• stewartbracken an hour ago

    Let’s not forget P5js which has a long and esteemed history of helping to teach kids and more to program. It’s browser based so it’s compatible with every OS and requires no install. FOSS with an active community of users and contributors. I personally taught some middle schoolers with zero programming experience how to make interactive monsters in 1 hour. It was awesome!


  • fermigier 11 hours ago

    Title should say it's 13 years old and currently unmaintained.

    BTW: a modern, maintained alternative (With Python instead of Lua) would be Pyxel (https://github.com/kitao/pyxel -> discussion: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=40899520).

    • catwell 11 hours ago

      There are several alternatives using Lua too, including for instance PICO-8 https://www.lexaloffle.com/pico-8.php

      • d3VwsX 8 hours ago

        And TIC-80 (https://tic80.com/). It can be used with "lua, ruby, js, moon, fennel, scheme, squirrel, wren, wasm, janet or python".

    • rzzzt 9 hours ago

      Processing and LÖVE are also similar.

      • dTal 8 hours ago

        +1 to LÖVE, it's a capable rapid prototyping tool. I learned programming on QBasic, but if I were starting out today then LÖVE is the tool I would want to be handed.

    • gus_massa 10 hours ago

      It has a few changes dinduring 2020. Were all of them reverted?

  • litan an hour ago

    Shameless plug for my own offering in this area - Kojo (15 years old and still going strong!): https://www.kogics.net/kojo

    It's based on Scala, supports turtle (imperative) graphics, picture (functional) graphics, gaming at different levels (imperative, functional, OO), and more...

  • jll29 10 hours ago

    I was looking for something to teach 11-year-olds a couple of years ago, and ended up using Python with a turtle graphics library; this would have been another great alternative.

    Programming using a language like Lua has the advantage over Scratch-like environments (which a friend suggested I use instead) that you can talk about your code more easily if it is based on keyboard entry of keywords and operators rather than GUI events (such as moving graphical blocks by drag and drop) - although that is based on my intuition rather than backed up by any empirical study (please let me know if you are aware of one to support or refute this).

    • nxobject 9 hours ago

      Lua as a teaching language’s got a strength for everyone - if you’re a pragmatic person, Lua offers a fantastic offramp to gamedev; if you’re a theoretically-inclined person, Lua’s an elegant language - and it’s wonderful to formative programming experiences with elegant languages. (I started with SICP Scheme.)

    • shakna 3 hours ago

      I taught a class where we began with Blockly compiling to Lua, and slowly shifted to just Lua as the kids' programs expanded.

  • vitiral 6 hours ago

    Awesome, I'm working on something similar: https://lua.civboot.org

  • chkas 10 hours ago

    Another programming environment for kids with its own simple programming language: https://easylang.online/ide/

  • ferfumarma 7 hours ago

    the dragonruby game engine looks similar.


  • melon_tusk 11 hours ago

    What is antirez doing these days? His github history suddenly dropped to zero it seems.

    • antirez 8 hours ago

      Hi! Mostly writing, embedded programming and some AI stuff. Thanks for the interest :) and right now enjoying NYC.

    • catwell 11 hours ago

      He wrote a science-fiction book, then did some things with e-ink hardware and some with AI.

  • CyberDildonics 4 hours ago

    Anything like this should be compared to Love2D which is the gold standard. LuaJIT and lots of great libraries wrapped into extremely simple lua functions.

  • echelon 11 hours ago

    Did antirez receive any of the upsides from Redis commercialization? Or was that another group that took his code and ran with it?

    • dudus 11 hours ago

      I believe he sold his participation on the redis company far before the shit show.

  • mdaniel a day ago
