• Animats an hour ago

    That's a terrible paper. More than half of it is a puff piece on how great it would be if this works. Where's the new work?

    The process they're writing about seems to be this one: "A hybrid inorganic–biological artificial photosynthesis system for energy-efficient food production" (2022), in "Nature Food"[1] (I had no idea there was a "Nature Food" journal.) The actual conclusion there was that they could force algae growth with this approach, but when they tried lettuce, "... plant growth was largely inhibited by acetate at concentrations that would have measurably increased plant biomass, although some growth parameters such as roots showed increased growth ... Lettuce plants grown with electrolyser-produced effluent ... added to reach a final media concentration of 1.0 mM acetate did not show additional growth inhibition in plant weight or leaf number from secondary electrolysis products Plant tolerance and consumption of acetate as a heterotrophic energy source will need to be increased to fully decouple plants from biological photosynthesis."

    So, to make this work, it's necessary to bioengineer new food plants that will grow usefully on acetate-enriched water. That's a big project. It's a whole new food chain.

    Or you can grow algae and make various products of fermentation, and ultraprocess those into something edible. The Impossible Burger's bloody meat "heme" is a product of fermentation of a genetically engineered organism. That's just a flavoring. The product is mostly made from peas and soy.

    [1] https://www.nature.com/articles/s43016-022-00530-x

  • goda90 4 hours ago

    Would a heterotrophic adult plant have all the same micro-nutrients that a photoautotrophic adult plant has? I can imagine while one might grow lots of cellulose, maybe there are chemicals that just end up never being made by the plant cells or taken up via the roots in those conditions.

    I'm reminded of suggestions to point a fan at hydroponic herbs in order to enhance flavor. Just water, air, light, and dissolved nutrients isn't enough for them to be delicious. The plant needs some degree of stress or variation while growing.

    • roughly 2 hours ago

      This is known among wine growers as well - you need to stress the plant to get interesting grapes, otherwise you just get sugar water.

  • haccount 5 hours ago

    It's technically impressive in a way but it's also a dystopian hellscape enabler technology.

    The article even takes the opportunity to mention that It could be useful during "solar geo engineering events and nuclear winter". What kind of insane geo engineering event is envisioned where food crops cannot grow under natural sunlight and all food we eat is from GMO plants and mushrooms only?

    Did I mention the health inspiring carbon-monoxide step in the electrolysis process to produce the food for the plants? I did now.

    • zemvpferreira 4 hours ago

      A thousand atomic bombs are a dystopian hellscape enabler technology. Food that can grow without sunshine is a dystopian hellscape survival technology.

      You could not have this more backwards.

      EDIT: Unless you mean that someone would launch 1000 nukes on the belief that they could survive the impending hellscape only because of electro-ag mushrooms which is a possibility I strain to believe.

      • haccount 4 hours ago

        Harvesting Monsanto™ Dark-gro™ leafless GMO tomatoes with a cold LED headlamp in an underground bunker to the background hum of the electrolysis system that churns out megawatts worth of carbon monoxide feedstock.

        Not dystopian?

        • Windchaser 4 hours ago

          I think he's saying that the nuclear winter is the dystopian scenario. The technology that allows you to survive the dystopia is not, by itself, dystopian. The technology that creates the dystopia (like nuclear weapons) are dystopian.

          Worth noting that this same technology could let us reduce US agricultural land use by ~80-90% and rewild those same lands. Is having vast tracts of unspoiled wilderness "dystopian"?

        • mometsi 3 hours ago

          Look at lucky Mr haccount here, with his fancy brand-name produce. You call that dystopian? Here we just slurp our 10% white vinegar straight out of the acetate reactor for 300 kcal per liter.

    • nomel 4 hours ago

      > What kind of insane geo engineering event is envisioned where food crops cannot grow under natural sunlight

      For off-world, being able to dig a big hole, plug the leaks for atmosphere, and grow plants in it seems like it could be useful.

  • beedeebeedee 3 hours ago

    I'm not completely sold on it, but one of my friends is adamant that this approach powered by hydrogen deposits make all of our climate change issues (and other societal issues) into non-issues. I just wouldn't want it if it isn't done equitably.


    • goda90 3 hours ago

      At a global industrial scale, we're pulling lots of carbon out of the ground for energy and its ending up as carbon dioxide in the atmosphere with big consequences. We should also consider the implications of pulling hydrogen out of the ground at global industrial scales and it ending up as water vapor, trapping atmospheric oxygen in it. Generated hydrogen at least has a closed loop on water and oxygen from the atmosphere.

      • wmanley 42 minutes ago

        I don’t think this would be such an issue. There’s about 500x as much oxygen in the air as carbon dioxide.

        Increasing the amount of carbon dioxide by 140ppm is a 50% increase in carbon dioxide levels since pre industrial times.

        Reducing the about of oxygen, currently at 209,000ppm, by 140ppm seems like it would have a negligible effect.

        The far greater likely issue with natural hydrogen is that we simply don’t find any deposits of it that are both significant and economically extractable. And in the mean time we use it as an excuse to not do anything about carbon emissions.

      • beedeebeedee an hour ago

        That's a good point. I'm a little hesitant about it being so easy for us to just switch to a different fuel (without a lot of deep reflection and cultural change), and ending up with a different set of unforeseen (or foreseen but ignored) catastrophic consequences.

  • Aspos 5 hours ago

    For those wondering what electro-ag is: convert CO2 into acetate—a carbon-rich compound that can fuel crop growth without sunlight.

    • westurner 5 hours ago


      "Electronic soil boosts crop growth" (2023) https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=38767561#38768499 :

      > Electroculture

      > "Electrical currents associated with arbuscular mycorrhizal interactions" (1995) https://scholar.google.com/scholar?cites=3517382204909176031...

      Electrotropism: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electrotropism

      • Windchaser 4 hours ago

        Hmm, this article is about using electricity and CO2/H2O to make chemical feedstocks that would grow plants. The plants would "eat" the chemical feedstocks, instead of "eating" light.

        It's not about using electric fields to direct plant growth; that's a different thing

        • westurner 4 hours ago

          Perhaps electro-agriculture is an all-encompassing term, or a new usage in this context

      • haccount 4 hours ago

        What the op article suggests is using GMO plants that no longer use photosynthesis but instead drive their metabolism based on products derived from CO2 electrolysis and simple chemical man made compounds.

        Plant-made plants, like industrial chemical plant-made.

        • westurner 4 hours ago

          Is that more efficient than [solar-powered] industrial production processes that synthesize directly from CO2? https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=40914350#40959068

          What about topsoil depletion and compost production?

          • gene-h 4 hours ago

            It's 4x more efficient at solar to food production than regular plants with the potential to get a 10x improvement.

            • westurner 4 hours ago

              What are the downsides?

              I read that it was [Vitamin E] acetate in carts that was causing EVALI lung conditions?

              What nutrients does it require synthetic or natural production of, and how sustainable are those processes?

              Have the given organisms co-evolved with earth ecology for millions of billions of years?

              Acetate > Biology: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Acetate

  • waynenilsen 2 hours ago

    Electricity to food via synthetic chemistry feels inevitable. Casey Handmer has discussed in detail. Probably starts out with electricity + air to ammonia first.

  • trebligdivad an hour ago

    It's a shame it needs GM; I initially thought they were targeting producing an intermediate that they could just add to standard plants.

  • tfourb 2 hours ago

    The lengths some people will go to to avoid dealing with nature …

    It is pretty preposterous to claim something is “sustainable” that will use man made energy when the alternative is a natural process powered by the sun, for free. There are plenty of agricultural systems out there that use a fraction of the energy required by conventional industrialized agriculture while still being sufficiently productive.

  • krunck 2 hours ago

    > The demand for food production is intensifying with a rapidly growing population, yet farmers around the world face unprecedented challenges owing to shifting climatic conditions.

    How about we stop creating so many people? We don't have to eat vat grown slop if we just realize that there is a limited capacity for this planet to provide us with real, nutritious food.

    • CorrectHorseBat 2 hours ago

      That's a solved problem, the population is projected to peak before the end of the century.

  • metalman 4 hours ago

    could,bla bla bla,algea,Cupriavidus necator,bla bla extremophile bacteria,bla bla,could,fungi,bla bla,yeast,could,bla,might,may,bla,bla,electro-ag feedstock,bla bla,could,Genetic engineering approaches can be taken to enhance plant acetate metabolism.31 In other organisms, acetate utilization has been improved by overexpressing bla bla,might,acetate,acetate,acetate,acetate,bla bla,could trying to make bugs look good,I think