Humane drops AI Pin price by $200


17 points | by bookofjoe a day ago ago


  • solardev a day ago

    Even if they gave these away, who would want them?

    • Maxamillion96 a day ago

      Probably the museum of failed products

      It’ll look good next to the Sony Betamax and Google glass

      • bookofjoe 8 hours ago

        As an early user of Google Glass, I can state that it was NOT a failed product in terms of functionality. It made excellent quality videos (in 2013) and featured WYSIWYG framing of whatever you were recording, unlike both Meta Stories glasses and Vision Pro in 2024, both of which produce content whose exact frame boundaries are unknowable while recording.

        Here is a video I shot in 2013 with Glass:

        • Maxamillion96 6 hours ago

          90 percent of failed products aren’t failed in terms of functionality- actual scams are rare- what makes them fail is that they don’t appeal to the majority of consumers. Google glass may have worked but it looked nerdy which wouldn’t be a negative here, but not to the casual Black Friday electronic consumer.

          • bookofjoe 6 hours ago

            Concur with everything you say.

  • devonnull a day ago

    It still costs more than I'd pay for one. To be honest, while a clever(ish) piece of tech, I've never really seen a good use case for devices like the AI Pin.

  • Sabinus 21 hours ago

    Isn't it just a button, a mic and a wifi/Bluetooth transmitter?

    • einsteinx2 9 hours ago

      Also a really crappy projector

    • 20 hours ago
  • Our_Benefactors a day ago

    6 months till death, max. Perhaps they have a couple interesting patents, but the core product is a “not worth it at any price” proposition.

  • kemmishtree 14 hours ago

    If we could give our product away, a ton of people would want it. Oh, and it would save the world. Oh, and in ten years we'd make a trillion dollars.

    Know any intellectually honest investors you could show this to?

    Oh, and you should order one. But also, help us get the seed round so we can just give them away to the thousands of people who want to use them.