• weinzierl a day ago

    I am curious how expensive it is to run such a bot in the cloud. Of course it depends on the activity but is in a ballpark that is affordable if you don't generate income from it? How do you control cost? I don't want to wake up to a 10k AWS bill just because a niche subreddit got unexpectedly popular.

    • diggan a day ago

      > Of course it depends on the activity

      Why would it depend on the activity? It seems it checks for results once every five minutes, the egress/ingress would be minimal at worst. You rent a t2.nano instance for $5/month (or whatever it costs now) and then that would be the full price, unless I misunderstand how this all works. Seems to be a simple CLI you'd just put under cron/sytemd-timers or similar.

    • elpocko a day ago

      You simply get a small VPS from one of the thousands of providers at a fixed price of a few bucks per month. You can probably run a lot of reddit bots before they start breaking a sweat.

    • schwartzworld 21 hours ago

      Why run in the cloud at all? This would work on any machine that can run python. An old phone or pc or raspberry pi.