• wahern an hour ago

    When I think of a DSL, I think of a language with specialized syntax, grammar, or constructs suited to the problem domain. Think SQL, AWK, or regular expressions. This is just a LISP variant with a typical host-side API for registering function names.

    I'll never get how merely having function names that reflect the use case, plus a stripped down or absent standard library, qualifies as a DSL. I know some people have long used "DSL" in this way, especially among LISP fans, but... I just don't get it. If I want a DSL it's because I want something that gives me, e.g., novel control flow constructs a la AWK, or highly specialized semantics a la regular expressions, that directly suit the problem domain. If I'm not getting that kind of power, why tie myself to some esoteric dependency? Either way you're adopting a tremendous maintenance burden; it better be worth your while.

    I'm a huge fan of Lua and have used it for many projects in different roles, but never once thought of any particular case as having created a DSL, even when stripping the environment to just a few, well-named, self-describing functions.

    I don't mean to criticize this particular project. Good code is good code. It's just the particular conceptualization (one shared by many others, to be fair) of what a "DSL" means that bugs me.

    • skydhash 29 minutes ago

      I don’t think there’s need to have such strict requirements. No need to invent a whole new paradigm, you can go with the usual ones as long as it works well. More often than not the domain is not that complex or flexible to require a language, it may only requires a few algorithms (libraries) ie even if you do invent a language, few programs will be built with it. You may as well tweak an existing language for a nicer DX

    • Trufa 36 minutes ago

      This is a very good and interesting point, but what if the point itself is to reduce the power and increase things like legibility.

      If I create this kind of mapped functions DSLs I can assure that things will be done a a certain way vs the borderline infinite possibilities of code.

  • Lyngbakr 2 hours ago

        > Some popular DSLs most software developers use on a regular basis include Regular Expressions for pattern matching, AWK for text transformation or Standard Query Language for interacting with databases.
    Isn't it Structured Query Language? Or are both variants used?
    • shakna an hour ago

      > In the early days of the system there was divided preference between Standard Query Language and Structured Query Language but it did not make a whole lot of difference since most people most of the time called it by the acronym SQL. Now the overwhelming but not complete preference is for Structured Query Language.

      [0] https://www.sjsu.edu/faculty/watkins/sql.htm

  • Alifatisk 2 hours ago

    Regarding the Ruby example, why did they use Float("...") instead of #to_f?

    • intelekshual 2 hours ago

      Probably because `Float()` is stricter and will raise an error if the string isn't a valid number, whereas `#to_f` will silently return 0.0 or do a best-effort conversion (e.g. "1.2abc".to_f => 1.2)

  • dlock17 4 hours ago

    This seemed like nuclear overkill for most problems I can think of.

    And where it should be used, I can't imagine you can't find a pre existing language (Cuelang maybe) instead.

    I was expecting a section at the end where they demonstrate which services need a new language written just for it's configuration, but nope, just general examples.

    Also, this should have a (2022) in the title.

    • 0xCMP an hour ago

      I wouldn't think of it for generating configuration. The example given implies they use it for fuzzing program inputs. It's purpose in the article is simple: generate a CSV with two columns and floats.

      However, a DSL could be made to do anything. Generate particular kinds of PDFs, Excel files, intentionally incorrect CSV/TSV files, zipbombs, and etc.

      All that is required is to wire it up in the Go side of things and then write a script to make use of it.

    • jerf 2 hours ago

      It is nuclear overkill for most problems you can think of.

      But when you hit a problem that you need something like this for... you need something like this. The attempts to get around it or avoid it or do some unbelievably hacky thing leads to piles and piles of terrible, terrible code.

      In 2024, though, I do try very hard to embed my DSLs in an existing serialization. It doesn't always work out, but, the case they show of directly embedding an AST into YAML is a worst-case scenario. In real life I've done things like specify a particular field carries an expr[1] expression to do that sort of thing, and then the structure of the rest of the file just follows normal serialization format.

      [1]: https://github.com/expr-lang/expr , but I'm sure many static languages have something like this. If you don't know one, it's a good tool to put in the belt in case you ever need it.

    • tony-allan 3 hours ago

      I think that a Domain Specific Language without the scaffolding of a language like python to generate test data is a great use case.

      You have a specific DSL to generate test data and store code written using your DSL with your test cases.

      You then have a security model that separates the responsibilities of the test team from that of other developers. The team can generate many test cases in a secure environment. You could then seek community input into your test processes with having to worry about rogue code.