Google Cloud region in Germany suffers 12 hour outage


33 points | by belter 2 days ago ago


  • glzone1 2 days ago

    This was the europe-west3-c zone not the full region.

    I don't know why journalists can't get these things right (though a full zone outage WOULD be more interesting so perhaps it's a way to drive clicks).

    Power failure / cooling issues.

    • belter a day ago

      Google own temporary outage report confirms other zones were affected.

      "Google Compute Engine: Customers lost access to several VMs and disks in the europe-west5-c zone. For the other two zones in the same region, less than 1% of the operations that touch instance and disk resources experienced internal errors."

      The full post-mortem that will appear latter will probably provide aditional detail, but its known Google Zones and nowhere similar to AWS Zones...

      "Unmasking Google Cloud: How to Determine if a Region Supports Physical Zone Separation" -

      "...Contrary to some other cloud providers, Google Cloud Availability Zones are not entirely physically isolated..."


  • akshayshah 2 days ago

    > Customers lost access to virtual machines and disks in the availability zone. The other two zones in the region were less affected, with Google reporting less than one percent of operations experiencing internal errors.

    Contrary to the article's title, it looks like this was a zonal rather than regional outage.

    GCP incident report (also linked in the article):

    • belter a day ago

      From the incident report also problems with europe-west5-c

  • 2 days ago