One Square Minesweeper


75 points | by notamy 3 hours ago ago


  • schiffern 3 hours ago

    Unrealistic; in minesweeper it's impossible to hit a mine on your first click. ;)

    • CobrastanJorji 2 hours ago

      Your link suggests: "If a mine is under the first clicked tile, it is moved to the upper-left corner, if the upper left corner is occupied, the mine moves to the right of the corner tile." If that happened here, the square would still be a mine.

      • raldi 2 hours ago

        What if the upper-left corner and the one to its right are mined?

        • bwen 2 hours ago

          "The function checks if it is the first click, and that the square being clicked is a mine. It then tries to move the mine to the upper-left corner. If unsuccessful it tries the square to the right of it. If all of the first row is occupied by mines, the function tries to put the mine in the leftmost square of the row below, and so on."

          • throwawayk7h an hour ago

            What does the function do if the entire board is mines?

            • j5155 12 minutes ago

              See It causes some strange bugs to occur!

            • jraph an hour ago

              An array out of bounds access.

            • berkes an hour ago

              Found the tester :)

              Jokes aside, I love it how in a group of software engineers someone can always think of an even more unlikely, but somehow realistic edge case.

              For me, one of the marks of a senior engineer would be to then either go "we'll just not allow the board to be filled with entirely mines in the builder", or "well, if that ever happens: just let it crash". A practical solution to a theoretical case. Whereas the more junior engineer would spend the next few days researching and refactoring the algorithm to address this case. Obv. "it depends", letting my insuline pump "just crash" isn't cool, but minesweeper, meh.

            • dutzi an hour ago

              It BSODs!

    • KHRZ 2 hours ago

      In Minesweeper you also win when all non-mine tiles are revealed.

    • praptak 2 hours ago

      It's "an irresistible force meeting an immovable object" type of situation.

  • encomiast 2 hours ago

    A strange game. The only winning move is not to play.

    • m463 38 minutes ago

      you're confusing minesweeper with nuclear disarmament.

    • wging an hour ago

      In this case, you win by flagging all the mines. That isn't how winmine worked -- you just had to uncover all non-mine spaces.

    • utopcell 2 hours ago


  • joshka 3 hours ago

    I can't get the xyzzy cheat[1] to work. How am I going to tell if there is a bomb or not?


    • Dylan16807 2 hours ago

      Oh cool. Also it's really funny that the blog is cutting off the corners on the main image.

  • UberFly an hour ago

    This game painfully reminds me of my dating attempts as a teenager.

    • eru an hour ago

      Just flag and you win instantly?

      • sulandor 37 minutes ago

        probably also depends on the kind of flag

  • 256_ 6 minutes ago

    Someone should make one with 0.

  • rtpg an hour ago

    I remember a long time ago (20 years ago?) playing some Windows minesweeper variant that someone had wrote. It did the "impossible to hit a mine on your first click" thing (That I believe Windows' Minesweeper didn't do), but also had different shapes. You could have a hex map, for example.

    Anyone know what I'm thinking of?

  • unsnap_biceps 3 hours ago

    I can't seem to flag the mine on mobile

    • tomxor 2 hours ago

      That's because it detected you don't have a mouse, or a 386... You are not allowed, it would just be wrong.

    • sundvor 34 minutes ago

      Yeah, it's useless.

  • carver an hour ago

    If you are interested in variants of minesweeper, this one is awesome:

    (scroll to the bottom)

  • lifthrasiir 2 hours ago

    Apparently this game is 3BV 0, so it should be solvable by luck and cannot be used for official records.

  • mdtrooper 2 hours ago

    This web remembers to me the great game:

  • oe 2 hours ago

    This is really hard. Anyone got any tips?

    • schoen 2 hours ago

      Try flagging the mine rather than revealing it! (Right click.)

      • keepamovin an hour ago

        Holy shit. There's a way to win. Awesome.

        Since 1993, that's what I've been missing from my mine sweeper game. All these years I couldn't understand why I could never finish the game. Hahaha! :)

  • davee5 2 hours ago

    This made me laugh unreasonably hard.

  • peepee1982 2 hours ago

    It took me four tries to solve it.

  • _def an hour ago

    This is like the opposite of that paperclip game (sorry in advance)

  • keepamovin an hour ago

    By the 5th try I was sure I nearly had it. No such luck! hehehe :)

  • notorandit an hour ago

    One square tetris Is highly needed here!

  • chuckledog 3 hours ago

    Finally a game superior to Flappy Bird. Bravo!

  • silenced_trope an hour ago

    This was in the thread for useless programs just now:

  • dataflow 2 hours ago

    Is this modern art?

  • fallinghawks 2 hours ago

    I feel so successful

  • hyperhello 3 hours ago

    I am really good at this.

  • mouse_ 3 hours ago

    Best game since 1D Tetris

    • LeonB 2 hours ago

      There was a 1D Wolfenstein that was entirely played in the url bar, and yet made perfect sense and was quite playable.

  • breck 2 hours ago
  • paulpauper 2 hours ago

    someone registered a .com for this . At least it was not a .io domain. Those are really expensive.

    • killingtime74 2 hours ago

      You know you have that side project mentality when how much the domain name costs is the first consideration XD

    • LeonB 2 hours ago

      From the “useless web” links provided above, I learned:

      > The project was built and launched as part of Netlify’s Dusty Domains project, where for each project built and launched on an old domain money was donated to charity! Ultimately over a hundred thousand dollars was raised for a variety of individual charities.