Postbox has been acquired by eM Client


61 points | by yabatopia 8 hours ago ago


  • carstenwolfram 11 minutes ago

    Well, I'm not mad. eM Client is a very good mail/calendar/contacts client. This is the thing outlook should have been. Universal, tons of features and cheap.

    UI could use a massive refresh though.

  • not_your_vase 4 hours ago

      > Rest assured that we’ll continue to provide support until December 22nd, 2024
    I consider myself one of the most sarcastic jerks in the world, but I gotta salute these guys - I really LOL'd
  • unsnap_biceps 6 hours ago

    the actual title on the link is "Postbox has been acquired by eM Client!" which is different enough to "After 16 years of development, Postbox Inc. is winding down its operations" that I think it should be changed.

    • dtgriscom 6 hours ago

      Yes, but the current title is more accurate. "Postbox has been acquired" sounds like the purchaser will be continuing to sell and support Postbox. The reality is that eM Client paid for the list of Postbox users, and is hoping to convert them to using eM's clients; the Postbox software is going away ("winding down its operations").

    • saulrh 6 hours ago

      The only relevant sentence is the one where they announce that they're shutting down, though. They buried the lede as hard as they could. I think pulling the single sentence that summarizes the post, rather than the irrelevant "wonderful journey" title, is entirely reasonable.

    • shbooms 5 hours ago

      why not both?

      "Postbox is winding down its operations after being acquired by eM Client"

  • AequitasOmnibus 3 hours ago

    Active Postbox user here. If I'm being honest, it's mainly a nice skin over Thunderbird, and inertia kept me on it all these years. With the wind down, I'll likely switch over to Thunderbird full time. I wonder how many other current users will do the same.

    • _coeus 2 hours ago

      I did exactly that - and after installing Thunderbird i'm now wondering why i hadn't sooner. Looking far slicker than I remember.

      • rtpg an hour ago

        Thunderbird has gotten a lot of love in the past 2 years. Still have random hangs and the like meaning I'm finding myself just using my mail host's web interfaces often, and search... is what it is, but it's better!

  • mbreese 4 hours ago

    When looking at the eM Client home page (to see more information about who bought Postbox), I noticed something at the bottom of the page:

    > See how eM Client compares to other products on

    Something about this doesn't seem right. It has been super rare for me to find links to SourceForge for years. There are a few outlier projects, but I just don't get it here... in this space... for a commercial program. I'm not saying anything about eM Client the program (I'm sure it's quite nice), but this link for comparisons seemed off to me.

  • dtgriscom 6 hours ago

    I've been using Postbox for 4 1/2 years. It's good, but always had significant bugs (e.g. when it would grind to a halt while indexing emails). Once or twice a day I'd have to restart it so it would be useable.

    I know nothing beyond the press release, but my guess is that there are fundamental problems with the codebase that they couldn't fix without putting a while lot of time into it, and they just couldn't justify the time.

  • xeromal 5 hours ago

    I thought postbox sounded familiar and I searched my Gmail and realized I purchased the lifetime sub for 50$ in 2010. Crazy

    • _micheee 3 hours ago

      > Thank you for signing up for the Postbox Beta. We'll be sure to let you know when the Beta is ready.

      Man, I’m getting old: just searched my mail and found this mail from… January 26 2009 :-)

      I liked it, but it always felt like it “only” added some quality of life functions to Thunderbird.

  • mergy 6 hours ago

    I think I bought Postbox years ago to support them and used them briefly, but wasn't enough at the time

    I wish them the best, but I do wish they would have continued to innovate in this space.

  • DabeDotCom 2 hours ago

    If you're just gonna abandon the code, at least open source it...

    (I've been unpacking and re-packaging the CSS in the "omni.ja" bundle for years to preserve the old look-and-feel; it'd be nice to have access to the rest of the code, as well for things I haven't been able to tweak.)

  • DanHulton 5 hours ago

    Well, shit.

    I don't think I've ever been "in love" with Postbox, but it's always done email reliably well that I never had to think about it. Plus, it never tried to be anything more than an email client - I never had to worry about it trying to be a "business workflow productivity tool" or anything, it just did email decently.

    eM looks like exactly the kind of tool I _don't_ want.

    It used to be more important to me that my email client also support Windows, but way less so now. (My Windows machine is just a gaming machine, and that's even only just until Windows 10 stops being actually usable for gaming.)

    What's everyone favourite Mac "just an email client" email client?

    • lkuty 2 hours ago

      Yes, I also don't want an email platform but just an email client (doing one thing well © Unix). I think I will try Thunderbird to see if it is a pleasure to use with a dozen email accounts, or I guess it will be Apple Mail or Spark. I want an email client for power users, not an app that hides (or is missing) functionality behind a beautiful UI. Moreover I really dislike the AI hype.

    • dmje 2 hours ago

      Spark. HN probably won't like it on account of HN reasons - but I've tried all the email clients over the years and this one is the one that has stuck the longest. Great on iOS too.

    • selectodude 4 hours ago

      Apple Mail

  • kalleboo 6 hours ago
    • ukuina 4 hours ago

      "Putting the ack! in acquihire!"

  • valunord 6 hours ago

    Very upsetting development. Not even a reasonable exit strategy and good deal for those needing to find a new home. 50% discount to exit to eM Client??? LOL, give me a break.