Character amnesia in China


265 points | by nabla9 a day ago ago


  • kragen 7 hours ago

    If this seems oddly familiar, you may actually have read it before, and no plagiarism is involved. Moser wrote the beginning of this article in the middle of his classic essay, ”Why Chinese is So Damn Hard”

    > Can you imagine a well-educated native English speaker totally forgetting how to write a word like "knee" or "tin can"? Or even a rarely-seen word like "scabbard" or "ragamuffin"? I was once at a luncheon with three Ph.D. students in the Chinese Department at Peking University, all native Chinese (one from Hong Kong). I happened to have a cold that day, and was trying to write a brief note to a friend canceling an appointment that day. I found that I couldn't remember how to write the character 嚔, as in da penti 打喷嚔 "to sneeze". I asked my three friends how to write the character, and to my surprise, all three of them simply shrugged in sheepish embarrassment. Not one of them could correctly produce the character. Now, Peking University is usually considered the "Harvard of China". Can you imagine three Ph.D. students in English at Harvard forgetting how to write the English word "sneeze"??

    This page is from 02004: Possibly the rest of the article is not simply an excerpt from it.

    • gonzobonzo 5 hours ago

      嚔 is an unusual character, though. Not just in that it's not often used, but also because it's construction is atypical. It would be like Ph.D. students forgetting how to spell "onomatopoeia," which, yes, wouldn't be surprising.

      • metacritic12 an hour ago

        The sneeze example is contrived because in English, sneeze is both phonetic and a word with common occurence.

        A better example might involve a common English word with a wierd, non-phonetic spelling. A word that you might imagine it forgivable for even someone who recieved an English PhD to misspell. After all Chinese is a seperate language from English and it is neccessary for it to be evaluated in its own context.

        If you think this definetly couldn't happen in English, take a look again at this post -- for it contains eight outright, unambiguous, misspellings of common English words that I would not be surprised if even an English PhD from Harvard made on occassion, especially if your choice of three students were unlucky and they were having embarassingly bad days. (After all, English PhDs isn't the study of spelling, it's the study of literature).

        • defen 4 minutes ago

          Even with the misspellings it's obvious what words you meant. If someone forgets how to write "嚔" are they just missing a few strokes but it's obvious what they actually meant? Or do they have zero clue what it's supposed to look like?

        • ClassyJacket 23 minutes ago

          Well done. I spotted weird on its own but I had to go looking for the others.

      • raincole an hour ago

        The fact there are two variants of 嚔 (嚏 and 嚔) implies that even ancient chinese people found it difficult and they misspelled it.

    • generic92034 6 hours ago

      Would it not be possible that the three students did not want to embarrass the author by showing their knowledge? I sometimes get that behavior from Chinese and Japanese colleagues when I am supposed to know something but temporarily forgot it (or just cannot access it at the time).

      • jasonhong 6 hours ago

        I've seen my wife (Chinese) and her friends (also Chinese) have this same problem with the exact same word "sneeze", so I'm inclined to believe the author.

        • Chathamization 3 hours ago

          The fact that 嚔/sneeze is usually the go to example means it ends up becoming the exception that proves the rule. Most other characters are much more easily remembered.

        • nojs 6 hours ago

          Yeah, this particular character seems to cause people problems because it’s not really used anywhere else.

          • shrimptho 2 hours ago

            I think the shrimp meat example from the researcher daily notes was a bigger tell of the issue.

            Because shrimp meat is something I see written out EVERYWHERE.

            • Chathamization an hour ago

              The shrimp example is kind of strange. Like you said, it's an extremely common character, and not a difficult one either. But beyond that, if you look at it he got the radical, 虫, correct. The phonetic element, 下, is a fundamental character that I doubt anyone forgets to write.

              It just seems like such an odd outlier example. Like talking about a friend that spells "been" as "bin." I'm sure it could happen, but it's not indicative of a broader trend.

              The story was reported by Victor Mair, though, who is extremely opposed to using characters and often exaggerates the issues with them.

              Personally, I've seen a lot of Chinese people's written notes, and I don't think I've ever seen them resort to pinyin, even among people that didn't go to college. I just asked a few Chinese friends about this, and they told me they never resort to pinyin either.

      • allen_fisher an hour ago

        As a Chinese native speaker, I should admit that I forgot how to write them ("sneeze" characters 喷嚏) before I saw them just now. One of the reason, I think, is they are used quite often in oral Chinese, but rarely in written Chinese. And those characters are not easy to write, as you see.

      • Barrin92 5 hours ago

        No, they really just forgot the characters. I lived in Japan for the better part of a decade and it isn't at all uncommon. There were many times when I explicitly asked natives to recognize or help me with a Kanji and they struggled as well. I doubt everyone's been systematically lying when you genuinely ask for help.

        The reason is just digital input really. Pinyin and Romaji typing have become so common that a lot of people write Hanzi/Kanji by hand less and less and it's so complicated of a skill there's really no other way to get it in your brain other than practice. I even notice it myself, I easily recognize 10x more characters than I can accurately write.

      • lobochrome 3 hours ago

        Happens all the time to Japanese people, too. There's a core set of characters that are well remembered, then there is a set of characters that you can remember most strokes of (so that someone else can read it) and then there's the stuff where you just have no idea.

        Of course, you _can_ escape to Hiragana if you're so inclined, but then you would show that you don't know the character - so it's just avoided.

        Ambiguity is king in Japan.

    • capitainenemo 2 hours ago

      Having read it, the rest of the article was new.

    • MichaelZuo 7 hours ago

      That’s a pretty good point… if I saw ‘three Ph.D. students in English at Harvard’ forget how to write ‘sneeze’, I would assume they were lunatics pretending, not that they genuinely forgot how to write the word.

      Does that imply learning the advanced literary culture, that is usually associated with prestige academia, has a vastly higher threshold in Chinese than in English?

      It’s pretty disturbing for language itself to be a potentially retarding force on learning.

      • shrimptho 2 hours ago

        All three PhD's were perfectly capable of communicating the word for sneeze and also recognize it in writting. They just couldn't write it exactly.

        I don't think it has a slowing effect. Except maybe by adding annoying/useless classes for mid/primary students - which is just par for course everywhere else. I can name 3 objectively completely useless classes from my european youth (plus one in college) that were only there because 'culture'.

        • MichaelZuo an hour ago

          How does your assessment of the relative usefulness of ‘classes’ from youth relate to the possible existence of a retarding effect arising from language differences?

  • drivenextfunc 7 hours ago

    As a relatively well-educated Japanese native speaker, I too experience this problem when writing Japanese on paper - being unable to write many kanji characters by hand. I am no exception among Japanese native speakers. While the author seems to interpret this problem as something crucial, I question whether it truly is.

    The orthography of Mandarin and Japanese includes an alphabet consisting of thousands of characters, the majority of which comprise dozens of strokes. Although East Asian people have higher IQ scores on average, we are not superhuman - our memory capacity is bound by human limits, and the decreased frequency of actually writing kanji on paper has naturally resulted in our forgetting how to write many of them. Is this surprising?

    Furthermore, orthography is not part of language in a fundamental sense - it's merely a useful tool that accompanies a language. Therefore, I do not see the writing system becoming less stable as a significant issue. Consider Korea as an example: they used to use kanji in their orthography but have almost completely eliminated it with virtually no adverse effects. While laypeople often assume orthography is an integral part of a language, this is just not the case from the linguistic perspective.

    • cedws 7 hours ago

      I'm studying Japanese at the moment and what struck me is how important context is, particularly in reading. You need to know where to read 1-3 letters ahead to read a word and interpret it. That's not really a thing in English - a word is a word, and the individual letters that it's composed of are almost always pronounced the same way.

      I think digital is a big crutch for Japanese/Chinese because you have input methods that help you write what you want to say, so you don't actually need to remember how to write kanji as much in daily life.

      • Terr_ 7 hours ago

        > You need to know where to read 1-3 letters ahead to read a word and interpret it. That's not really a thing in English

        It happens in a English too, where you see a chunk of letters and mis-predict which word they represent in a way which affects its meaning [0], and sometimes that will also affect pronunciation. [1]

        An example from the link:

        > "The complex houses married and single soldiers and their families."

        A reader linearly scanning along doesn't know whether "complex" is an adjective or a noun, and then whether "houses" is a noun or a verb. I'm pretty sure all human languages have similar problems where a certain amount of look-ahead or backtracking is necessary.

        For another example to highlight pronunciation changes, consider the ambiguity of:

        "I saw the rhino live in the zoo."

        That could mean that the rhino was doing the verb of living, in which it rhymes with "give", or it could also mean that the speaker was seeing it in-person, in which case it rhymes with "drive".



        • joe_the_user 3 hours ago

          "I saw the rhino live in the zoo"

          Might also mean; "Noted native-American zoologist 'I Saw The Rhino' lives at the zoo"

      • seanmcdirmid 6 hours ago

        Fruit flies like a banana. English has its own ambiguity, so it isn’t really that different.

        I can only write Chinese via an IME these days. For one, I’m left handed so writing characters was always a struggle since stroke order worked against me, but it’s mostly how I only use Chinese anyways.

        I told my wife our kid should learn to write via an IME as well and she was just horrified about that, though. None of the teaching material really supports it.

      • xanderlewis 14 minutes ago

        I think you’ll find all of those things are true of English too.

      • yongjik 7 hours ago

        I agree that Chinese/Japanese has it worse, but any language where "Spelling Bee" is a thing cannot be considered phonetic in a conventional sense.

        • zoky 6 hours ago

          And yet, given the definition and language of origin, most high-level spelling bee participants can make a pretty good guess at spelling a word they may have never seen before.

          English is phonetic, it just borrows its pronunciation rules from many differing (and sometimes directly opposed) other languages.

          • stephen_g 4 hours ago

            Very true - and every demonstration of “English is hard to spell/pronounce” focuses directly on the exceptions which exaggerates the problem. One analysis I’ve seen puts it that with a single set of rules, 59% of a sample corpus of 5000 English words can be pronounced perfectly from the spelling (of course, there will be regional accent and dialect differences so that percentage will be a bit different for each one) and up to 85% can be pretty close with only slight errors.

            Then there’s a percentage where they’re just direct borrowings from other languages and you need to have an idea of how that language pronounces words (especially French), so really only 10-15% or so of English words end up being true exceptions.


            • Izkata an hour ago

              Oh hurrah, I think that link is what I've been looking for for nearly a decade. I ran across it, or something like it, a long time ago and could never find it again. I don't remember all the special syntax, I think the one I found was written more in plain English with more examples (and I don't think the one I found back then mentioned ghoti either), but can't be sure it's been so long - maybe it was just that page and I don't remember it. It does have around the same number of rules I remember though.

            • nl 2 hours ago

              > a single set of rules, 59% of a sample corpus of 5000 English words can be pronounced perfectly from the spelling

              To do this you need to know 56(!) rules.

              I think this actually demonstrates how complex English pronunciation actually is.

          • brigandish 3 hours ago

            "ough" has at least 9 different possible pronunciations, how is that phonetic?

      • maianhvu 3 hours ago

        Not so much in terms of meaning but in terms of pronunciation, sometimes you also need to read ahead in English to know how a certain word is pronounced. For example: "I read a book yesterday." and "I read a book every night." Depending on the context that follows, "read" is pronounced differently. The same thing happens for "present" and "record". Admittedly, these are exceptions to the rule.

      • thfuran 6 hours ago

        >That's not really a thing in English - a word is a word, and the individual letters that it's composed of are almost always pronounced the same way.

      • heavyset_go 2 hours ago

        When teaching reading and English, learning about context clues is one of the ways students are taught to figure out the meaning of words.

      • grisBeik 7 hours ago

        > in English - a word is a word, and the individual letters that it's composed of are almost always pronounced the same way

        Some context-dependent examples: "read": /ɹid/ vs. /ɹɛd/; "lead": /lid/ vs. /lɛd/ (plumbum); "desert": /ˈdɛz.ɚt/ vs. /dɪˈzɝt/.

      • ReverseCold 7 hours ago

        > in English - a word is a word, and the individual letters that it's composed of are almost always pronounced the same way

        Are you sure about that?

        • Izkata 9 minutes ago

          Posted up above, here's a collection of English pronunciation rules that English speakers have internalized so well they can't generally explain them:

          "Ghoti" is mentioned a few times there, but basically "fish" is a nonsensical pronunciation that breaks several rules. There's a reason (well, a few reasons) why if you ask English speakers how to pronounce "ghoti" and they've never seen it before, they'll probably all guess some variation of "go-tee" or "go-tie".

        • sorokod 6 hours ago


          • DiscourseFan 4 hours ago

            reads like it would be pronounced with an aspirated -s- not sh.

      • wyager 5 hours ago

        I've been (very) casually learning Japanese for a couple years, and almost every time I think I find something "weird" that Japanese does, I almost immediately think of a very similar example in English.

        The alphabet is a pretty awesome invention (alphabet > kana-style syllabary > kanji-style logography) but English writing is at least as complex as JP writing, just in different dimensions.

        JP's phonetics, for example, are dead simple compared to English's, but they do a good job making up for it by having a few thousand Kanji.

  • suchire 11 hours ago

    At one point, apparently it was fashionable amongst teens to type characters by using pinyin and always selecting the first character in the list of options, regardless of the intended actual character. That was essentially phonetic writing, but as a result, texts were incomprehensible to parents (the desired outcome).

    • whoisburbansky 6 hours ago

      If the texts were incomprehensible to parents, how were they comprehensible to their intended recipients?

      • olalonde 16 minutes ago

        I think it's just easier for beginners (or teenagers) to go from phonetic to meaning. I guess advanced Chinese readers don't even read the words out loud in their head and go directly to meaning. I'm beginner/intermediate at Chinese and surprisingly, I noticed that my pinyin is often better than many Chinese natives.

      • raincole an hour ago

        The real answer to your question: the most commonly used Chinese input method allows you to type the first pinyin letters only, and the algorithm will figure out the most likely Chinese characters you want.

        It's not "the parents" can't read it. It's that people who don't use electronics have a harder time reading it.

      • neaden 4 hours ago

        It sounds like the Chinese version of 1337speak.

      • oasisaimlessly 5 hours ago

        Read the nonsense text aloud and then listen. Presumably with practice, you don't actually to actually speak aloud, and your 'inner monologue' voice is sufficient.

  • est 3 hours ago

    Chinese characters are not some kind of alphabet. It's like an intermediate language (IL) of mind. Many studentds in China can understand a subject but had the pronouciation completely wrong. In fact many would argue Chinese languages were never unified (mandarin/cantonese/etc) but the scripts were.

    Chinese characters also had the benifits of photographic memory, presumably you are trained with the right method. The key is to detach the "listening/speaking" phonetics from the characters, wire your brain directly to visual ideograms along with reading/writing. Plus the grammar don't have conjugation nor declension, without the tense, case, voice, aspect, person, number, gender, mood, animacy, and definiteness and shit, which makes the scripts very fast to parse. I'd argue reading a paragraph of text is extremely fast in Chinese. You can grasp the general meaning from a large chunk of text without sequencially reading every word. It's like one of these novel apps that hightlight important vowel from English sentences for fast reading but still, you have to go to the translation layers of recall - sound - meaning process.

    Sadly this art is lost because ideograms are fading in favor of PinYin in cyber world. The rise of shot-vids make literacy an expensive skill.

  • joshdavham 13 hours ago

    > Chinese people are increasingly forgetting how to write characters by hand.

    For those who can’t read Chinese here, I’ll just note that this is basically the equivalent of forgetting how to spell certain words in English. For example, I can read just fine, but there are still words I’m not good at spelling.

    I’m just noting this so that this problem doesn’t seem totally exotic or specific to Chinese(/Japanese).

    • naming_the_user 7 hours ago

      Strongly disagree.

      If you can remember the word "chocolate" but not the spelling then you can guess it. You might write choklit or choclate or something but you can at least get close.

      If you forget what 警察 (police officer, jing3cha2) looks like then you're just completely screwed. Maybe you can remember a radical or two but it's still just going to be wrong and not meaningfully recognisable.

      I guess you could write down 景茶 (jing3cha2) and rely on the phonetics, or use a different word if you know one, but it's still wrong on a level that "choclit" just isn't.

      • Chathamization 3 hours ago

        > I guess you could write down 景茶 (jing3cha2) and rely on the phonetics, or use a different word if you know one, but it's still wrong on a level that "choclit" just isn't.

        If a non-native did this in their own way would likely look wrong, but Chinese natives do occasionally use phonics to write or to substitute some characters with others.

      • shrimptho an hour ago

        The counter-argument would be that the person could just use the pinyin or use a digital device to get them the characters. But as the article pointed out, those are both modern conveniences. Less than 100 years old both. The script absolutely gives no clues otherwise.

        Let's put it this way: We know what ancient might egyptian (most likely) sounds like because they gave their writting system the uniliterals, which are pronunciation guides for complex words. We know that they said waw, and we know what a waw sounds like. They did this probably so they would not to explode their character count from hundreds to thousands.

    • nabla9 13 hours ago

      The severity of the problem seems exotic.

      > However, this new digitally induced amnesia is not merely a matter of forgetting a few strokes in a rare character. Highly literate people are forgetting how to write the characters in words like ‘kitchen’ (厨房), ‘lips’ (嘴唇), ‘cough’ (咳嗽), and ‘broom’ (扫帚). Victor Mair (2014) provides a striking example of the severity of the character amnesia problem. The following image is of a shopping list hastily written by a social science researcher from the PRC. The writer of the list struggled to remember the characters in ‘egg’ (鸡蛋), ‘shrimp’ (虾仁), and ‘chives’ (韭菜), and simply resorted to Pinyin.

    • marc_abonce 4 hours ago

      > For those who can’t read Chinese here, I’ll just note that this is basically the equivalent of forgetting how to spell certain words in English.

      I can't read Chinese, but I think the article has a better analogy: "most people can easily recognise the musical symbol for treble clef (𝄞), but very few could draw it by memory."

    • mlinhares 13 hours ago

      Completely common problem. Anyone that speaks multiple languages sees this everyday, there are many words in Portuguese/Spanish/English I need the spellchecker for (or even translation) to write because I don't use it as frequently in that specific language.

      That is happening a lot with cooking, as I started to take it much more seriously when I moved to the US and now my cooking vocabulary in English is much better/wider than it is in my native Portuguese, so I'll frequently use words in english for stuff I should know in portuguese but don't remember.

    • keybored 7 hours ago

      > I’m just noting this so that this problem doesn’t seem totally exotic or specific to Chinese(/Japanese).

      English orthography is exactly that. Exotic.

      Imagine having such a strange spelling system that you have competitions where you try to recite spelling. Exotic.

      • pulsarmx 3 hours ago

        Many people would consider Spanish, my native language, to be much more straightforward when it comes to spelling.

        We still have spelling contests at state and nation levels.

    • adastra22 10 hours ago

      Except in German this is not a problem. The idea that you could say/hear a word and not know how to spell it doesn't even make sense in that context.

      • throw_pm23 10 hours ago

        Nah, it's common in German too. For example, the first parts of "Widerspruch" and "wiedersehen" are said/heard the same, so you just have to learn the spelling. Many, many other examples... Although on the scale of languages German is indeed closer to phonetic spelling than some others.

        • jbeninger 9 hours ago

          But if you were asked to spell the words, you'd produce something close to what was expected, rather than drawing a blank. The question "how do you spell wiedersehen" contains in itself a lot of clues.

          This feels more like "what's the Unicode character for 'full moon'?" I'd be able to recognize the result as correct, but if I don't know the answer, I just don't know.

          (Of course, that goes too far in the other direction. I assume you can draw a few strokes to "get someone started" on a character and they'll pick it up, whereas most people wouldn't recognize the first half of a Unicode code point. As the grandparent poster said, it's an exotic problem that's hard to empathize with in phonetic languages)

          • e63f67dd-065b 8 hours ago

            > I assume you can draw a few strokes to "get someone started" on a character and they'll pick it up

            In my experience this is not actually the case; I can usually remember a few parts of the character but draw a blank on the rest. You can see the picture of the grocery list that for some characters he got basically half the character right but gave up on the other half (shrimp is the combination of 虫 and 下, you can see he remembered the first half).

            I guess there's several levels of character amnesia here, from "I remember half the character" to "I have no clue but I'll recognise it".

        • adrian_b 7 hours ago

          I do not think that the example is good. "Wider" and "wieder" have different meanings, even if they are probably derived from the same word.

          I do not know if this is true in all the German dialects, but at least some pronounce "wider" with short "i" and "wieder with long "i", so they are easy to distinguish when heard (like the difference in English between "fill" and "feel").

          English and German appear to have had a similar semantic evolution for this pair of words, because "wider" means "against", while "wieder" means "again", so in both cases a single word has evolved to cover these two different meanings and the variants have become differentiated in pronunciation too.

          • piojojo 7 hours ago

            I'm a native German speaker and i don't know of a dialect in Germany that would pronounce "Widerstand" with a short "i". Would you mind sharing which dialect you think of?

            "ie" is always long. For "i" it depends on the splitting of the word, i think. I don't know if this is a concept in other languages too. I think the rule is that if the "i" is at a split, then it is long, but i'm not sure and there are always exceptions to every rule in German. Consider "Schnit|zel", "Lis|te" (short) vs "Bi|bel", "Wi|der|stand" (long).

            • adrian_b 6 hours ago

              I have worked for some time in Germany and this is how some coworkers pronounced it, but I do not know where were they from.

              From what you say I assume that the literary pronunciation is also with long "i", which is good to know.

              Perhaps they were influenced by the different spelling, because I have seen this phenomenon in other countries, where despite a mostly phonetic writing some words were spelled differently than pronounced, for etymological or other reasons, and then the pronunciation of those words by many people has shifted, matching the spelling and not the traditional pronunciation.

      • joshdavham 9 hours ago

        > Except in German this is not a problem.

        I don't know any German, so I can't comment on this, but I'll add that the concept of a spelling contest (like we have in English) wouldn't make sense in a lot of languages because the spelling of words are so obvious/consistent.

      • Ekaros 7 hours ago

        Finnish does this very well too. There is only a few tricky parts, but in general the spelling and pronunciation match. And if they don't, obvious solution is to write as word is pronounced. Which is a drift, but I think it is more desirable way.

      • zelphirkalt 10 hours ago

        I think Spanish is a much better example for write how you speak and still being correct, than German.

        • Xenoamorphous 8 hours ago

          Hmmm not so literate people (or just children) make a lot of mistakes writing Spanish because a bunch of letters are pronounced the same. And then the “h” when not preceded by a “c” is silent, which causes issues.

          What is true however is that of you learn the pronunciation rules you should be able to read a text correctly even if you have no clue what you’re saying. That’s not true of English for example.

        • adastra22 7 hours ago

          Is it? There is a lot of historical spelling in Spanish, though not as much as English. German, on with the other hand, has its spelling routinely updated every few years.

    • timlatim 13 hours ago

      Even the Chinese Character Heroes competition mentioned in the article seems a lot like the spelling bee in the US, doesn't it? I wonder if the anecdote about the PhD students has a cultural dimension in addition to language proficiency — could the students have refused not because they don't know the characters, but because they aren't fully confident they wouldn't make a mistake?

    • cubefox 8 hours ago

      The article points out that, because Chinese is not a phonetic language, if you don't know how to write something, you might not be able to write it at all, while in phonetic languages you can always spell something that sounds the same. E.g. "snees" for "sneeze".

      • almaight 3 hours ago

        This is true in mainland China, but not in Taiwan. There, katakana is used as pinyin, and words can be composed by katakana.

        • vunderba an hour ago

          I'm not sure where you've got this from, but I lived in Taiwan for years - you might be thinking of 注音 which does look similar to kana but is distinct and unrelated.

          And the authors article is referring to the writing of the logograph - 注音 is strictly for pronunciation.

  • ggm a day ago

    Mao and the party nearly adopted pinyin as the national alphabet but stepped back from the brink.

    I remember the great Peking->Beijing uplift. Reading "China reconstructs" magazines there were suggestions it was coming, and then it just went away. BBC newsreaders explained it was the new official look. Like Turkey-> Türkiye.

    I suspect all syllabery/ideogram scripts have this latent problem. At 2,500 ideograms for "literate" there's a lot of potential to lose non core elements. "Educated" means over 5,000 heading to 10,000 and the complete set is north of 40,000 from what I understand. I can't imagine the investment in time to get there.

    • Terr_ 3 hours ago

      > nearly adopted pinyin as the national alphabet

      Some years ago I saw street-signs in China that had both Mandarin characters and also alphabetical versions, and I couldn't understand why they would go so far and then omit the accent marks.

      I wonder if it's been fixed since.

      • emmelaich 2 hours ago

        Maybe the same reason English road signs omit punctuation.

    • lazide 16 hours ago

      China is highly competitive, with a history of using ‘merit’ based admission tests.

      The system/barriers were setup (as one’s always are) by incumbents, and the way they did it (while continuing to present it as ‘merit’ based) was to lean heavily on tests that require extensive memorization and tutoring, because only the wealthy can afford it.

      This is one obvious sign of that. After all, who has time to memorize 40k different characters?

      • looping__lui 15 hours ago

        That seems a bit made up tbh. I’ve worked with a fair number of Chinese overachievers (both in domestic China and abroad) and family background/affluence weren’t even remotely as much of a factor compared to the US or India (except for the IITs). Also, I noticed there were many many cases of brilliant young people rising through the ranks of the academic system in China compared to India for example where teachers often simply would not show up in public schools.

        Personal background: I worked and studied in the US, I worked in China and I studied in India

        • alephnerd 15 hours ago

          I think they mean historic (as in pre-1911 China).

          And they aren't wrong, as even major China scholars like Yasheng Huang and Yuhua Wang point out that the Imperial Civil Service in China was stacked against merit due to structural issues that biased in favor of incumbents.

          That said, similar issues continue to persist in China to this day due to the Zhongkao.

          Specifically, if you didn't attend a academic high school (which only accepts around 45-55% of Zhongkao takers) you wouldn't be prepared for the Gaokao unless it was out of pocket at a cram school (which are now technically banned, but were anyhow exorbitantly expensive in a country where the median household income is $4,000). And if you couldn't pass the Gaokao, you couldn't attend university.

          Furthermore, Academic High Schools tend to be few and far between, yet take the lion's share of resources unlike Vocational High Schools which most Chinese attend - but not the ones you meet in an air conditioned office unless you order from Meituan. In the vocational schools you see similar issues of teacher absence and lack of pedagogy.

          The failure of the VET system in China has been a major sticking point in Chinese policymaking recently and a lot of domestic research is being done to understand why it failed [0][1][2]

          [0] -

          [1] -

          [2] -

          • looping__lui 14 hours ago

            Thanks for the additional details.

            In Germany only about 30% of high-school kids qualify academic high-school (merit-based) and are eligible to apply for university after two-years of exams that determine your final grade (and chances). There are literally only public schools.

            I think you describe that it is very similar today in China after they banned the private tutoring a couple of years back. So, we are somehow back to “work hard on not to unequal grounds and your personal merit/luck will determine your future”.

            Thanks for sharing additional detail and it resembles what I remember - but it does not seem to be “instrumented in a way to keep certain groups out of academia based on income or social standing”.

            Imho a 30% ratio for university graduates is a sweet spot for society. We have great (free) vocational training programs in Germany that empower all those who did not go to university to make money quicker and they more often that not end up in financially better situations. University often pays off only for top university graduates once they pass 35/40 years of age.

            • josefx 11 hours ago

              > In Germany only about 30% of high-school kids qualify academic high-school (merit-based) and are eligible to apply for university

              Overall 50% of the population are eligible to apply for university since completing higher tier education at a vocational school or completing specialized courses at "lesser" schools can also fullfill the acceptance requirements for related fields of study.

            • alephnerd 14 hours ago

              The main difference is Germany actually puts money in vocational education and values it socially.

              China does not.

              China's education spend is only 4.1% of GDP, and much of that is diverted to academic high schools and universities. Furthermore, vocational students are viewed as "bad students" and good faculty prefer to join academic high schools or private high schools due to a better salary and social standing. Furthermore, even SOE factories (the traditional hirer of vocational students) in China now prefer hiring college graduates instead of vocational students because of a glut of college graduates due to cultural shifts in the 2000s-2010s, anti-vocational student bias, and college graduates trying to get a stable "iron rice bowl" (to use the Korean term) government job.

              > I think you describe that it is very similar today in China after they banned the private tutoring a couple of years back. So, we are somehow back to “work hard on not to unequal grounds and your personal merit/luck will determine your future”

              I think that was the aim of the legislation, but in action it didn't help social mobility much, because upper income households just resorted to private or online tutoring, and everyone ignores it.

              It's not like legislators send their kids to vocational schools - they also prefer to send them to academic or top private schools so that they can then attend university (either domestically or abroad).

              > but it does not seem to be “instrumented in a way to keep certain groups out of academia based on income or social standing”.

              In face value it doesn't, but in action urban academic high schools and primary schools get the lions share of funding, and until recently those are gatekept to people holding a hukou for that city.

              This meant that urban migrants who weren't able to convert their rural hukou to an urban hukuo (because that meant losing their rural landholdings which is the only asset of worth they have), and their kids were stuck either in underfunded rural schools or crappy private primary schools in an urban area.

              This has a significant impact on social mobility to this day, and is a major reason why China's median household income remains very low. Urban China's median household income is $6,000, but rural China's is around $3,000. This means the bottom half of urban society in China and much of rural China's society does not have much of a chance of upward mobility because they can't pay for private tutoring nor can they afford a good private high school if their kid fails the Zhongkao.

              • looping__lui 14 hours ago

                Thanks! That’s a lot of additional information. I appreciate the effort!

        • lazide 15 hours ago

          Made up how?

          It’s still more merit based and class mobile than caste anything.

          But the tests are the tests and require massive prep, eh?

          And the tests require massive amounts of memorization and time to prep for, compared to western tests - even now.

          Historically it was orders of magnitude worse though.

          • looping__lui 15 hours ago

            Kid’s ability to make it through the ranks of academia in my personal anecdotal evidence depends less on financial ability or social standing in China compared to the US or India.

            I agree that it is merit driven above anything else - not sure I would agree that this is favoring wealthy kids/certain social class in a more disproportionate way than what we see in India or the US.

            Now, I will say that neither university nor high school in China or India imho prepare kinds for success in life or the corporate world. Europe (with a hands-off “you get no help and will just struggle your way through life and learn quick”) and the US (“here are actual experts dedicated to help you succeed) seem imho to produce capable graduates for the corporate world.

            • lazide 14 hours ago

              Eh, see alephnerds comment above - that lines up with my experience as well.

              • looping__lui 14 hours ago

                Ok, the point being though (it seems): advantages are not universal geographically across China; I agree, that I also observed that.

                • lazide 14 hours ago

                  In that geographical advantages are expressly tied to income and ‘official ness’ in an area (the Hukou system)?

                  If one is a poor rural immigrant in an otherwise high end area, you don’t get to send your kids to the nice schools.

                  • alephnerd 13 hours ago

                    The issue with hukou is two-way.

                    Urban cities of course don't want to hand out urban hukou easily because they don't want an influx of migrants straining social services.

                    But conversely, a lot of rural hukou holders do not want to give up rural hukou because it gives retirement benefits at 55 and is a requirement in order to keep their rural landholding.

                    This is why you have migrants with a rural hukou working in urban China but not gaining an urban hukou.

                    The problem with hukou is fundamentally a social safety net problem - there is little to no social safety net in China, so the "migrant to urban area with rural hukou" is the least bad option out of multiple bad options (keep rural hukou and live in rural China barely eking a living or give up rural hukou and lose the only appreciating asset you had along with benefits at 55).

                    In essence, the lion's share of Chinese development is overly concentrated in a handful of urban agglomerations, and isn't spreading to rural China where 45-50% of Chinese still live to this day.

                    • lazide 13 hours ago

                      The hokou/education thing is pretty clearly one way though, correct?

                      • alephnerd 12 hours ago

                        Just making urban hukou easier to adopt (which is something that multiple municipalities slowly started doing in the late 2010s) isn't enough to solve the social mobility issue.

                        Parents won't give up rural hukou if it also means losing your landholding and early retirement stipend benefits.

                        If you're a migrant worker from a rural household, you are most likely an unskilled laborer and are earning around $300/month, with dad working on a construction site or Meituan and mom working in a factory doing unskilled assembly or service job.

                        Around $150 is spent on incidentals because living in an urban area is expensive, an additional $100 is sent back to your family (grandma, grandpa, kids because the one child policy was largely ignored in rural China) back home in your rural town, and you might have $50 left over to save for retirement, healthcare, etc.

                        This is not enough to buy urban property, which is the asset class that appreciated the most in China, and this means the only large asset you have is your rural landholding. Furthermore, that early retirement benefit means you're earning an additional $15-20/month while continuing to work as a laborer or a Meituan delivery driver.

                        Fundamentally, salaries are too low in China and the social safety net is nonexistent, and this is what is causing the issues like overproduction, deflation, and sagging consumer demand which we are seeing nowadays.

                        The only way to solve this problem is to either expand the welfare system dramatically (thus incentivizing the bottom half to spend more by having to save less) or increase wages (thus incentivizing the bottom half to spend more by allowing them to save at the same rate while spending more). Working on increasing the quality of life in rural China would also help dramatically.

                        Sadly, Chinese leadership at the top level continues to ignore social welfare spending and rural China due to financial and moral concerns.

                    • nradov 11 hours ago

                      Given the collapsing demographics in China, many of those rural hukou holders are obviously not going to receive the promised retirement benefits. The surplus resources to fund those payments don't exist so either the retirement age will be raised or benefits will be cut (either officially, or unofficially by just not sending payments and ignoring any protests).

                      • alephnerd 11 hours ago

                        Retirement benefits are the last thing the CCP touches because tens of millions of Chinese heavily rely on it already.

                        China is authoritarian, but the CCP absolutely does take public sentiment into account, and policies that have the chance of causing mass protests and discontent do get rolled back.

                        Zero Covid is a perfect example of this, as it was hastily rolled back after the wave of protests following the apartment fire in Urumqi due to Xinjiang CCP's hard Zero Covid enforcement.

                        And this is why China had not raised the retirement age until in the past few weeks despite trying for decades, and anyhow kicked that can down the line to 15 years.

                        • nradov 9 hours ago

                          I understand the concern over public sentiment but where will the revenue come from to pay those benefits? The ratio of workers to retirees is inevitably going to go way down and it seems unrealistic to expect that the government can borrow its way out of the problem. The retirees will have to take a hit somehow.

                          • alephnerd 9 hours ago

                            > where will the revenue come from to pay those benefits

                            A mixture of bonds/borrowing, federal bailouts, and (painful) corporate tax reform.

                            This is a major reason why provincial law enforcement has recently begun cracking down on unpaid corporate back taxes recently, because social spend is largely devolved to the provincial level.

                            The property crisis in China is itself a result of the retirement fund issue, as until recently provincial government's only financial lever was land sales, and retirement funds are largely the domain of provinces following Deng's reforms.

      • nneonneo 14 hours ago

        Once you get to ~5000 characters you can read most common texts. Vanishingly few people will know ~40,000 characters; a large fraction of those are obscure or ancient characters that only show up in historical texts.

        • lazide 13 hours ago

          That is rather the point I was making, wasn’t it?

    • otabdeveloper4 14 hours ago

      There are only about 200+ Chinese ideograms. Certainly not in the thousands.

      • nneonneo 14 hours ago

        This is comically incorrect. Even the article plainly states that you need to know ~1500 characters to be considered literate in Chinese, with sixth graders required to learn ~2500 characters. A quick perusal of practically any Chinese-language website (e.g. will quickly disabuse you of the notion that there are "only 200+ Chinese ideograms".

        You might be conflating "ideogram" with "radical", i.e. components of characters. There's probably a few hundred of those defined, but they're more like pieces of characters rather than whole ones. Combining radicals produces very different characters that have totally different meanings; learning the radicals alone buys you very little.

        There are thousands of characters, and you have to know thousands. There are tens of thousands of characters in existence, although only highly educated folks will know anywhere near 10000 characters.

        • otabdeveloper4 8 hours ago

          The vast majority of Chinese characters aren't ideograms.

      • vitus 14 hours ago

        Um, no. If you're talking about radicals (of which there are generally considered to be 214), yes, but you can't read / write in general if you only know those. Also, of those 214, a good chunk aren't standalone words. You're never going to see 疒 or 丶 by itself.

        You won't have the words for "I" or "you". You might be able to read "melon" but not "fruit". You could read "papaya" and "corn" but not "vegetable". You could read "beef" or "lamb" but not "chicken". You could read "small" but not "few". You wouldn't be able to read "hello" or "goodbye", "happy" or "sad". But you'd be able to count 1, 2, 8, 10, 11, 12, 18, 20...

        • duskwuff 9 hours ago

          The fact that characters are made up of radicals does make them easier to learn, though. There are ~2000 characters in the core vocabulary, sure - but it's not like you have to learn to write every one of them individually, just like you don't have to learn the spelling of every English word from scratch. There's common patterns.

        • otabdeveloper4 8 hours ago

          The vast majority of Chinese characters are phonetic compounds, not ideograms. There are only a few hundred ideograms.

          • vitus 6 hours ago

            That's understating the actual number of distinct components you need to know, but even so, just memorizing the individual ideograms still isn't enough to allow you to read Chinese with meaningful fluency.

                Since the sound changes that had taken place over the two to three thousand
                years since the Old Chinese period have been extensive, in some instances,
                the phono-semantic natures of some compound characters have been
                obliterated, with the phonetic component providing no useful phonetic
                information at all in the modern language. For instance, 逾 (yú; /y³⁵/;
                'exceed'), 輸 (shū; /ʂu⁵⁵/; 'lose', 'donate'), 偷 (tōu; /tʰoʊ̯⁵⁵/; 'steal',
                'get by') share the phonetic 俞 (yú; /y³⁵/; 'agree') but their
                pronunciations bear no resemblance to each other in Standard Chinese or any
                other variety.

            Or, consider 亭 (ting2), 叮 (ding1), 成 (cheng2), 打 (da3) which all supposedly derive their sound from 丁 (ding1) per the analysis at You can't just memorize the components and read all of these as "ding".

            And beyond that, that doesn't help with being able to write. You can't just say "oh, I don't remember exactly how to write this word, but I'm just going to throw in some ideograph with the right phonetic component next to the radical and my reader will just know what I mean." You can't just take 瓦 (pottery) + 平 (ping2) to invent the word for vase. 瓶 (ping2) instead uses 并 (bing1), not to be confused with 井 (jing3).

        • DiogenesKynikos 6 hours ago

          Learning the radicals is maybe the first 10% of the effort in learning how to read and write Chinese.

          After that, you still have to learn how to combine the radicals in pretty much arbitrary ways to form several thousand characters. The way you combine them is sometimes related to the sound and/or meaning of the radicals, but it's not systematic at all.

          The grandparent comment is massively downplaying the difficulty involved in learning to read and write Chinese.

      • orwin 14 hours ago

        I'd say thousands of ideograms composed by hundreds of logograms, and you can be both right (this is actually a very reduced view of what logogram is, but English is quite imprecise on this).

  • derekhsu 3 hours ago

    Yes, I endorse his research. As a Taiwanese, I use Traditional Chinese daily in Taiwan, primarily on computers and mobile phones, but I can’t write many of the Chinese characters he mentioned in the article.

    I can share a more personal story: after spending a year studying abroad in Britain, I almost forgot how to write Chinese characters—even my own name—since I hadn't written any for over a year! However, when I returned to Taiwan, I was able to recall most of them within minutes. I consider this a temporary phenomenon that fades quickly with focus and a bit of practice.

  • jim-jim-jim a day ago

    The Heisig method, which recursively breaks down Chinese characters into patterns with arbitrary meanings, can help you sidestep this problem. You're never dealing with shapes anymore, but rather reconstructing stories from these stroke/meaning pairs. Since patterns consist of subpatterns, you can tweak the level of granularity until a sensible narrative emerges. Just recite that story as you move your pen.

    It's a lifesaver as an adult foreign learner, but I don't really see anything preventing native writers of Chinese and Japanese from benefitting from this general process as well. I've wondered if the guys who pass those truly insane 6,000+ character exams have to fall back on some sort of hack at that point.

    • eloisius 16 hours ago

      As another adult Chinese learner, does something like the Heisig method really help with language acquisition or just memorizing characters? I’m skeptical because of the immense amount of time it takes to learn even without elaborate story construction for each character. I’ve kind of resigned to being a word processor idiot, and only memorizing characters in handwriting as a bi-product of usage.

      • mbivert 15 hours ago

        It may be anecdotal, but I once involuntarily trained my memory by trying to recall what I've been doing each day. After a few weeks, my memory noticeably improved.

        That's to say, the task may feel insurmontable at first, but if you give time to your body to adjust, it should become easier.

        • graeme 15 hours ago

          That's very interesting. Did the memory boost persist? If so do you do any maintenance exercises like the original ones or have you noticed other effects?

          • mbivert 14 hours ago

            It's difficult to say: I think shortly after this "incident", I started doing more maths/physics on my free time, which must have help this boost to persist.

            Thinking about it, this recalls me of a Leonardo quote (pertaining visual memory then):

            > « I myself have proved it to be of no small use, when in bed in the dark, to recall in fancy the external details of forms previously studied, or other noteworthy things conceived by subtle speculation; and this is certainly an admirable exercise, and useful for impressing things on the memory. »

            I remember reading about similar observations regarding visual memory, where students trained to memorize visual information would outperform their peers (observations perhaps in the 1800s/early 1900s, IIRC a woman was in charge of this).

      • latentsea 3 hours ago

        I did Heisig's Remembering The Kanji as my first step on my Japanese learning journey. It helped make the written language feel more accessible, and I took it on as a fun challenge, but in hindsight only learning to read is important and learning to write is mostly a waste of time. Learning to read is vital, but being a word processor idiot is how everyone is living their lives for the most part.

      • jim-jim-jim 3 hours ago

        fwiw I studied Japanese, but I believe most of this still applies.

        It's divide and conquer. When you are reading the book, you are indeed just learning the characters. It's a significant ~2-3 month investment that maybe doesn't make sense unless you plan on living and working in the country. But once you've gotten through it, it absolutely feeds back into vocab acquisition, since the characters are now completely unambiguous to you. Much like how Latin/Greek helps with English, you can also work out what entirely new words might mean if you are familiar with their characters.

        • latentsea 3 hours ago

          I did RTK. I also learned to read around 3k kanji. Turns out it wasn't at all necessary to learn to write that additional 1k Kanji in order to become able to read / distinguish it.

          The time is better invested in simply studying how to distinguish visually similar characters. That alone solves the problem directly.

          • jim-jim-jim 2 hours ago

            I also did all three volumes and found the extra 1,000 to be a waste. Really polluted my Anki.

            > The time is better invested in simply studying how to distinguish visually similar characters.

            But you still have to know what you're distinguishing between, which might only arise after repeated mistakes. Heading off this frustration directly by studying characters may not have been the best use of my time in absolute terms, but it did wonders for my overall motivation and made me feel like I was doing more than treading water. Pre-Heisig I was reading specific books intended for foreign learners, while afterwards I was just reading the newspaper.

      • throwaway2037 3 hours ago

            > language acquisition or just memorizing characters
        What is the difference, in the case of Chinese?
      • adastra22 10 hours ago

        You've got it backwards. The Heisig method is faster, and less work overall. It takes about 10 seconds or so to set an image in your mind of the scene for a character, then a handful of reviews over the following weeks. Then you never forget it.

        Classical methods would have you drilling characters for hours upon hours of wasted time.

        • throwaway2037 3 hours ago

              > It takes about 10 seconds or so to set an image in your mind of the scene for a character, then a handful of reviews over the following weeks. Then you never forget it.
          As someone with experience using the Heisig method, I would strongly disagree. Yes, it is a helpful system to ease the burden of memorization, but it does not permanently embed this knowledge into your memory after "a handful of reviews over the following weeks". If this were true, there would be many, many more people who have memorized 4000+ Chinese characters, required for fluency.
          • adastra22 2 hours ago

            Well, "it worked for me." Similar reports for many people who have done fast-track Heisig speed runs, such as Heisig himself. It takes about 10 seconds of initial study to fix a story in mind (which is actually quite long--seriously count out 10 seconds slowly and imagine that time spent fully focused on the character at hand), and a review sequence that gets it in your long-term memory.

            There are in fact many people who have learned 4000+ Chinese characters, using this or other methods.

        • eloisius 10 hours ago

          I mean to say that my current method mostly omits hand writing. I can use a keyboard or phone to write and I can recognize characters fine. But on top of just learning a language, is Heisig so effective that I will be able to also memorize handwriting each character? Or do people measure how useful it is by being able to memorize the strokes for many characters, yet fail to become fluent in the language otherwise?

          • adastra22 7 hours ago

            Heisig will have you learn handwriting, yes. Because that is explicitly all you practice in that method.

            Aside: Do you learn simplified or traditional? I learned traditional. I would have anyway because my wife is Taiwanese, but I advocate others to do the same because it is arguably the same difficulty if not easier. And going traditional -> simplified is tractable whereas the reverse is not.

            Learning the Heisig method is similar: learning from a perspective of handwriting is easier, and you get the ability to read “for free.” It’s a better approach, even if you never need to write by hand.

            • eloisius 7 hours ago

              Also traditional, and I agree it’s easier to remember them than simplified characters even if they are more complicated to write.

              • adastra22 7 hours ago

                So you have a reference point for this. When you learn a character by the Heisig method, you go from meaning -> writing. You don’t bother practicing reading -> meaning. It turns out that it’s very easy to go from writing to reading, much like going from traditional to simplified, but the reverse not so much.

          • jryb 3 hours ago

            I'm using something similar to Heisig, and I can already tell that while I can list all of the radicals and components in a character, I have no memory of their relative positions. I'm also not trying to learn them and I only using a pinyin input method, but I can't imagine really needing to be able to write by hand ever.

            • adastra22 2 hours ago

              If you're not actually writing out the characters, you're not using Heisig. You wouldn't have that issue if you were actually writing them out. And it's not the wrote practice, it's the fact that you intrinsically must write one primitive at a time, which solidifies the order in the story. Most Heisig students end up developing slightly different primitive meanings for different placements, or an aspect of the story which controls the layout, for that reason.

  • e63f67dd-065b 8 hours ago

    I think a helpful analogy here for the non-chinese is recalling the names of pieces of music from hearing a short part and vice versa. I'm classically trained, and in my circles I can probably hum out a short piece of music that'll have other musicians go "I know the piece but am drawing a blank on the name" and vice versa. I know I'm not the only one to have had that happen to pieces I'm actively practicing :)

    Anecdotally, I can usually remember a few parts of the character but draw a blank on the rest. You can see the picture of the grocery list that for some characters he got basically half the character right but gave up on the other half (shrimp is the combination of 虫 and 下, you can see he remembered the first half).

    I guess this is analogous to only remembering the main themes of a piece and forgetting how the rest of it goes. I'll recognise it when I hear it, but can't recall it off the top of my head.

  • vitus 14 hours ago

    This discussion wouldn't be complete without a mention of, which AIUI was initially constructed as an argument against Romanization.

    In short, it's the same nominal sound with varying tones ("shi", which is closer in pronunciation to "shirr" than "she"), repeated about a hundred times, which is of course meaningless in spoken form (since there's not enough context to differentiate between the various forms), but actually conveys a story in written form.

    With the shift toward typing and (especially mobile) computerization in the recent era, it's really not surprising (to me, at least) that Chinese society is moving in a direction where literacy no longer extends to recall of individual characters, and only encompasses recognition, since recall is no longer as necessary of a skill in day-to-day life.

    • DonaldFisk 13 hours ago

      The poem is written in Classical Chinese, which was spoken over 2000 years ago, and back then would have been intelligible to a listener because the words would have sounded different. Even today, they sound different in e.g. Cantonese.

      There's a close relative of Mandarin (Dungan) which is written in the Cyrillic alphabet. The spoken language is tonal, but tones aren't used in the written language because written words are polysyllabic, and if you know how to speak Dungan, you can reliably infer the tones.

      • porphyra 10 hours ago

        The poem uses now-rare characters from classical Chinese but it was written in the 1930s and uses the modern Mandarin pronunciation of said characters. The whole point of the poem is to make everything "shi" in modern Mandarin pronunciation, to argue against switching from Chinese characters to Latin alphabet romanization.

        • DiogenesKynikos 6 hours ago

          You can also construct ridiculous sentences in English that no native speaker will understand [0].

          In normal texts written in modern Chinese, this is not a problem. Nobody writes real texts like the "shi" poem. In cases where something can only be understood in written form, you can rephrase it to avoid homophones.


          • Chathamization 3 hours ago

            It would result in a pretty severe loss of fidelity.

            You may think it’s not needed, because that information isn’t available in spoken Chinese. The same is true for written English - putting spaces between words, dividing texts into paragraphs, capitalizing them, differentiating between different pauses (a comma, period, semicolon, etc. all signifying what kind of pause something its), quotation marks, parenthesis, etc. - none of this is available in our spoken language, and we’re still able to understand it. In theory, we could get rid of them all and understand what’s being written. In practice, most people would find the result to be an incomprehensible mess.

            The same goes for Chinese. Written languages, for the most part, are more than a simple transcription of spoken sounds.

          • DonaldFisk 4 hours ago

            In normal texts, that's correct. However, written Chinese does contains semantic information which the spoken language and Pinyin lack and, unlike English, has fewer distinct syllables, and seldom borrows words from other languages. So someone who's literate in Chinese would usually be able to infer the meaning of unfamiliar words when written down, as they would already know the meaning of all their component characters, but might struggle if they were written phonetically. This is like having a good knowledge of Classical Greek when encountering words like nephropathy or myocarditis for the first time.

            It still isn't a very good argument, though. Most English speakers get by without any knowledge of classical languages, and accept having to look up words in a dictionary.

            • DiogenesKynikos 4 hours ago

              Someone who's literate in Chinese would only be able to infer the meaning of an unfamiliar character if they already knew all of the surrounding characters. Then, you can guess the meaning of the character based on context, and possibly hints from the character itself about pronunciation and/or meaning (though this is very hit-or-miss, because many characters don't contain obvious hints). In order to reliably know all of the context surrounding a character, you need to know about 3000 characters total (that's the point at which you can recognize 99% of characters on a page). This is still a very tall order, which takes years of study to achieve.

              The Chinese characters do indeed contain semantic information that Pinyin (the standard Romanization) does not, but in practice, you don't need that extra semantic information. If you write down a single word in Pinyin, it may have a few homophones, whereas the same word, written in Chinese characters, would be unambiguous. However, in written Pinyin texts, you would almost always be able to figure out which word is meant from context. In the few cases in which that would not be possible, the author could slightly rephrase the text to make it unambiguous.

              Most languages on Earth (that have a writing system) are written using alphabets. Chinese is not so special that it could not be written using an alphabet as well. The reason why China hasn't switched to an alphabetic script is because of cultural attachment to the script, not because the Pinyin doesn't work just as well in a practical sense.

              • DonaldFisk 3 hours ago

                > Someone who's literate in Chinese would only be able to infer the meaning of an unfamiliar character if they already knew all of the surrounding characters.

                In what I wrote, I was assuming there would be no unfamiliar characters, but there would be one or more unfamiliar words composed of two or more characters.

                I was trying to put forward the best argument I could think of for retaining the characters, but like you, have decided it isn't worth the additional effort of learning thousands of characters up front to become literate when you can use a phonetic script and look up any unfamiliar words in a dictionary instead.

    • adrian_b 7 hours ago

      This argument is also used for Japanese, but I do not consider it valid.

      This just proves that a phonetic writing is not sufficient, but it does not mean that the phonetic writing must be replaced with traditional writing.

      To resolve the ambiguity of the phonetic writing, both in Chinese and in Japanese, where the ambiguity is much worse, it is enough to retain at most a couple hundred symbols to be used as semantic classifiers. It is likely that a great part of the traditional radicals would be suitable to be retained as classifiers, with perhaps a part of them omitted if redundant and a few other symbols added, if necessary.

      Then the writing could be phonetic, but with classifier symbols attached to words, wherever the ambiguity makes them necessary.

      This is not a new method. The oldest writing systems, like those of Egypt or Mesopotamia, also used classifier symbols (with meanings like: "a kind of human", "a kind of god", "a kind of animal", "a kind of stone", "a kind of wood", "a body part", "a kind of tool" and so on) attached to the words written phonetically, to avoid ambiguities.

      If one would have to learn only 200 classifier symbols and with lower stroke counts than most symbols used now, that would be a great simplification.

      Many of the Chinese characters are actually intended to be composed of two parts, a semantic classifier and a phonetic symbol, but this principle is applied too inconsistently and with too many variants, so the system can be greatly simplified by using a simple phonetic writing like Pinyin together with semantic classifiers inserted in the text only if they are necessary.

      • latentsea 3 hours ago

        I think ambiguous homophones aren't actually much of a problem. There's usually only correct option that matches the surrounding context, so the correct inference is easy to make even with no characters at all . After all, there aren't subtitles when you're talking to other people, all the homophones still exist, and yet communication doesn't seem to be impeded.

    • vlz 13 hours ago

      Thanks for the interesting link! Nitpicking a bit, but if I understand this page (linked from the wikipedia article? see point 3)

      correctly however, the text was not meant as an argument against romanization but as a playful example of how pinyin are unfit for classical rather than modern vernacular chinese.

      • vitus 13 hours ago

        I'd accept that interpretation. To be more precise, I view it as a demonstration of information loss from replacing classical characters entirely with romanization, as opposed to a forceful argument against any form of adoption of romanization.

  • kens 11 hours ago

    The article lumps together writing characters slightly incorrectly and failing to come up with the character at all. For instance, the game show contestant wrote the word "烹" with one extra stroke, while the writer of the shopping list writer gave up entirely on the characters for "egg" and "chives". (This is analogous to the difference between misspelling an English word and not being able to think of the word at all.) In the story of three PhD students who couldn't write the characters for "sneeze" (打喷嚏), it's entirely unclear if they were completely stuck, or if they just made small mistakes.

    My question is if "character amnesia" describes trivial errors or if people are forgetting characters to a significant extent. In other words, is this article genuine or is it the equivalent of claiming English writers suffer from "word amnesia" because they sometimes need to look up a spelling?

    • mitthrowaway2 11 hours ago

      > In the story of three PhD students who couldn't write the characters for "sneeze" it's entirely unclear if they were completely stuck, or if they just made small mistakes.

      The article says "all three simply shrugged in sheepish embarrassment", which in context, reads clearly to me that they were embarrassed for not knowing where to start, not that they wrote them down with minor errors that they were embarrassed about after checking a dictionary. The rest of the article strongly reinforces this interpretation. For example: "‘lift the pen, forget the character’... this new digitally induced amnesia is not merely a matter of forgetting a few strokes in a rare character..."

    • adastra22 10 hours ago

      In the example at the start of the article, 烹, the contestant wrote "child" when the proper grapheme was "complete." That's a non-trivial error, even if it is only one stroke difference.

      • ben_w 9 hours ago

        > That's a non-trivial error, even if it is only one stroke difference.

        As is the difference between "fitter" and "filter" in English.

        • Chathamization 3 hours ago

          Even less of a difference. There's no equivalent character, so it's clearly 烹 written with an extra stroke. It's more like the difference between writing "deceive" and decieve."

        • adastra22 7 hours ago

          I don’t think so, no. English is phonetic and so some of those spelling errors can come down to your dialect pronouncing the word differently and forgetting the official spelling. That’s now how Chinese characters work though. It tells a story, and a story with “child” instead of “complete” is a vastly different story.

          • yongjik 7 hours ago

            Well, but as far as I can tell there is no legitimate character created by replacing complete(了) by child(子) in 烹. It does not matter what "story" it tries to tell, if someone writes "boild eggs" I'm not going to conjure up a hypothetical German etymology that might have led to "boild" that later got borrowed into English; I will understand it as a typo of "boiled".

        • riskable 7 hours ago

          The equivalent in English would be writing "ghyche" when trying to write the word, "fish". Yeah, that combination of characters/marks can make sounds equivalent to "f" "ih" and "sh" but it's so far off it's laughable.

    • animal_spirits 11 hours ago

      Further in the article he discusses the 'virtuous cycle'; connections between writing, speaking, and reading. With phonetic alphabets, the way something is spoken reinforces the way that it is read, the way it is read reinforces the way that it is written, the way that it is written reinforces the way that it is spoken (for the most part, even English fails this cycle sometimes). However, with character sets the cycle is broken, and the speaker has to learn 3 different memorization techniques.

      Regarding your question, there is a difference between not knowing how to write a word and not knowing how to spell a word. If someone in English doesn't know how to spell 'sneeze' or any other word, they can at least come close enough and convey information 'fuzzily' via text using an incorrect spelling. Now that I'm writing this, though, I suppose with character sets like Chinese if you know characters that are close enough you potentially could use other characters to convey the information, like mouth-fart for sneeze or something along these lines. But I don't speak the language, so that is just a theory.

      Do Chinese speakers use the language this way if there is a character they don't know how to write?

      • tdeck 9 hours ago

        > Do Chinese speakers use the language this way if there is a character they don't know how to write?

        I'm by no means an expert on the topic but one thing I have noticed in learning Chinese languages is that there are a huge number of homophones. That means there are probably 20 other characters with the same pronunciation for any given syllable that are considered different words (not to get into it here but the conception of a word in Chinese languages can be a bit odd too). It seems to be very common for people to use the character for a similar sounding word or syllable to write slang words or local dialect words that don't have an official character.

    • bloppe 10 hours ago

      > This is analogous to the difference between misspelling an English word and not being able to think of the word at all.

      Part of the distinction is that you can always at least misspell the word when using an alphabet. That's why the shopping list used an alphabetic script.

  • ilaksh 14 hours ago

    If people normally enter characters in their phone or computer rather than actually handwriting, then there is no reason to keep remembering all of the character details.

    Just like it doesn't matter that I frequently am uncertain about spelling for some words because we have spell check built into everything.

    Do Chinese usually use pinyin to enter characters or what is the normal method? Whatever it is, they don't need to remember the character strokes apparently.

    • nneonneo 14 hours ago

      Some older folks, particularly those with regional accents or less Pinyin education, stick with handwriting input (which was surprisingly good even ~20 years ago) - drawing the characters with a stylus or a finger.

      Most folks these days use Pinyin. The T9 input method (Pinyin, but using a nine-key telephone pad) is popular with folks who grew up using dumbphones.

      Finally, voice input is really popular in China. Lots of folks send texts (on WeChat) as short voice messages. WeChat even has a feature to auto-transcribe these voice messages.

      • euroderf 12 hours ago

        But Pinyin is based on pronunciation, which varies across China. So Pinyin is based on Putonghua ? So Pinyin reinforces the role of putonghua as a project of national unification ? And the pre-eminent role of Beijing ?

    • joshdavham 13 hours ago

      > Do Chinese usually use pinyin to enter characters or what is the normal method?

      In mainland China, it’s pinyin, but in Taiwan, they often use Bopomofo:

      • bonzini 13 hours ago

        Either way it's phonetic; it's not based on either the radicals or the strokes. Even though there are input methods that use those, they are not commonly used.

        • robjan 12 hours ago

          There are other input methods such as Cangjie or Sucheng which are also popular in Taiwan and Hong Kong. They have much faster WPM since they are based on the structure of the characters. Pre-smartphone there was a Q9 input method with one stroke mapped to each of 8 numbers and a wildcard for if you forgot.

    • bigstrat2003 10 hours ago

      > Just like it doesn't matter that I frequently am uncertain about spelling for some words because we have spell check built into everything.

      But it does matter that you don't know the spelling for some words. For one, you don't always have a computer to fix it for you. For two, the computer's spelling is often wrong and you need the human knowledge to fill that gap.

      • e63f67dd-065b 8 hours ago

        The interesting thing here is that nobody writes chinese one character at a time with pinyin; you almost always type out an entire phrase in pinyin, and usually there's only one meaningfully correct combination of those sounds in terms of characters and meaning (that's how the listener can tell what you're saying, after all, when listening) which will be the first choice in your input software (input software traditionally gives you a first choice with what it thinks the entire phrase is, and gets shorter with the 2nd choice onwards to partially match a phrase.)

        The problem is not that people can't recognise the words; it's that we can't write them if given pen a paper. If the phone gets it wrong you just choose the nth choice instead of the first.

      • anal_reactor 9 hours ago

        > For one, you don't always have a computer to fix it for you.

        You can't be serious. I thought that the "you need to be good at algebra because you won't have a calculator in your pocket" argument died out naturally. I can't recall the last time I actually made hand-written notes.

        > For two, the computer's spelling is often wrong and you need the human knowledge to fill that gap.

        It happens to me once a month that the computer cannot recognize a correctly spelled word, and virtually never in English.

        • bigstrat2003 7 hours ago

          > You can't be serious. I thought that the "you need to be good at algebra because you won't have a calculator in your pocket" argument died out naturally. I can't recall the last time I actually made hand-written notes.

          Then you are an extreme outlier. Most people write plenty of things down by hand in their day to day life. And there's no reason for the argument to die out, because it's completely correct.

          > It happens to me once a month that the computer cannot recognize a correctly spelled word, and virtually never in English.

          Again, this seems like an outlier. False positives and false negatives are both quite common in spell checkers.

          • anal_reactor 2 hours ago

            > Then you are an extreme outlier.

            If that were the case then the problem described in the article would be limited to just a few outliers like me. But it's not.

            > Again, this seems like an outlier.

            No u. The fact that you are on this website means that you most likely are educated, therefore you are likely to use uncommon words unknown to the spellchecker. Most people focus on just a handful of basic words needed for everyday life, and besides that, very few people actually care about correct spelling. All of my friends have at least college degree and 50% of them pay zero attention to correct spelling, I can only assume that average Joe cares even less.

  • thanhhaimai 4 hours ago

    > The orthography may be inconsistently phonetic, as is the case with English spelling, or highly consistent, such as the Korean Hangul system. No writing system is perfectly phonetic. But phonetic systems enable the native speaker, with just a few dozen symbols, to reliably write whatever they can speak, and read out loud anything they can read.

    I'm not sure if the author has studied Vietnamese. I'm a native Vietnamese, and I believe the language is perfectly phonetic.

    If I hear a word, I can write it. If I see a word, I can pronounce it, regardless of whether I understand the meaning.

    It's interesting that among the 4 countries (China/Japan/Korea/Vietnam), it's the only one that completely reinvented the language into Latin based. I think that refactor addressed the phonetic issue well enough. When I was there, there was also no TV program for "spelling bees" or something like that. Even a third grader could read/write almost any word (even when they don't understand the text yet)

    Edit: adding to this original post to reply a common theme people brought up in multiple posts.

    I think bringing up dialects and provincial accents is not convincing. There is one official way "gia đình" should be pronounced. It's taught in school, even in the South. Pronouncing it as "da đình" can still be understood, and it doesn't retract from the point that the language is phonetic.

    In other words, assuming I know nothing about the meaning of the word, if I hear "da đình" I can correctly write down it as so. I wouldn't know that in Saigon that also means "gia đình". But I definitely can write it down exactly.

    I don't think using provincial speaking accent is a good line of argument here. Otherwise, no language in the world can satisfy the phonetic requirements. Any group of people can have different accents, different tones, different sound length and pauses.

    • maianhvu 3 hours ago

      > If I hear a word, I can write it.

      Not if you account for variations of pronunciation in dialects. Not even the most phonetically accurate accent, the Hanoian Northern accent which I am a native speaker of, is perfect.

      For example, you could hear Northern Vietnamese people say "dổ", "dá" instead of "rổ", "rá". Morning dew is pronounced "xương" but is written as "sương". These characters are pronounced with greater clarity in the Central and Southern regions, but they have their own peculiarities too. Til' this day I still find it iffy they call someone named "Diễm" as "Yỉm". Unless you have seen the correct way to spell those words before, you can't say for sure. Even now as a working adult I find myself referring to the dictionary to make sure my accent doesn't embarrass me in official emails.

      In a perfect world, we can have one single Vietnamese accent that aims to pronoun all these words true to the intended way of the alphabet, but it isn't practical. That being said, one can get pretty far in Vietnamese when encountering new words.

      • ncann 3 hours ago

        Yeah, and because the "common" way of pronouncing these words/letters have become so entrenched in our minds, it often feels pretentious to hear people actively try to pronounce words in a way that they feel is "correct", for example trying to emphasize the "strength" of the tr/s/gi sounds as opposed to ch/x/d.

    • ncann 3 hours ago

      That's not quite true. There are many letters that sounds mostly/exactly the same, especially in everyday pronunciation. For example, "gia đình" vs "da đình", or "lý trí" vs "lí trí", or "xổ số" vs "sổ số", etc. If you don't know the word beforehand you wouldn't be able to write it down after hearing it.

  • yejanll 7 hours ago

    The Greeks and the Romans got it right; a small set of characters that can be combined to form any word. Complexity from the composition of simpler elements, not inherent. Computer interaction via keyboard makes the superior design all the more obvious. Those guys were ahead of their time. Ave imperator, morituri te salutant.

    • larkost 5 hours ago

      I would argue that a system like the Japanese Hiragana or Katakana are a better system: they are each 56 letters that directly correspond to syllables. So "ha" is a single letter, as is "he", as is "be". With this nearly everything you say is directly translated both directions, and there are fewer complications (there are always a few, for example in Japanese one of those 56 letters is "n".. so no vowel, and in many dialects you say "s" for the "su" character if it is on the end of a word, and there are a few oddities around letters involving "y").

      English, being the composite/mongrel language that it is has really complicated patterns for how you put letters together. For example the "i before e except after c as in neighbor and weigh" sort of thing (which does not cover all of the exceptions of course). This sort of thing has lead to the existence of spelling competitions in the English-speaking world (spelling bees). My Hungarian wife was surprised that such a thing existed. In Hungarian it is much closer to see-what-you say, with only a few exceptions (not that the rules are kind on English-speaking Hungarian learners like myself).

    • lucidguppy 6 hours ago

      There are benefits to both systems. Western readers have a hard time reading older writing - while eastern readers have no problem with very old texts.

      On the other hand - western scholars can understand what the spoken word sounded like - but eastern readers have a much harder time what ancient words sounded like.

      Western writing systems "decay" faster. Look at french writing - the spellings are phonetic for the time they were first put to paper - but they sound nothing like the current pronunciations.

      • xanderlewis 6 minutes ago

        Where did you get that idea from? I can read most books in Japanese, but probably not a word of most reasonably ‘old’ texts. I think most native speakers would struggle as much as English speakers do with, say, medieval-era English.

      • bsder 4 hours ago

        > Western readers have a hard time reading older writing - while eastern readers have no problem with very old texts.

        That's simply not true.

        Ancient Chinese calligraphy and language is so different that you have entire PhD fields about it.

        By contrast, as someone who has studied basic Latin in high school, I can read stuff from the walls of Pompeii without issue. I can directly read Latin texts from 700AD or so with the standard difficulty of reading handwriting.


        Now, perhaps if I were Chinese, I could read ancient graffiti on the Great Wall, but nobody seems to have ever mentioned that.

    • fsiefken 6 hours ago

      Yes, and when you strip out the vowels and squeeze the individual syllables together - the syllable almost becomes a chinese character or a llm token. Paleo-Hebrew (10th century BCE) was a century older then ancient Greek (9th century BCE). Like Phoenician (from which ancient Greek derived) it shared close roots with Proto-Sinaitic.

      The Proto-Sinaitic alphabetic script is the oldest (1800–1500 BCE) and evolved from Egyptian hieroglyphic symbols. It contained simplified characters representing consonants, The Phoenician alphabet came later, around 1050 BCE, evolving from Proto-Sinaitic. It became a widely used script with 22 consonantal characters and was highly influential, serving as a foundation for both the Paleo-Hebrew and Greek alphabet. The Etruskan alphabet was adapted from the Greek alphabet in the 8th centry BCE and the Roman alfabet was adapted from the Etruskan alphabet in the 7th century.

      Alphabets with 20–30 letters seem to be close to a neurolinguistic optimum for balancing simplicity with expressiveness. The Armenian script was designed by monk and linguist Mesrop Mashtots in the 5th century CE to enable the translation of the Bible into Armenian. With 39 letter it represents Armenian phonetics. The Khmer alphabet with 74 characters evolved from the ancient Pallava script, which was developed in Southern India around the 4th century CE. By the 7th century CE, the Khmer people had adapted the Pallava script, creating an early form of the Khmer script. This script was initially used to write Sanskrit and Pali, the languages of Hindu and Buddhist texts.

    • w0de0 6 hours ago

      I believe you mean the Ugarites, Phoenicians, & other northwest Semitic peoples. They developed from cuneiform syllabaries the abjad which the Greeks subsequently adopted (being their language's second written form, preceded by Linear B before an interlude of illiteracy). The Greeks added only non-diacritic vowels.

  • meindnoch 13 hours ago

    Sounds like a losing battle to me. Handwriting in general is doomed to go the way of the dodo. The difference is that with Latin characters, you can at least "draw" them fairly easily from memory.

  • prng2021 3 hours ago

    China should make another attempt at simplifying their written language. Yes it’s a monumental task, but Korea managed to mostly transition off of Chinese characters.

  • staplung 5 hours ago

    The BBC produced a great series, The Secret History of Writing. There's a segment where you can watch some Chinese speakers experiencing this while being prompted to write mildly uncommon words like "cough" or "embarrassment".

    The whole series is worth a watch if you're into writing.

  • ksp-atlas 15 hours ago

    I've seen Chinese input methods where instead of keys corresponding to sounds in Pinyin, they correspond to strokes in characters, I wonder if this could help with character amnesia.

    • vitus 15 hours ago

      They do exist, but as far as I'm aware, wubi and cangjie are very uncommon relative to zhuyin and pinyin. Even so, my experience is that you end up just memorizing chords for typing particular characters, as opposed to regularly deriving from first principles how a given character is constituted.

      Meanwhile, if you remember how the character is pronounced and can identify it in a lineup, it's far easier to use the phonetic approaches. (Even if your input method doesn't auto-correct the word based on context, experienced typists will also memorize the position of common words, so even they don't need to stop and look at the individual candidates in most situations.)

    • rahimnathwani 12 hours ago

      Right but it seems slower for people who are comfortable with pinyin. If I want to reply to a friend saying "I'm on my way and will be there soon", I can tap 'msll' and the input method will show 马上来了 as the first suggestion. 5 taps in total to enter 4 characters.

  • chvid 13 hours ago

    When I compare my handwriting to my father's I can see nearly 100% computer / phone use for writing has had its effect. With a gigantic number of characters, it would obviously be worse.

    It always struck me that a phonetic alphabet for writing rather was much simpler and easier to learn than a system based on pictograms. So much that a society could achieve the same level of literacy with much lower cost if they adapted a phonetic system.

    But I wonder if that is actually true? Has there been comparative studies of what mainland China did compared to Taiwan (which kept the traditional system) or Vietnam (which adopted latin letters) and its effect on literacy. Obviously hard to do ...

    • layer8 8 hours ago

      It certainly doesn’t help literacy in general, but one advantage of a writing system divorced from phonetics is that you can still read old written material even after the phonetics have changed over time.

      • DiogenesKynikos 6 hours ago

        Another advantage of using pictograms is that people who speak completely different versions of Chinese can still communicate in writing. They may pronounce the characters completely differently, but the characters still mean the same thing.

    • numpad0 6 hours ago

      I think "complicated" is one way to describe pictogrammic(ideogrammic) languages, and "offloading OCR to geometric sub-systems" is another. Formal Hanzi writings are grid aligned so it's probably more suited for batched processing too.

  • dj_gitmo 3 hours ago

    I wanted to write in cursive a few years ago and realized I had completely forgotten. It didn’t take long to remember with the help of a cursive alphabet, but I was still completely unable to get started without it.

  • numpad0 6 hours ago

    I think this is not as complicated as it sounds; it's same as how NN classifiers aren't always built to do label to image, only image to label. Being able to do former through a parallel pipeline helps(that's like GAN), but that ability isn't required in training or in inference.

    Your OCR engine in the brain might generate "𰻞" for 'zh_hant_適' if reversed, doesn't mean it can't recognize the latter.

  • QuadmasterXLII 15 hours ago

    We have this too! It’s not just treble clefs and ampersands- while everyone can read both forms of g, what fraction of people can draw both forms of g? Of course it doesn’t have the cultural baggage in the US.

  • jacksonLiu89 2 hours ago

    it is quite common, since chinese people use hand write not a lot as previous time.The computer and internet will make this more common after serveral decades.

  • raalyt 2 hours ago

    I decided to practise some “千字文” in fountain pen calligraphy after mind struggling as well for the character ”嚏“

  • Cerium 14 hours ago

    In English I find that I frequently cannot spell words without typing them. I wonder if there is actually some other related computer use effects.

  • nuc1e0n 8 hours ago

    Unicode has stroke and radical counts for over 75000 characters. As this article states, most Chinese written text on computers is actually typed using pinyin.

  • markus_zhang 13 hours ago

    It's simply people stop writing stuffs on paper. Nothing too surprising. I myself cannot spell some English words because I rely too much on auto-correction.

  • James_K 8 hours ago

    It would be rather interesting if technology simply caused people to start writing in the roman alphabet. Phonetic spelling is certainly the superior option, so perhaps that will simply be what people arrive at through inevitable statistical pressure.

  • Jun8 9 hours ago

    Many people here may not be familiar with David Moser, the author of this article. He’s frequently mentioned in Douglas Hofstadter’s book Le Ton Beau le Marot (fantastic book on language and translation BTW) in regards to matters related to Mandarin. He was a well known (as Mo Dawei) in China’s xiangsheng scene (a verbal comedy routine, and is probably one of the most knowledgeable foreigners on Mandarin. He started learning it in college in mid 80s.

  • howlingfantods 14 hours ago

    “Sneeze” or “喷嚏” is a pretty difficult word to write in Chinese in terms of number of strokes and its internal components. I’m not surprised people wouldn’t know it off the top of their heads. It’s like if someone asked you to spell “unnecessary.”

    • teractiveodular 14 hours ago

      The other dimension is that the second character 嚏 in particular is obscure: it's virtually never used in any other word than 喷嚏. In Japanese, it's a hyogai kanji not taught in school, meaning most people would spell it phonetically. Alas, this is not a practical/socially acceptable option in Chinese.

      The first, 喷 "erupt", is not exactly common either but is at least used in a few other compounds like 喷水 "fountain".

    • bigstrat2003 7 hours ago

      > It’s like if someone asked you to spell “unnecessary.”

      I would be quite surprised if someone couldn't spell that word, unless it was a child.

    • pessimizer 12 hours ago

      I don't think anybody is proposing that Chinese people are not normal humans making normal mistakes. The difference is that if somebody asked people to spell "unnecessary", there would only be three common mistakes they would make (based on whether letters are arbitrarily duplicated or not), and all would be easily understood by readers if written.

      English orthography is terrible (i.e. a single vowel can be a half-dozen letters), but there's a limit to how complicated it can be to write a word that one knows how to say.

      • wizzwizz4 5 hours ago

        Wiyul I took migh yot to Luffbruh (acting az a cooryer surviss), I inshored my dissertacion woz cerrect bye revuwing the seilerfoan musick. Suddenly, their was a laud noys. I rush't too the sighed of the bote, but I sore the wartre fludding inn. "Quick! Sumbody hasta seel the hoal!" I cryde. Fourtuneatley, the glew oonder the bought's scin maid the holl cloaze up, sow we kepped floting, butt we terned arowned buy mesteak. Immajin mie shock wen wee woshed up in Lossymuth! Eye wonet fourget thatt deigh enny thyme sune, that's fore shur.

        (I'm pretty sure this isn't eye dialect: I consulted the rhyming dictionary a lot, to make sure I was swapping spellings between two words with the same phonemes. I also tried to avoid reanalysis, though some of these words might not quite achieve that.)

  • mannyv 10 hours ago

    Does this happen in Japanese as well?

    • gramie 10 hours ago

      I remember almost 25 years ago, when I was teaching English in Japan, one of my adult students couldn't remember how to write the kanji (i.e. Chinese characters) for "police".

      Text input is now universally phonetic, and young people have a lot of trouble remembering how to write words.

      Add to this the enormous (and increasing) use of English words, written either in katakana or actually in Roman letters, and it's plain that Japan is further down the road of losing its writing identity than China is.

  • cat_plus_plus 10 hours ago

    It's not a problem, just transition to new writing instruments. I completely forgot how to write in my birth language (Russian) while my English handwriting is slow and messy. Doesn't affect me in any way. There is a valid need to leave a note when technology is not handy, sounds like pinyin solves this problem. Although, unless we are talking scratching out a message with a sharp stone, ballpoint pen and paper is also complex technology.

    There is nothing wrong with being sentimental, I lift heavy weights, collect vinyl and do film photography because I like the aesthetic of these activities. But let me force my own kids to learn whatever I think they should learn just like me at home rather than everyone forcing everyone else's kids in school.

    • throwaway313373 19 minutes ago

      How long have you been living outside of a Russian-speaking county?

  • smitty1e 12 hours ago

    Suddenly the woes of English spelling seem slight.

  • PerilousD 12 hours ago

    I got a little more than halfway into this long article, so I apologize if this was answered at some point. So what?

    Many native English speakers can't pick up a pen and paper and write intelligibly and would be in real trouble if they lost their phones; an increasingly annoying number TALK into their phones, not even pretending to type and just spewing auto-corrected crap out into the world.

    • mitthrowaway2 11 hours ago

      Doctors have messy handwriting, but I don't think I've ever met a native English speaker who completed elementary school who would pick up a pen and pause, completely uncertain of how to draw a letter of the alphabet. They might make minor spelling mistakes, but I don't think that's closely analogous to the phenomenon the author is talking about.

      • MarkusQ 10 hours ago

        The "Doctors have messy handwriting" trope derives from the fact that prescriptions often contain a large fraction of Latin terms, chemical names, abbreviations and acronyms that don't parse (and thus seem sloppy/illegible) if you are trying to "decipher" them as English. Doctors don't have significantly messier handwriting compared to similar populations (esp. now that drafting isn't as emphasized in architecture, engineering, and similar programs)

      • adastra22 10 hours ago

        This is far more analogous to spelling mistakes.

        • mitthrowaway2 9 hours ago

          The entire article is an argument to the contrary. It's fine if you disagree with the author's opinion on that point, but it's begging the question to just dismiss it on that basis. They even specifically mention that "this new digitally induced amnesia is not merely a matter of forgetting a few strokes in a rare character", which would be more like a spelling mistake.

          What the author describes is a phenomenon like wanting to write the word "analogous" but having no idea how to even begin putting pen to paper. Not writing the word and ending up with "analagous" by mistake.

          • adastra22 7 hours ago

            Do you read Chinese? I do. The examples given in the paper involve forgetting which radicals constitute a character. It very much feels similar to forgetting whether it is “through” or “thru”. They put the wrong component down. They did not forget how to write the set of components in common use.

            There are cases, almost certainly overrepresented here, where a character has some truly unique variation that the writer forgets. They know it is different but forget how. In almost all other instances it is a matter of forgetting “is it heart or fire here?” as these two are very similar. It’s like spelling with an i instead of an e.

  • anon-3988 15 hours ago

    Does Arabs and Sanskrit have the same problem to some extend? AFAIK, characters can sometimes combine and not.

    • dwheeler 14 hours ago

      Arabic is still fundamentally phonetic. The article mentions thus is only a Chinese and Japanese problem.

    • w0de0 6 hours ago

      Arabic is an adjad, so of course not. The "combination" you're thinking of is akin to cursive - stylistic.

    • alephnerd 8 hours ago

      No one uses Sanskrit anymore.

      Thar said, South Asian languages are phonetic so similar problems to Chinese do not exist.

      The best comparison for character amnesia in Chinese would probably be Japanese.

  • FpUser 7 hours ago

    >"Can the Education System Solve the Problem..."

    I think the question is rather: should it? Is there a real benefit for average Joe to memorize insane amount and complexity (at least to my untrained eye) of such characters? I think my brain would just explode. I'd rather use my memory for something more creative.

  • transfire 11 hours ago

    They really should let it go for common communication.

    It’s beautiful and culturally significant, and that will never be forgotten. But it doesn’t fit well with modern writing.

  • kleton 10 hours ago

    This has been a perennial "story" for at least 15 years on English language internet, but for actual Chinese it's not really a thing.

  • almaight 3 hours ago

    katakana! This is true in mainland China, but not in Taiwan. There, katakana is used as pinyin, and words can be composed by katakana.