• smt88 a day ago

    Why are the blogs on running application servers at all? You could build them locally and host them on S3 for close to $0/month and load would be a non-issue.

    • 999900000999 a day ago

      I like being able to write a blog post from my phone, laptop, etc.

      I know I can set up tooling for this with GitHub actions, but Ghost is worth 2$ per blog for me.

      I still have to find a way to find new free themes though.

  • cssanchez 15 hours ago

    Why didn't you try a barebones AWS EC2 with their Arm offers as well? Last I checked nothing beat them, especially if you reserve capacity in advance.

    Another option is buying a $5 Raspberry Pi Zero and hosting the ghost blog from there since the blogs don't have any traffic.

    • uaas 11 hours ago

      “Nothing beat them” in what regards?

  • dakiol a day ago

    I tried to sign up in Hetzner but always got rejected. Also, the idea of providing my ID/Passport to them is odd. I’m running stuff on Digital Ocean without having to hand over any IDs or using my real name. So far, so good.

    • acheong08 2 hours ago

      Similar experience. DO isn't much better. Their GitHub authentication is broken such that if you change your email on GitHub, you lose access to your DO account & must provide ID to recover it.

      Ended up on eth-services.de after seeing they sponsor mailcow.

  • satvikpendem a day ago

    Why are you paying for blogs, ostensibly static content, at all? Vercel and Netlify are both basically free for both. I use Hetzner too, but only for application services, not static content.

    • shinryuu a day ago

      OP is running Ghost, which is an application. Of course OP could have chosen to use a static site generator but didn't in this case.

      • satvikpendem a day ago

        I'm curious why they chose Ghost when Markdown works just as well, and either way, I believe Ghost can still work via Vercel etc.

        • 999900000999 a day ago

          I like Ghost.

          I took my monthly costs down from 30$ to 4$ HN tells me I'm still wasting money.

          I expect nothing less.

          Ghost is much easier to use than editing and commiting markdown files. I'm also able to create posts programmatically via an API.

          I guess this could all be done with Markdown too, but it would make things harder.

          • satvikpendem a day ago

            I used to use Ghost, so don't discount me as some "HN commenter." I switched to Markdown not for the cost but for the portability. It simply seemed easier to edit Markdown than to go into Ghost's editor for basically the same thing.

            • 999900000999 a day ago

              So I assume you edit markdown locally and then commit the files to Git which automatically builds into a static website?

              I'm doing certain things with the Ghost API that I don't think I can really replace with that.

              • satvikpendem 15 hours ago

                Yes I am. What are you doing with the Ghost API?

                • 999900000999 an hour ago

                  I automate the creation of certain posts.

                  Ultimately your not wrong, but I think Ghost is a great platform.

                  If anything I like creating tools that I can share with others. If I want to invite friends to post on my blogs it'll take 30 seconds to provide a login and creating posts is very easy with Ghost.

                  Getting non technical people to understand Git is a massive challenge I don't want to try again.

    • ipaddr a day ago

      Vercel costs become too costly once you get serious traffic. Plus a server allows you to do many things while hosting static content.

      • satvikpendem 15 hours ago

        For static content? Vercel, Cloudflare etc are extremely cheap for that, even free even for large traffic loads, but yes a server allows other things than static content.

  • nrnrjrjrj a day ago

    Digital ocean is good enough for this. You would be trading the power/$ ratio of Hetzner for probably an easier DX with more regional options.

  • BOOSTERHIDROGEN 21 hours ago

    I am using Hetzner but recently changed to Netcup due to more discounts.

  • revskill a day ago

    Or, just use notion and publish the writings ?