Show HN: Open-source low-code email editor


106 points | by chandlercraig 14 hours ago ago


  • z3ugma 12 hours ago

    Your submission link goes to

    Would you put a README in there in GitHub? No idea what I should look for in this subfolder in GitHub

    • maxthegeek1 12 hours ago

      Hi z3ugma! Yah we'll add a README. To clarify the emailo package is not (currently) intended for consumption outside of Dittofeed, but it'd be great to document nonetheless!

  • efficax 7 hours ago

    I was not aware that I needed any code at all to edit emails...

    • chandlercraig 7 hours ago

      Code is great for creating HTML-based email templates with things like template variables for personalization and responsive design! Of course, templates are mainly useful if you're sending large quantities of emails and don't have the time to individually craft each one.

  • 0x7265616374 6 hours ago

    Humbly suggest using a superior framework to MJML such as

    MJML is a relic

    • shortformblog 5 hours ago

      Humbly suggest you’re wrong.

      EDIT: Rather than drive-by disagreement, my case is that MJML is highly flexible and has broad enough use at this point that it’s seeing pickup in mainstream clients. (I like what Keila[1] is doing.) From a creative standpoint, it is easy to hop in an editor and build a template, and it solves the problem of email breakage while not being a significant departure from actual HTML layout.

      I don’t think JSX makes sense for the email format unless literally all your tooling is built around it. And the fact is, so much tooling in both email and content management is still built around stuff like PHP.


    • o1o1o1 5 hours ago

      Why do you think it is and what makes JSX Email better in your opinion?

  • remolacha 3 hours ago

    Congrats guys, this looks great. Definitely would've used Dittofeed for some previous projects.

    • chandlercraig 2 hours ago

      Thanks so much! Hope to be included in future projects :)

  • KRAKRISMOTT 9 hours ago

    Do you mind removing the Segment requirement for usage? I think many users would be fine with just a standard http endpoint.

  • Onavo 10 hours ago

    I wish Dittofeed is cheaper, $75 is quite steep to get started with.

    On an unrelated note, I suppose congratulations is in order. The laudspeaker product (your fellow YC competitor) doesn't seem to be successful at all (they are even more pricey). I think Brevo and Klaviyo are gobbling up all the oxygen in the room for most marketing departments, they are basically the next mailchimp.

    • chandlercraig 10 hours ago

      Hi Onavo, we'll have a free cloud tier for lower volume in the near future. If you'd like to self-host for free but need help with setup, we'd love to see you in our #help-and-questions Discord channel!

      Thanks for the kind words as well. With regards to the state of our product category, it's definitely a crowded space. One of our main goals is to help companies save money as they scale their messaging, so it's great to hear your input on pricing.

    • mcharawi 8 hours ago

      No congratulations is necessary the Laudspeaker project ( is doing perfectly fine.

      $75/mo is not particularly expensive, Braze's starter plan is close to $35k/year

      • chandlercraig 7 hours ago

        I appreciate the vote of confidence on our pricing from the founder of our competitor! lol

  • geocar 11 hours ago

    I pressed "/" (shift-7) on my Macbook (Portuguese) and nothing happens.