Async Rust in Three Parts


144 points | by oconnor663 18 hours ago ago


  • DeathArrow 33 minutes ago

    Async in Rust seems to be modelled after async in .NET.

    • vaylian a minute ago

      What similarities are there?

  • zavec 7 hours ago

    I really liked the footnote implementation so I checked out his GitHub to see what kind of static site generator he was using, and it looks like he wrote his own? What a baller.

    • oconnor663 7 hours ago

      :-D The styling is adapted from

      • zavec 7 hours ago

        I am definitely going to have to check that out for my own site!

    • thunderseethe 7 hours ago

      It's also custom logic to embed the code snippets within the article, they're all working code that gets pulled in from rust files. Really stellar stuff.

      • zavec 7 hours ago

        Yeah! I have a whole laundry list of things I want to improve on my site now

  • alilleybrinker 11 hours ago

    In part two, the author explains trait objects in a way that is, I think, a little misleading.

    They're right that trait objects are dynamically sized types, which means they can't be passed by value to functions, but wrong that they need to be boxed; they can instead be put behind a reference. Both of the following are valid types.

      type DynFutureBox = Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = ()>>>;
      type DynFutureRef<'f> = Pin<&'f dyn Future<Output = ()>>;
    You can see this in the Rust Playground here:
    • LoganDark 10 hours ago

      Technically trait objects aren't entirely a thing at all. They're a concept that only makes sense in the concept of a pointer (references are safe pointers, `Box`es are smart pointers). You can refer to something as a trait object but the trait of the object is a property of the pointer and not the object. So if you have some struct that implements a trait you can cast a pointer to that struct to a pointer to a trait object, but that struct never stops being the struct, a trait object is just a different way of referring to the struct.

      • iTokio 3 hours ago

        What about impl Trait then? In that case traits make sense without pointers.

        To me traits are like a definition of capabilities. A way to duck type things.

        • kaoD 2 hours ago

          "Trait objects" is lingo for `dyn Trait`. They are a distinct thing from just "trait". They allow virtual dispatch at runtime.

          See (`dyn Trait`, runtime dynamic dispatch) vs (`impl Trait`, compile-time monomorphization)

        • LoganDark 2 hours ago

          `impl Trait` is sort like of syntax sugar for generics (this is not the full story, for example TAIT/type_alias_impl_trait... but it's close enough). It's monomorphized just like generics are. If you have a method that takes an `impl Trait` then a new copy of the method will be emitted by the compiler for each unique type you pass to that `impl Trait` parameter.

          Traits conceptually are kind of like definitions of capabilities. So you're not really wrong about that, that understanding probably may even help you.

  • keyle 8 hours ago

    My only experience with Rust has been synchronous mostly with little to show for in terms of async. And I liked Rust. When it ran, I was damn sure it was going to run. There is comfort in that: "Tell me what to fix". The clippy stuff etc. was great too.

    I read the 3 parts of this website and 'Wowsa'... I'm definitely not going in that direction with Rust. I'll stick to dumb Go code, Swift or Python if I do async heavy stuff.

    It's hard enough to write good code, I don't see the point of finding walls to smash my head into.

    Think about it, if you write a lot of async code, chances are you have a ton of latency, waiting on I/O, disk, network etc. Using Rust for this in the first place isn't the wisest since performance isn't as important, most of your performance is wasted 'waiting' on things. Besides Rust wants purity and I/O is gritty little dirt.

    Sorry my comment turned into a bit of a hot take, feel free to disagree. This async stuff, doesn't look fun at all.

    • DeathArrow 38 minutes ago

      >Think about it, if you write a lot of async code, chances are you have a ton of latency, waiting on I/O, disk, network etc. Using Rust for this in the first place isn't the wisest since performance isn't as important, most of your performance is wasted 'waiting' on things. Besides Rust wants purity and I/O is gritty little dirt.

      But isn't most code going to perform some I/O at some time? Whether is calling an API, writing on disk or writing to a DB?

    • mplanchard 5 hours ago

      Having written a lot of asynchronous code in python and in rust, I’d take Rust any day. If it compiles, it works.

      I also don’t think it’s hard to reason about in practice. Tutorials tend to get much deeper into the weeds than you typically need to go.

    • pkolaczk 2 hours ago

      Performance is not only wall clock time. With high latency, I/O bound tasks, the cost will be often determined by how much memory you need. And in the cloud, you can’t pay for memory alone. The more memory you need, the more vcores you have to reserve. You might end up in a situation your cpus are mostly idling, but you can’t use fewer cores because of RAM needed to keep the state of thousands of concurrent sessions. In this case Rust async can bring a tremendous advantage over other languages, particularly Java and Go.

      • palata 27 minutes ago

        > you can’t use fewer cores because of RAM needed to keep the state of thousands of concurrent sessions. In this case Rust async can bring a tremendous advantage over other languages, particularly Java and Go.

        Can you elaborate on that? What about green threads?

    • tcfhgj an hour ago

      Performance isn't wasted. More waiting and less CPU time also means longer battery life / energy efficiency.

    • worik 6 hours ago

      > My only experience with Rust has been synchronous

      It is a shame that the dominance of the "async/await" paradigm has made us think in terms of "synchronous" or "async/await"

      > Think about it, if you write a lot of async code, chances are you have a ton of latency, waiting on I/O, disk, network etc

      Yes. For almost all code anyone writes blocking code and threads are perfectly OK

      Asynchronous programming is more trouble, but if trying to deal with a lot of access to those high latency resources asynchronous code really shines.

      The trouble is that "async/await" is a really bad fit for rust. Every time you say `await` you start invisible magic happening. (A state machine starts spinning I believe in Rust - I may be mistaken)

      "No invisible magic" was a promise that Rust made to us. What you say is what you mean, and what you mean is what you get.

      No more, if you use async/await Rust

      I really do not understand why people who are comfortable with "invisible magic" are not using a language with a garbage collector - that *really* useful invisible magic.

      Asynchronous programming is the bees knees. It lets you get so much more from your hardware. I learnt to do it implementing telephone switching systems on MS-DOS. We could run seven telephone lines on a 486, with DOS, in (?) about 1991.

      Async/await has so poisoned the well in Rust that many Rust people do not understand there is more to asynchronous programming than that

      • the__alchemist 5 hours ago

        I notice this as well; there is a false dichotomy of "Async/Await" or "blocking". I see this in embedded too. I think a lot of rust embedded programmers learned on Embassy, and to them, not using Async means blocking.

        • zavec 4 hours ago

          Is the alternative the more traditional spawning threads and using channels, or is there another paradigm? That's definitely something I'd be interested in learning more about.

          • onjectic 2 hours ago

            I think they mean that there is more than one asynchronous paradigm. Actors is one alternative I can think of.

            • palata 24 minutes ago

              Where an actor has its own thread and communicates with a channel, right?

        • omani 4 hours ago

          can you elaborate on this?

  • Animats 12 hours ago

    It's amusing that the Rust Playground lets you run a hundred threads. That's generous of them. There's a ceiling below 1000, though. The author points out, "On my Linux laptop I can spawn almost 19k threads before I hit this crash, but the Playground has tighter resource limits." Large servers can go higher than that.

    The thread-based I/O example with the compute bound poll loop is kind of strange.

    "Join" isn't really that useful when you have unrelated threads running finite tasks. Usually, you let the thread do its thing,finish, put results on a queue, and let the thread exit. Then it doesn't matter who finishes first. Rust join is actually optional. You don't have to join to close out a thread and reap the thread resources. It's not like zombies in Unix/Linux, where some resources are tied up until the parent process calls wait().

    Loops where you join all the threads that are supposedly finished are usually troublesome. If somebody gets stuck, the joiner stalls. Clean exits from programs with lots of channels are troublesome. Channels with multiple senders don't close until all senders exit, which can be hard to arrange when something detects an error.

    In Rust, the main thread is special. (I consider this unfortunate, but web people like it, because inside browsers, the main thread is very special.) If the main thread exits, all the other threads are silently killed.

    • shepmaster 11 hours ago

      > the Rust Playground lets you run a hundred threads

      It's more that we don't do anything to prevent it, other than coarse process-wide memory / CPU time limits. IIRC, Rust-spawned threads on Linux use 2MiB of stack space by default, so that seems like a likely cap.

      Note that the playground is only 2 cores and you are sharing with everyone else, so you aren't likely to really benefit.

      • rtpg 4 hours ago

        Very fun to see your username outside of Stack Overflow, thanks for your work on having the playground!

        Beyond the running costs of the machine itself, has the rust playground been any trouble, or has it mostly been smooth sailing after the initial setup?

      • littlestymaar 10 hours ago

        > Note that the playground is only 2 cores and you are sharing with everyone else

        This is amazing, I use it all the time with no performance issues so I expected it to be much beefier to support many simultaneous users.

        How many users does it serve? (Monthly or daily user and/or compilation job sent). And what tricks are used to keep it working? (I suspect it can re-use already compiled binaries of all supported dependencies and only need to compile the user's code and link it, but is there other clever strategies?)

        • shepmaster 6 hours ago

          > How many users does it serve?

          I don't really track users, but over the last 24 hours, there were 47.8k meaningful [1] requests taking a total of 28.2 hours. That ~0.5 requests per second number has been relatively consistent.

          > re-use already compiled binaries of all supported dependencies and only need to compile the user's code and link it, but is there other clever strategies?

          Yes, we pre-compile all the available dependencies [2] and that's about it.

          > I use it all the time with no performance issues

          That's good to hear! There's been a long-running bug where the playground binary loses track of the child Docker container (maybe?) and then the machine runs out of memory and the OOM killer often does more harm than good [3]. While trying to pin that down, I've recently caused the entire process to get into what appears to be a complete deadlock where no requests can be serviced at all. This tends to happen while I'm asleep so either I have no chance to debug it before it is auto-killed or the playground is unresponsive for 8+ hours.

          [1]: compiling / executing code, running clippy/miri/rustfmt, expanding macros


          [3]: somehow it does something that ends up killing the network stack and then the machine is basically dead in the water. Very similar to what is reported in

    • oconnor663 11 hours ago

      > Rust join is actually optional.

      I was recently surprised to learn that returning from main() with background threads still running is more or less UB in C++, because those threads can race against static destructors: C doesn't have this issue, though, as far as I know?

      • loeg 7 hours ago

        Common C implementations (clang, gcc) have static destructors as an extension, though C codebases probably use this a lot less than C++ ones with static objects and destructor methods.

      • dwattttt 11 hours ago

        atexit enters the chat

    • dwattttt 11 hours ago

      > Loops where you join all the threads that are supposedly finished are usually troublesome. If somebody gets stuck, the joiner stalls. Clean exits from programs with lots of channels are troublesome. Channels with multiple senders don't close until all senders exit, which can be hard to arrange when something detects an error.

      I wish join-with-timeout was a more common/supported operation.

    • willglynn 11 hours ago

      > In Rust, the main thread is special. (I consider this unfortunate, but web people like it, because inside browsers, the main thread is very special.) If the main thread exits, all the other threads are silently killed.

      Rust inherits this from `pthread_detach()`:

             The detached attribute merely determines the behavior of the
             system when the thread terminates; it does not prevent the thread
             from being terminated if the process terminates using exit(3) (or
             equivalently, if the main thread returns).
      • wahern 11 hours ago

        The main thread is special because that's how the runtime works on Unix. In particular, when "main" exits, the process exits. This is required by the C standard. It's also fundamentally built into how Unix processes work, as certain global variables, like argv and environ strings, typically are stored on the main thread's stack, so if the main thread is destroyed those references become invalid.

        In principle Rust could have defined its environment to not make the main thread special, but then it would need some additional runtime magic on Unix systems, including having the main thread poll for all other threads to exit, which in turn would require it to add a layer of indirection to the system's threading runtime (e.g. wrapping pthreads) to be able to track all threads.

        • kelnos 11 hours ago

          > In principle Rust could have defined its environment to not make the main thread special...

          Not to mention they'd have to be very careful with what they do on the main thread after they start up the application's first thread (e.g. allocating memory via malloc() is out), since there are quite a few things that are not safe to do (like fork() that's not immediately followed by exec()) in a multi-threaded program. So even a "single-threaded" Rust program would become multi-threaded, and assume all those problems.

    • diath 12 hours ago

      > Loops where you join all the threads that are supposedly finished are usually troublesome. If somebody gets stuck, the joiner stalls.

      That makes sense if the main thread is actually doing any useful work, but when its only job is to spawn threads and wait for them to finish before exiting, then it's a pretty common idiom.

  • ingen0s 7 hours ago

    Thank you