• rbanffy 37 minutes ago

    Not sure I’d call it analog. Mechanical it is, but all the computation control is digital. A mechanical one would probably have a camshaft for storing the program and use gears to make measurements and computations.

    Would probably need a large engine to power it as well, with careful control because the resisting force would vary along the machine cycles (this could be used as a side channel attack vector to figure out internal state from resisting force).

  • mattbee 6 hours ago

    This is pleasingly insane, congratulations! Is there a program to test the fairness of a given dice or coin? Is that a program that's even feasible to write?

    • vikingerik 2 hours ago

      You've always got the standard way to get fair random numbers from a fairness-unknown coin. Flip it twice. Restart if you get both heads or both tails. If you get H then T or T then H, those are equally probable, so take the first one of those as the final outcome.

      This generalizes to a die of N sides. Roll it N times. If you don't get all N distinct results, restart. If you do, then take the first result as your final outcome.

      (That may take a lot of trials for large N. It can be broken down by prime factorization, like roll 2-sided and 3-sided objects separately, and combine them for a d6 result.)

      • eddd-ddde 2 hours ago

        Hmm my intuition isn't agreeing with this. Does this have a name so I can read more about it?

        • shmageggy 2 hours ago
        • jvanderbot an hour ago

          It may be more likely that H or T happens (an unfair coin), but in a pair of H and T, both HT and TH are equally likely. Therefore which is "first" is equally likely H or T.

          Only holds if no spooky effects change results based on last result. (like a magic die that counts upwards or a magic coin that flips T after H no matter what)

          P(TH) = p(T)*p(H) = P(HT)

          • vikingerik 38 minutes ago

            Your second paragraph is correct and may be where the previous poster's intuition was disagreeing, that the method doesn't necessarily hold for repeated iterations in a physical system where one trial starts from where the last one ended.

            It's not even really "spooky" - all you need is a flipping apparatus that's biased towards an odd number of rotations, and so then THTH is more common than THHT and you get a bias towards repeating your last result.

            • eddd-ddde 26 minutes ago

              Exactly right, I was thinking an unfair coin could have "memory" but then the method doesn't hold.

    • t0mek 5 hours ago

      I love the slow pace of the video, including a few minutes presentation of all available programs. And indeed, there are programs to test dice and coin bias:

      * https://youtu.be/bJiOia5PoGE?si=IEhbNJk0C0-7_2Nj&t=229

      * https://youtu.be/bJiOia5PoGE?si=3Se3lYFVAAkElx0w&t=245

    • jdmoreira 6 hours ago

      You can measure the Shannon entropy of a sequence

  • keeganpoppen 11 minutes ago

    i love everything about this, including the absurd impracticality. which i, personally, would call "art".

  • chungus 5 hours ago

    Love this. Is the private key printed on a separate piece of paper? I saw only #####'s. How long does it take to generate a full key using dice?

  • theideaofcoffee 4 hours ago

    Love it. I wonder what the distribution of rolls/tosses for this looks like. This also reminds me of an automated dice roller thingy that someone built with a hopper of dice, a conveyor to bring the dice to the top of a ramp and ocr to record all of the rolls, a "Dice-o-matic" [0]. And a vidja of it in action [1].

    [0] http://gamesbyemail.com/news/diceomatic

    [1] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7n8LNxGbZbs

  • ape4 5 hours ago

    It would be nice to access it from /dev/random on a normal machine (at a very slow bitrate)

  • dools 7 hours ago

    Best use case I can think of is replacing the die roller in the board game trouble.

    “You can pop a lot of trouble in the pop o matic bubble”

  • abotsis 2 hours ago

    This concept reminds me of the cloudflare lava lamps! Awesome!

  • whs 7 hours ago

    How does it read the value from the coins or dices?

    • imglorp 6 hours ago

      At 5:44, the vid shows a webcam facing up to photograph the bottom of the coin/die through the shaker window. I guess there's some CV to read the item.

  • robinduckett 2 hours ago

    Cymru am byth!

  • renewiltord 3 hours ago

    I found the video very entertaining. Very old-school. And boy, you’ve paid a lot of attention to the device. It looks very pro.

  • KaiserPro 8 hours ago

    This is cute, I like it

  • red_admiral 6 hours ago

    During the cold war, the Washington-Moscow "nuclear" hotline was set up with teleprinters and one-time pad keys for both directions. I imagine they had an analogue randomness key generator on both ends to generate the key material.

    Presumably they're using ~Dual-EC DRBG~ some kind of quantum randomness generators these days.

  • stavros 8 hours ago

    This looks interesting, but there are much better (higher bitrate) sources of pure randomness, and I'm not sure what advantage this has over those. If I don't trust the machine that's generating the randomness, that doesn't only apply to the randomness component, I similarly mistrust this machine's code, the hardware, etc.

    I'm not sure what this would add over, for example, entropy derived from a hash of the image of a camera's thermal noise profile.

    • pvg 8 hours ago

      I'm not sure what advantage this has over those.

      Those usually don't look and sound like they were made by Doc Brown.

      • beng-nl 4 hours ago

        Well said. I find the creator did a delightful job in his presentation. So much pride in the craftsmanship visible in his presentation as well as the finished product. I subscribed and hope for more videos..

    • tylervigen 2 hours ago

      I think the advantage of this one is that it's funny. :)

      • stavros 2 hours ago

        I didn't watch the video because I didn't have sound, if it's meant to be funny, then I applaud it.

        • jjk7 18 minutes ago

          It's a very serious video, which adds to the comedy of it.

    • qqqult 6 hours ago

      it's simple

  • raverbashing 4 hours ago

    So, to generate a random bitcoin key, that's how many coin tosses or die tosses?

    • darkstar999 4 hours ago

      The video says 128 cycles. Each cycle is 30 seconds, so it would take 64 minutes.

  • ducknorris 7 hours ago

    Beautiful <3

  • jejeyyy77 4 hours ago


  • hggh 7 hours ago

    Why the thermal printer? The text fades eventually and you will lose your private keys.

    • willvarfar 6 hours ago

      Yes it really ought punch brail or something?

    • jszymborski 4 hours ago

      There is another slot below that reads "archival grade printer".

  • rtkwe 5 hours ago

    I think the cloudflare video wall is a more practical way to mass generate entropy but this is suitably madcap I enjoy it. There are also other existing methods but they're not as... clearly demonstrable... as this like is used in existing hardware TRNGs.


  • nodlek 6 hours ago

    People are missing the point that it is creative and gets the job done, conversation pieces can go a long way.

    • fkyoureadthedoc 6 hours ago

      Am I missing something? There's not a single negative comment in the post as of now.

      • IshKebab 2 hours ago

        Well... I think the comments are mostly "this is insane and great". I guess you could view the insane part as negative if it was intended to be serious. Kind of hard to tell tbh!

        • 3np 5 minutes ago


  • londons_explore 4 hours ago

    I am super dubious of mechanical systems for randomness... Newtons laws are fully predictable after all...

    I suggest that any system like this has the output XOR'ed with another random source. If two random sources are XOR'ed together, then both need to be predictable for the output to be predictable.

  • freeplay 4 hours ago

    Side note: excellent unintentional ASMR once Andrew starts explaining how the machine works.

  • ajay-d 6 hours ago

    Are these like public randomness beacons? NIST[0] and Cloudflare[1] have them. I guess use cases are lotteries that are publicly verifiable, election auditing...

    [0] https://csrc.nist.gov/projects/interoperable-randomness-beac...

    [1] https://drand.love/

    [2] https://blog.cloudflare.com/league-of-entropy/