Attacking the Samsung Galaxy A* Boot Chain


25 points | by sipofwater 3 days ago ago


  • mdaniel 2 days ago

    > Samsung added a custom JPEG parser in Little Kernel that is used to show logos and error messages while booting. The code responsible for loading the JPEG file will place it in a fixed-size structure on the heap. But it never checks the size of the file, causing a heap overflow.

    Heh, file format parsers - the GIFt that just keeps on giving

  • daghamm a day ago

    Are Samsungs "contributions" to LK public? Has nobody reviewed those until now?

    The early bootchain components are critical to the security of the device. I am extremly surprised Samsung let a complete noob add code to it.

  • ragu4u 2 days ago

    So I guess this is where widevine keys and whatnot are stored? Perhaps this is how the piracy scene gets 4k rips.