Inserting a 0 bit in the middle of a value


28 points | by ingve 5 hours ago ago


  • tromp 2 hours ago

        uint64 insert_zero_bit(uint64 value, int pos) {
            uint64 top_mask = ~0u64 << pos;
            return value + (value & top_mask);
    > It only works for inserting exactly 1 bit

    But is easily generalized to inserting k bits:

            return value + ((1<<k)-1) * (value & top_mask);
  • explodingwaffle 2 hours ago

    The more and more bit-hacks I see, the more convinced I am that they should be handled by a cleverer compiler. Some intrinsic(s) where you say “do x, y, to these bits” and it just figures out the optimum way of doing it for whatever platform you compile for.

    • jsheard 2 hours ago

      This tool is handy if you want a specific bit shuffle:

      It doesn't always find the optimal solution but it usually gets close.

      • PhilipRoman an hour ago

        That's a really cool side. Sad that it doesn't allow duplicate indices. I tried implementing the same thing but with support for duplicates and it was definitely a humbling exercise. I'm curious if there is any formal mathematical theory for this (shifted-off bits would probably make it less elegant than pure rotation)

      • explodingwaffle an hour ago

        that page + the book Hacker's Delight are a big part of the reason I am so convinced of this :)

        If compilers/languages/standard libraries provided these bit permutations, and it was just something ~everyone had learned, it would be a lot easier to work with bits without needing to come up with the bitwise ops (or use that generator). In addition it would probably make better use of the hardware: sure, people like to pretend that we’re still programming C for PDP11, but modern hardware supports more operations than C has operators for (RISC-V B extension and co have the right idea <3)

        Modern compilers are probably pretty good? but I doubt they are perfect at turning code like that in OP into the best instructions. It is probably a bit late for C/C++ though. maaaybe possible to get it into LLVM and Rust.

    • sixthDot an hour ago

      Well it is already the case, for example things like ROR or ROL are generated by optimizers[1] from certain patterns of bitops.


      • jsheard 42 minutes ago

        That's more like the opposite, OP wants to tell the compiler what transform to do and have it figure out a solution, but in your example you give the compiler a solution and it works backwards to figure out the intent and rewrite it to a completely different solution.

        Most languages do have intrinsics for ROL/ROR at least, which you should generally use instead of relying on optimizer magic. I've certainly run into cases where those magic patterns don't get optimized (looking at you MSVC) but intrinsics always work.

  • fmbb 2 hours ago

    > there’s only ever between 1 and 3 anchor bits

    How often are these texturers transfered and how small are they?

    Doing all this to avoid sending at most three bits for a texture file sounds like a colossal waste of human life and of money.

  • badmintonbaseba 2 hours ago

    Nice bit twiddling hack! There are also the PDEP and PEXT instructions on x86 that could be used for this purpose, but it's possibly not worth it here.