Elon Musk's Conversations with Vladimir Putin


52 points | by NN88 7 hours ago ago


  • breadwinner 3 hours ago

    Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason. [1]

    To "adhere" means to support or be loyal to. In this context, it refers to someone aligning themselves with the enemies of the U.S., either by joining them or providing help and resources, such as intelligence, weapons, or logistical support.

    [1] https://uscode.house.gov/view.xhtml?edition=prelim&path=%2Fp...

    • moosedman 2 hours ago

      Putin's explicit aim is to bring down the United States by any means necessary. He doesn't care about conservative causes here. He'd just as soon kill the conservatives in service or destroying the United States. Helping Putin is helping the cause of destroying the United States. You have to understand, if you are American, you will never be his ally, you will only go as far as being another tool to bring down the United States. He has a pathological hatred of Americans born out of a deep feeling of humiliation from the fall of the USSR and the chaos of Russia in the 1990s. He hates us because we are American. That is reason enough for him to hurt you or your family.

  • aspenmayer 3 hours ago
  • 42lux 4 hours ago

    Speed running being Henry Ford any %.

  • moosedman 7 hours ago

    Treason season started early.

    • schiffern 6 hours ago

      Under US law, "treason" means either 1) trying to overthrow the government or 2) providing "aid and comfort" to enemies in war. The last time I checked, the US has not declared war with Russia.


      • dekhn 6 hours ago

        I think the Logan act is probably more apt? It came up a year ago when this was originally reported https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2023-08-21/musk-told...

      • JojoFatsani 6 hours ago

        War or not, he is aiding and comforting hostile nations.

      • aguaviva 5 hours ago

        No one said anything about US law specifically (which wouldn't apply to Musk anyway in this regard), or any kind of law.

        One can also read it as: "moral treason", betrayal, etc. Not for talking with the guy, per se. But at the moment, if anyone is talking with Putin, it should be for one purpose only: to end the war -- and with that explicit framework in mind. Not business as usual of any kind.

        And we shouldn't be expected to believe that they talked about “space as well as current and future technologies" in any case.

        • schiffern 4 hours ago

          On the contrary, in this very comment section posters have already called for Musk to be put on trial and possibly executed for treason. That doesn't sound very metaphorical...

          • aguaviva 3 hours ago

            I see one such comment, but either way: I meant of course "no one" not posting the type of comment you'd be likely to ignore anyway.

      • moosedman 6 hours ago

        We're well on our way towards war, but also I did add the word early.

    • 6 hours ago
  • MilnerRoute 4 hours ago

    That puts this story in a new light.

    "In October 2023, Musk shared a meme to his millions of followers" that according to leaked documents obtained by a number of European media outlets "was put together by none other than the Social Design Agency" -- a Moscow-based group accused by the U.S. of orchestrating a "persistent foreign malign influence campaign" on behalf of the Kremlin.


  • 5 hours ago
  • breadwinner 3 hours ago

    The correct title is Elon Musk's Secret Conversations With Vladimir Putin.

    Omitting the word "Secret" makes it seem like the conversations were innocuous. Keep in mind that Musk has a security clearance that allows him access to certain classified information. If he is having secret conversations with Putin while possessing classified information that's a problem.

  • MilnerRoute 5 hours ago
  • NN88 7 hours ago

    >At one point, Putin asked the billionaire to avoid activating his Starlink satellite internet service over Taiwan as a favor to Chinese leader Xi Jinping, said two people briefed on the request.


    holy s--t!

    • SlightlyLeftPad 7 hours ago

      What the actual F?

    • moosedman 7 hours ago

      The word for this is treason. Arrest him, strip him of his assets, revoke his citizenship, and put him on trial with the death penalty on the table.

      • akimbostrawman an hour ago

        Being allegedly asked a question is treason?

      • bdjsiqoocwk 2 hours ago

        Would be the happiest day of my life.

      • pikachu786 5 hours ago

        Why are you so violent?