• yarg 11 hours ago

    Ranked choice voting seems like the most reasonable choice - the current FPP system lends itself to strategic voting and a two-party system with increasingly polarised parties.

    Ranked choice allows for a middle ground to form independently of the parties at the outer fringes - it doesn't necessarily mean the centre wins, but it does exist and have a chance.

  • sambapa 9 hours ago

    What if people democratically choose antidemocracy?

  • metalman 2 hours ago

    partisan animosity,which means the duopoly is uncomfortable for the beurocrats there is no democracy to have an attitude about I vote with my feet and my wallet,plus grind back at whichever beurocracy is making missery personal

  • ahdhfjfnfjf 9 hours ago

    Almost entirely democratic societies always end up fragmented like America. This was known in Plato’s time.

    Unfortunately the propaganda pushers these days get to publish articles on “science.org”, trying to convince us the system is fundamentally sound - we just need some tweaks.

  • h2odragon 10 hours ago

    Its "Pray the Populism Away" conversion therapy.

    • FooBarBizBazz 9 hours ago

      It depends what one means by "populism". If you include Bernie-style politics as "populist" along with the Trump variety, then polarization and an inability to find commonality are the things that frustrate populist goals: They are what keep the horseshoe split.

  • 11 hours ago
  • caekislove 9 hours ago

    "Efficacious strategies for reducing support for undemocratic practices included correcting misperceptions of rival partisans’ views and highlighting the risk of democratic collapse. "

    In other words, gaslighting and threats.