reasonable, and that they calculate the truncated HMAC for every possibility until it matches. Due to the truncation, the attacker may get one or more false username matches in addition to the true username match. But if the attacker has narrowed down the username to two or three possibilities, they’ve already basically won. And they could just check the possibilities against Argon2id to learn which one it is.
On the other hand, if the attacker doesn’t know anything about the salt, then why would it matter if the salt did uniquely identify a user? How would they “observe that the recent-merkle-root is the same for two messages, but their salts differ”?
It’s quite possible that I’m misunderstanding something. I am not a cryptography expert.
But more broadly, it just seems wrong to use a salted password hash but have the salt be based on the same password that’s being hashed. I don’t think it’s _insecure_, because the salt also includes a high-entropy part (the recent-merkle-root). But I don’t see how it increases security at all. The security should be the same as if the salt only included the high-entropy part.
In other words, the entire “HMAC -> truncate -> Argon2id” process can be seen as a password hash in its own right, where the input consists of the secret username, plus various bits of public information such as the recent-merkle-root. But that’s essentially a form of rolling your own crypto, and it’s unnecessary. Argon2id is already a secure password hash by itself, so you can just feed that data directly to it.
> How does the attacker learn anything about the salt without breaking Argon2id first? It’s not like the salt is included in the Sigsum ledger.
Take a close look at https://github.com/fedi-e2ee/public-key-directory-specificat...
The commitment (Argon2 salt || Argon2 output) is included in the ciphertext blob.
The format of each encrypted attribute is:
Where "h" is the version ID (0x01 currently), "r" is a 256-bit random value for key derivation, "Q" is the plaintext commitment, and "t" is the authentication tag. All of these values are fixed-length. Then "c" is the ciphertext, which is variable length.> If the attacker did somehow learn the salt (truncated HMAC), it seems like that would immediately break security, regardless of truncation.
> Due to the truncation, the attacker may get one or more false username matches in addition to the true username match. But if the attacker has narrowed down the username to two or three possibilities, they’ve already basically won. And they could just check the possibilities against Argon2id to learn which one it is.
That's an interesting point. It might be beneficial to exclude the plaintext, then, given that we already have a high-entropy value (the previous Merkle root).
We could also just use "r" to calculate the salt, since that's right there.
Thank you for this feedback. My primary motivation in writing this blog post (and the ones that follow it which will focus on different design decisions and trade-offs) was to elicit better feedback for the current draft of my proposal.
That is well-written and a potentially good application for crypto-shredding, which has a lot of drawbacks in other contexts.
The issue with crypto-shredding in many applications is that it aggressively pessimizes the software architectures possible in support of the data model. For things like databases and analytics, that feature increases the required hardware footprint -- compute and storage -- by orders of magnitude. The loss of efficiency has little to do with the crypto per se, since hardware support makes that cheap, but with how the change in representation interacts with idiomatic data structures and algorithms for high-efficiency data systems.
Many system internals are essentially a bag of tricks for constructing the maximally compressive representation of the important relationships in a data model while preserving practical tractability of operations over the data model. Crypto-shredding architectures have the effect of "encrypting" before "compressing", rendering the latter moot.
Thanks for the kind words.
I wrote a previous deep dive into database cryptography, which talks about things like searchable encryption (which may offset some of the relevant inefficiencies): https://soatok.blog/2023/03/01/database-cryptography-fur-the...
Happy hacking :3
Note that “PII” is American terminology, and it has a much more restricted meaning than the European term “personal data”. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Personal_data
Ah, good point. I'll consider revising it later.
Very good, but needs more furry art.
> needs more furry art
Hard disagree. I need to forward this post to my CISO and have them be impressed with my breadth of reading and depth of knowledge. When we chat over brewskies later, I want to be able to casually ask what they thought about using HMAC-SHA512 instead of GHASH for making salamanders more opaque. But I can't do that because the number of cartoon furries will make them think I'm not totes profesh. Maybe we can get this post in a more professional setting like LinkedIn or something?
And that ^ is how you invoke more furry art.
I'm just thrilled to read something that's not peppered with the blandest AI art imaginable.
There is a huge overlap between the furry community and the infosec community. Furry art is very fitting for articles like this one.
Why is that? I have noticed that the deeper you get into infosec the furrier it gets. Has anyone studied that? I feel like there's something to that.
I think it has to do with the timing and history of the internet, which carried a bunch of correlated groups (not just those two) forward together.
Both are niche groups where you can't just cast around for some local club in your town, so using the internet to connect with a widespread but diffuse group of others was important. Then once you've found those other people (and also media to consume/publish) computers are again the way to get anything done, as opposed to phone calls or travel.
It might have something to do with the furry community being queer majority from early on, and starting in a time where information security was a personal matter of life and death.
If actual research exists, Furscience might know: https://furscience.com/general-inquiries/
How early on is that? What I remember of furry culture from the early-mid 1990s internet was pretty straight, at least to judge from all the announcements of heterosexual marriages, all the porn going around, and prominent internet-furry voices. I was a bit surprised when furry culture saw a resurgence in wider internet culture during the Tumblr era and now was strongly linked to non-cishet themes.
That and cultural specificities make furry costumes an intelligencia budget item
I wrote a blog post a few years ago that explores some hypotheses, but this is not a scientific paper by any means.
Computer industries have correlated psychometric selection effects with a bunch of subcultures. Many of these select for e.g. what is colloquially referred to as "autism", although that term refers to several probably-unrelated things in different contexts.
Much more furry art.
HN must also respect the principles of the right to be forgotten.
There is no way to delete your comments or profile.
For all that the author doesn’t like exotic crypto, this seems like the sort of problem that the sort of fancy cryptography that the Ethereum folks love would actually be appropriate for. The goals are, approximately:
1. There exists a log, and the log follows certain rules, and everyone agrees on a summary of the log from which log entries can be validated and from which the fact that the log follows the rules can be validated.
2. One can validate a record without retrieving the whole log.
3. Appends can be done, and new summaries generated, without access to some of the entries.
Cryptocurrency, as far as I know, does not care about #3, whereas this project does. But maybe similar sorts of exotic crypto could generate a stronger form of shredding: a scheme where deleted PII only persists in the form of a constant or logarithmic size ever changing summary. It’s a bit hard to argue that, say, 10kb of data contains PII from a million users.
> For all that the author doesn’t like exotic crypto
Hah, I think that's a little imprecise.
I actually love exotic crypto; it makes my life interesting, after all. But I will not rush to deploy it into production, and I'm not going to incorporate it into a project designed with such a humble purpose like making DMs encrypted on the Fediverse. The rules I laid out in this post were with that context in mind.
Honestly, I don't get it. Maybe I don't know enough about the fediverse?
Doesn't the fediverse already have a mechanism where each user can set a profile, which everyone else has a common view of and other people can't change? Couldn't a parallel mechanism distribute public keys in a similar way?
What's the issue here - that the server where you have your account can replace your keys?
I know SSL's "certificate transparency" tries to detect replaced and mis-issued certificates after the fact, by putting them all into an immutable log that can be searched by domain name. It doesn't stop the attack, but it at least makes it detectable after the fact. Yet if the entries in the log can be deleted, so there's no longer a log that would prove an attack had happened, wouldn't that prevent the log fulfilling its sole purpose?
> Doesn't the fediverse already have a mechanism where each user can set a profile, which everyone else has a common view of and other people can't change?
Your instance admin can change it. The goal of encrypting DMs is to protect against honest-but-curious instance admins, especially since often multiple have access to the stored DM contents on disk.
> Couldn't a parallel mechanism distribute public keys in a similar way?
How do you validate that the public key you're seeing is your friend's, and not a snooping administrator performing a MitM attack by substituting the public key with theirs?
> What's the issue here - that the server where you have your account can replace your keys?
Yes, partly.
> I know SSL's "certificate transparency" tries to detect replaced and mis-issued certificates after the fact, by putting them all into an immutable log that can be searched by domain name. But if the entries in the log can be deleted, so there's no longer a log that would prove the attack had happened, wouldn't that prevent the log fulfilling its sole purpose?
Consider https://defuse.ca/triangle-of-secure-code-delivery.htm#:~:te...
The goal is to ensure everyone has the same view of which actor has which currently-trusted public keys. Additionally, the deletion of past log entries requires a legal takedown request. What this process actually looks like is out of scope for my specification, but I imagine it will usually involve lawyers.
> The goal is to ensure everyone has the same view of which actor has which currently-trusted public keys.
But isn't the profile/bio already a mechanism that gives everyone the same view of some per-account details, set by the person who controls the account?
Not if the admin tampers with your bio!
Not if the instance software itself gets hacked, either.
See https://github.com/fedi-e2ee/public-key-directory-specificat... for a detailed threat model.
Alas I'm not smart enough to understand your threat model, as I'm just a simple small town software developer who don't even know what a Edwards25519 curve or a SUF-CMA is.
If an admin or hacker tampers with a user's bio - i.e. gains control of a user's account - isn't that essentially indistinguishable from a user who lost their phone/forgot their password?
Is the intention that E2EE have a separate, parallel account recovery mechanism with more difficult requirements?
> Is the intention that E2EE have a separate, parallel account recovery mechanism with more difficult requirements?
I'm not sure the wording here is helpful.
Let's start with a simple diagram: https://github.com/fedi-e2ee/public-key-directory-specificat... (see the first one)
A single Public Key Directory will serve many hosts. (You can further add replication and cross-directory checkpointing between directories, to ensure the whole network is transparent, but that's not our concern right now.)
If a host decides to misbehave, there's an independently hosted record of every change to the state machine that maps Actor IDs to public keys. This state machine is backed by a Merkle tree, which includes a proof of inclusion for every change to its state, thereby making it an append-only ledger.
In my design, you don't have to trust the hosts' admins to behave, because the directory keeps them honest.
You also don't have to trust as single directory to behave, since its primary purpose is to be transparent and independently auditable.
If a user wants to revoke their key, they can, but it's an additional protocol message appended to the directory's transparency log.
If a user loses all their secret keys, one of two things can happen:
1. Their instance admin issues a BurnDown, which allows the user to enroll a new public key as if they were a new user.
2. If the user has issued a Fireproof message, the instance admin cannot issue a BurnDown, and the user is locked out of the protocol. This is a trade-off.
Users can move hosts. Users can publish auxiliary data (e.g., SSH public keys), if the extension for that key type is defined and enabled by the directory. Even an attacker with root access to the host cannot arbitrarily or selectively replace a user's public key with their own. With your suggestion, this substitution is trivial.
And that's basically how the system works. But that's not the focus of this blog post.
This blog post is how to solve the seemingly incompatible design goals of:
1. Offer userbase consistency verification for users' public keys.
2. Don't cryptographically inhibit an EU citizen's rights under Article 17 of the GDPR.
3. Don't introduce backdoors to the transparency log that allow them to perform the same trivial attack that your suggestion enables.
Totally unrelated to the thread, just a comment on something I noticed: You seem to be posting from 2 different accounts: soatok and some_furry. Dunno if that’s on purpose, but in the off chance that it is not: Now you know.
Love you blog, it’s nice to read something written by an actual human being nowadays. I keep several of you articles bookmarked for reference.
Thanks, happy to help!
> You seem to be posting from 2 different accounts: soatok and some_furry. Dunno if that’s on purpose, but in the off chance that it is not: Now you know.
When folks have interesting comments that warrant a response (or answer, if it contains a question), I very quickly stumble over HN's rate limit. Using this second account works around it.
As a rule, I only use this fallback account when my main (some_furry) is unable to respond to someone's questions.
Hmm, I guess that mostly makes sense.
If a user has to call into your keyserver to get a key before they can start a conversation with a new friend, as you're the sole authority who can decrypt the Merkle tree entries - does that introduce any problems?
And how will you authenticate shredding requests? Does that just happen out-of-band?
> If a user has to call into your keyserver to get a key before they can start a conversation with a new friend, as you're the sole authority who can decrypt the Merkle tree entries - does that introduce any problems?
It would, but they're addressed by the total design.
> And how will you authenticate shredding requests? Does that just happen out-of-band?
Essentially, yes, it's out-of-band. The actual shredding isn't part of the protocol.
The way I see it is, this only matters when the requestor's lawyers issue a takedown for their client's Personal Data (previously referred to erroneously as PII, though the distinction between the two jargony terms wasn't something I ever needed to care about).
If I didn't take the steps outlined in this blog post, the director's operator would be in a precarious legal situation.
But with this specification, the operator just queries their database for the in-scope records and deletes the stored key.
How that's actually implemented in software, and how the operator verifies that the legal notice for the takedown is authentic, aren't problems I have a readily available solution for. There may not even be a one-size-fits-all solution here.
As I've said, my goal isn't "GDPR Compliance". That's not a property I'm advertising. My goal is to create Key Transparency and a PKI without Authorities for the Fediverse.
I simply don't want to make it logistically impossible for someone else to deploy this in the EU.
Not sure I'm a big fan of focusing on concrete cryptographic primitives; I suspect all you need is a commitment scheme and change the leaves to be commitments to the data (instead of the data itself), but I found it quite difficult to ascertain whether this would meet the requirements