The strike cost boeing $50,000,000 per day * 53 days / 33,000 workers = $80,300 per worker. Over the four years the new contract gives workers $12,000 bonus + $75,608*(13%+ 9%+ 9%+ 7%) = $45,000 plus other benefits. So Boeing just burned nearly twice as much money as they ended up paying to workers!
Also holy shit the workers earn for boeing their entire salary in 53 days of work.
The strike cost boeing $50,000,000 per day * 53 days / 33,000 workers = $80,300 per worker. Over the four years the new contract gives workers $12,000 bonus + $75,608*(13%+ 9%+ 9%+ 7%) = $45,000 plus other benefits. So Boeing just burned nearly twice as much money as they ended up paying to workers!
Also holy shit the workers earn for boeing their entire salary in 53 days of work.