The Journal of Open Source Software


28 points | by gtirloni 6 hours ago ago


  • joshdavham 2 hours ago

    Looks like a cool project! I gotta say though, I’m still always surprised how few papers include code. I hope it continues to become more common to include code in the future.

    • bachmeier an hour ago

      The trend in economics is to require authors to provide their code and data. The journal I edit checks many of the replication packages to confirm that they actually produce the results in the paper. Some papers have been rejected after completing the peer review process and being conditionally accepted.

  • burkaman 2 hours ago

    If you're interested in this, they have a pretty good podcast that interviews paper authors:

  • yu3zhou4 2 hours ago

    In a similar vein, there is Journal of Machine Learning Research that publishes open source software papers