Why aren't we talking about the real reason male college enrollment is dropping?


15 points | by hui-zheng 12 hours ago ago


  • mrkeen 9 hours ago

    Whenever there is writing about other groups and their struggles, I need to suppress the urge to declare that they should just suck it up and do better, e.g. Fat population? Individuals need to eat less. Gang violence? Hey maybe stop shooting each other for a fucking second. But I can't comment because they're not my struggles.

    Finally they're talking about my group, so here goes: if you don't go to uni because of girls, you don't deserve to go to uni.

    • randomdata 9 hours ago

      It seems a bit strange to frame it as a struggle. Like the article alludes to, men seek high social status. University no longer provides greater social status. So men have moved on to the next thing that will give them what they seek. They're not bothered by it. It is not like university is some kind of magical deity that will send you to the fiery pits of hell if you don't attend. It's just a tool, and if the tool isn't working it is no big deal to not use it.

  • dtgm92 3 hours ago

    I would be interested to know if there is any difference between the rates of male versus female military members. In particular, those that have earned GI Benefits for free college, so people who served a certain amount of years.

  • gregjor 9 hours ago

    One of the most common reasons floated for so few women in IT/software jobs amounts to the same thing: women don’t want to work in the “bro culture” or deal with “toxic masculinity.” I don’t have any evidence for that, just my own career experience watching women leave (or never enter) the software field since I started in the late ‘70s. When I started programming women made up 25% or more of my co-workers. Today that percentage seems close to zero.

    I suppose it works both ways.

  • js2 10 hours ago
  • znpy 10 hours ago

    Talking about boys’ and mens’ problems does not sound progressive. Add that this is the age of “appearance above everything else” and you get why.

  • JojoFatsani 5 hours ago

    Oh god more “boo hoo I’m a victim” substack articles..