The Event Horizon Telescope image might need a correction


41 points | by niemandhier 12 hours ago ago


  • niemandhier 12 hours ago

    An independent hybrid imaging of Sgr A* from the data in EHT 2017 observations

    • aaroninsf 2 hours ago

      "In our view, the ring-like image found by the EHTC is not the intrinsic structure of Sgr A* but arises from the sparse u-v coverage of the EHT array in 2017; that is, from the corresponding [...] structure in the PSF."

      I.e. authors assert the image processing path inserted rather than revealed the famous correlation with Interstellar black hole imagery.

  • ck2 2 hours ago

    Way way beyond my comprehension but I will marvel at how peer-review works in science and wonder how much further the world would have progressed if everything worked like that.

    • exe34 8 minutes ago

      my favourite abstract was one where the title asked "did cern measure a neutrino travelling faster than the speed of light?" and the abstract was "no".

      for some reason I can't seem to find the paper anymore, it was on arxiv.