• santa_boy 4 hours ago

    Will try out, nice that is OSS. I work on plain vanilla HTML, JS and CSS. No React, Vue, etc. Hope this works for me.

  • jwilber 3 days ago

    Really like the inclusion of the diff + undo here. It feels like a nice sweet spot between the two dominate workflows: ai-integrated IDEs and copy & pasting from Claude/ChatGPT.

  • I_Write_It 3 days ago

    Seems pretty nice, I'll give it a try !

    • nichochar 3 days ago

      We love feedback, let me know what's missing / what you wish was better. We have a discord if that's easier, or just email me at nicholas <at> srcbook <dot> com

  • gcanyon 3 days ago

    How would you compare this to https://www.marblism.com

    • nichochar 3 days ago

      Same category. Differences that I can spot (I'm not very familiar with Marblism):

      Currently, Srcbook is:

      - open source

      - local

      - focused on a different stack

      - also offers a notebook product