SQL style guide by Simon Holywell


44 points | by thunderbong 6 hours ago ago


  • SPBS 3 hours ago

    > Spaces should be used to line up the code so that the root keywords all end on the same character boundary.

      SELECT file_hash
        FROM file_system
       WHERE file_name = '.vimrc';
    This style is annoying and I wish it gained less traction. It looks neat but it puts so much burden on the query writer, especially when you modify the query and all of the sudden you need to indent multiple lines just to make them all align. You know what's neat and still easy to modify/diff? Just indent a new line for each row.

            file_name = '.vimrc';
    • abraae 2 hours ago

      IMO in the modern day there is no place for any indentation styling that can't be achieved automatically via a pretty printer such as golang has.

      • snorremd 2 hours ago

        This. Relying on developers manually trying to follow a style guide is a recipe for not having a consistent style. Instead something like pgFormatter should be used. I'm not sure what the state of SQL formatters and IDE support is these days. Not sure how many command based options there are.

        And people who use things like Datagrip or other IDEs will probably format with their IDE's preferences unless there is a plugin for things like pgFormatter. This works well if there is a company mandated editor/IDE, but not so well when you have developers across various editors and IDEs.

    • emmelaich 3 hours ago

      Also, could uppercase go away and never come back? Please?

      • y42 2 hours ago

        but why? it's a quick and easy way to distinguish commands from arguments

        • dagss 2 hours ago

          Why do you not make that argument for "if" and "else" in Go/Java/...?

          Editors highlight syntax.

          • thiht an hour ago

            Editors don’t syntax highlight SQL queries written as strings. That’s the main reason I write my queries with uppercase keywords in my Go programs

  • bob1029 2 hours ago

    I think my #1 rule for SQL these days is to abuse common table expressions as much as possible. No amount of whitespace cleanliness can compensate for a poorly organized problem. There is (in my mind) no longer an excuse for trying to join 10+ tables all at once in a single heroic attempt. Decompose the problem and let the query planner figure that shit out for you, just as you would with a compiler and code.

    With CTEs you can offload sophisticated joins and constraints in such a way that less experienced developers can follow behind more easily.

    Once you find multiple queries using the same WITH clauses, you can create more permanent views that further centralize and optimize these concerns.

    • jd3 2 hours ago

      A week before being laid off last month, I solved a decade+ old open problem at our company which first occurred since Django doesn't natively support CTE's, leading to years of technical debt from the ersatz sql/query plans produced by our fragile queries.

      I ended up manually overloading get_extra_restriction on a custom ForeignKey class (we couldn't use FilteredRelation b/c we were still on django 1.11), which ensured that the JOIN ON ... clause limited the tables being joined to their correct partition/schema while being accessed through a view

      The view thing is a long story — it was a legacy PAC codebase from the '90s which used 13+ schemas in a mysql db that was then being synced to our postgres db through Amazon DMS. All of the tables on each view contain identical source_schema/CompanyID columns, hence the

          '%(remote_alias)s. "source_schema" = %(fk_alias)s. "source_schema" AND '
          '%(remote_alias)s. "CompanyID" = %(fk_alias)s. "CompanyID"
      etc. approach

      before/after query plan in depesz: https://imgur.com/a/HQbNSIL

    • prudentpomelo an hour ago

      CTEs would be such a blessing. I am stuck using mysql 5.6. So many queries would just get simpler.

  • agubelu 28 minutes ago

    > Try to only use standard SQL functions instead of vendor-specific functions for reasons of portability.

    Hard disagree here. "Let's do/not do this, in case we decide to change databases in the future" is one of the greatest lies we tell ourselves. You're just making your life harder now and in the near future, for the nebulous promise of "seamlessly replacing your database backend if needed".

    In 95% of cases, it's not needed, and you're getting all of the downsides for no benefit. And if it's needed in a late stage of your application's life, changing a bunch of SQL functions will be just one tiny problem among many bigger ones.

  • prudentpomelo an hour ago

    Please don't make me write uppercase keywords. They make my eyes bleed and hurt my hands. Why not let the syntax highlighter do the heavy lifting for you? Dress your keywords with mauve or a nice butterscotch. Don't shout at the database. Write queries as if you are texting your best friend—all lowercase. Your friend understands and so does the database.

      select      e.first_name,
      from        employee as e
      inner join  salary as s
                  on e.id = s.employee_id;
  • ivanb 2 hours ago

    SQL is around 40 and there is still no reliable tool for SQL formatting comparable to Prettier or gofmt. At least not for Postgres. There are several formatters but they break on advanced features like stored procedures. If someone is looking for an open source project to contribute to, a tool like this would be greatly appreciated.

  • pqwEfkvjs 2 hours ago

    > Where possible avoid simply using id as the primary identifier for the table.

    I've found the opposite true in my limited experience, at least when doing any sort of ORM, then having id implicitly as the primary key makes life so much easier.

    • switch007 2 hours ago

      Old school SQL gurus will tell you the ORM is wrong and just to override it. It breaks USING

  • harterrt 4 hours ago

    For comparison, here’s Mozilla’s SQL style guide: https://docs.telemetry.mozilla.org/concepts/sql_style

    • hnlmorg 2 hours ago

      This is a much better style guide in my opinion.

      It’s still highly readable but also much much easier to write and modify.

      Though I am biased because it’s also how I used to write SQL back when PL/SQL was my day job. Albeit I fell into this design because it proved to be the easiest way to write and maintain readable code.

    • yen223 3 hours ago

      Thanks for sharing this!

      It looks so much cleaner in my eyes.

      Plus it uses constant-sized indents, which means less futzing about with spaces and all that.

      Also means you can comment out the first select item, something you can't do with the article's approach.

    • cwbriscoe 4 hours ago

      I am definitely not a fan of that style. Wastes too much vertical space without much benefit.

      • mjevans 2 hours ago

        The benefit is how quickly an experienced programmer can accurately isolate portions of logic and understand / mutate them.

        It also achieves that in monochrome, which is likely to be the case when an SQL query is in a shell script's <<< HEREDOC or in a string blob in a log file or source code for another language's compiler.

    • seer 3 hours ago

      I think this guide misses the point that “JOIN” is not a root keyword but a modification on “FROM”. It is more akin to logical “AND”, “OR”, etc.

      And this stacks much better once you start doing complex joins especially when you can add parentheses to change where you actually join

          FROM a JOIN b JOIN c
      Can be different than

          FROM a JOIN (b JOIN C)
      Apart from that I think I came up independently to the exact same rules when building the prettier extension for SQL a few years back.
      • steve_gh 32 minutes ago

        SQLis based on set theory, which is asdociative. So (a JOIN b) JOIN c = a JOIN (b JOIN c)

        Your DB's query planner should optimise given the available indices.

  • hcarvalhoalves 4 hours ago

    I’m probably alone in this, but I dislike naming tables in plural.

    IMO, reading “SELECT employee.first_name” makes much more sense than “SELECT staff.first_name”.

    • turbojet1321 3 hours ago

      Back In The Day at uni in the early 2000s, we were taught that table names should always be singular, and that's mostly what I've seen in the real world since.

      I also think the advice around join table naming is a bit silly. Calling a join table between `cars` and `mechanics` `services` (rather than `cars_mechanics`) does not make the relationship clearer, and only works when the relationships maps to a the real world where the relationship has a commonly used name.

      The more I read of this guide, the uglier the SQL is.

    • ammojamo 4 hours ago

      You are not alone at all, I also prefer singular names for the same reason. I reserve plural names for the rare cases where the single row of a table actually contains information about more than one item, which is usually when I'm doing something denormalized or non-relational e.g. CREATE TABLE user_settings ( user_id INT, settings_data JSON)

    • other_herbert 4 hours ago

      You can always alias to a singular … like

      join users as user on user….

      Then do as you please without the that if you are dealing with a user or leave it plural if multiple…

      And if we’re talking personal preference I really dislike caps in reserved words in sql, even before highlighting was everywhere it still just feels archaic for no good reason

    • mnsc 3 hours ago

      You left out the where.

      SELECT employee.name where role = 'developer'


      SELECT staff.name” where role = 'developer'

      Then the plural one reads better

      • turbojet1321 3 hours ago

        I don't think it does, because `role` is an attribute of an employee.

           SELECT employee.Name
           FROM employee
           WHERE employee.Role = 'developer' 
        reads much better to me than

           SELECT employees.Name
           FROM employees
           WHERE employees.Role = 'developer'
    • croes 4 hours ago

      According to the guide it would be e.first_name or s.first_name.

    • hackernewds 4 hours ago

      Yes, you are indeed alone in this

  • gnabgib 6 hours ago

    Page title: SQL Style Guide, discussions in:

    2018 (59 points, 16 comments) https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=17924917

    2016 (257 points, 147 comments) https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=12671667

    2015 (16 points, 10 comments) https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=9941150

  • calrain 2 hours ago

    I think that API URI naming conventions have impacted SQL table names.

    It's common to have endpoints like `/customers` and `/customers/{id}` which has a tendency to move SQL table names to match the API endpoint.

    I tend to name tables in the singular form if writing applications that interact directly with SQL tables, but where standing up a API in front of a SQL database, I tend to move to the plural naming of the table.

    It helps to have the table 'customers' be associated with an API endpoint of the same name.

  • cwbriscoe 4 hours ago

    This is really good advice and the coding style (alignment) matches what I came to without any real guidance when I was learning SQL 20+ years ago. The only thing I slack on, is uppercasing the keywords. I hate switching case so much. But, I will fit the coding style of the codebase I am working on when it comes to that.

    • bartvk an hour ago

      IMHO, not all good. In this style guide, the person says to "SELECT, FROM, etc. are all right aligned while the actual column names and implementation-specific details are left aligned."

      Seems like a lot of work to me. And I don't know any formatter that'd do that work.

  • Sn0wCoder 4 hours ago

    Not bad advice. The one about “where possible avoid simply using id as the primary identifier for the table” stood out to me. In the past with multiple ORMs (ya, ya, we all hate them) the default was to map to a column named id. Also when doing joins its cleaner to use the table_name.id or alias.id then table_name.table_name_id or alias.table_name_id or whatever else besides id is used. The best is when multiple people have worked on the project over the years and the columns are a combo of camel, snake, camel_snake, all UPPER / lower. Must look at the table definitions or ERD every time you want to write some non-trivial query. So having a consistent style guide is better than having any one specific style guide. This would be a good starting point and adjust with your team as needed.

    • jpnc 3 hours ago

      > Also when doing joins its cleaner to use the table_name.id or alias.id then table_name.table_name_id or alias.table_name_id or whatever else besides id is used However, using 'table_name.table_name_id' and then having another table with an FK that references it with the same name i.e. 'table_2.table_name_id' allows you to use a shorthand 'USING' clause instead of 'ON' in databases that support it.

      • Sn0wCoder 3 hours ago

        Great point thanks for calling USING out. Since you end up putting table_name_id for FKs it totally makes sense to just use that in the main table. Seems I am just so accustomed to having id as the default PK over the years it become habit (my DB professor was an old time IBM-er who preached all tables will have an ID). With auto complete in just about every tool these days and ORM limitations improving will need to update my thinking on this reality. 95% of the time living in the MSSQL world so USING is not something that can even be used (I don’t think).

    • psadri 4 hours ago

      I have found that naming ids as <thing>_id helps downstream code when trying to figure out which thing's id you are dealing with. It also helps with avoiding renaming fields when a structure contains multiple ids.

      I do agree it makes joins more verbose.

      • otteromkram 3 hours ago

        This isn't a great idea. Maybe it works for you, but you can alias it, too. The main identification column of a table should just be id. Any foreign keys can have a table prefix.

        Please don't prefix the main table id with the table name.

        • thiht an hour ago

          The fact the "USING" keyword exists would disagree with you.

          I also use "id" but I would say SQL was designed with the opinion that ids should be prefixed with the table name.

  • jkubicek 4 hours ago

    I've stopped using aliases in the SQL I write and it's dramatically increased the clarify.

    From this style guide, the aliases section would look like this in my style guide:

        SELECT first_name
        FROM staff
        JOIN students
          ON students.mentor_id = staff.staff_num;
    • Sn0wCoder 4 hours ago

      If the table names are all short one word like that, they are already basically aliases. What do you do when you end up on some legacy project (you did not make the schema) where_the_table_names_look_like_this? Seems some sort of alias might be more appropriate. Also, when you are writing longer / sub queries or using Common Table Expressions it’s impossible to not use an alias.

    • otteromkram 3 hours ago

      How do you know which table first_name came from?

      Also aliasing can be as much for legibility as anything.

        FROM staff AS ZZ
        INNER JOIN students AS Q ON Q.mentor_id = ZZ.staff_num;
  • croes 4 hours ago

    I‘m not a fan of upper case keywords especially when there is also syntax highlighting that gives them a unique color.

    Shifts my focus away from the rest of the query.

    • jbverschoor 3 hours ago

      SQL keywords have been upper case for decades. I prefer it because it is faster to match visually.

      Just like I don’t like uppercase paragraphs because of the same reason

      • dopfk09320k 3 hours ago

        typing them is such a pain though.

  • hackernewds 4 hours ago

    Great document to feed to GPT while ensuring it writes code :)

  • Dkuku 2 hours ago

    What'the best formatter for sql?