• anyfoo 3 hours ago

    > I’ve written a lot of JavaScript. I like JavaScript. And more importantly, I’ve built up a set of skills in understanding, optimizing, and debugging JavaScript that I’m reluctant to give up on.

    It's not that hard to do the same for a less terrible language. Choose something markedly different, i.e. a low level language like rust, and you will learn a lot in the process. More so because now you can see and understand the programming world from two different vantage points. Plus, it never hurts to understand what's going on on a lower level, without an interpreter and eco-system abstracting things away so much. This can then feed back into your skills and understanding of JS.

    • captnObvious 3 hours ago

      I think we’re reading too far into the authors impostor syndrome.

      He’s making contributions in Rust already. His opinion isn’t invalid just because he has a bias, he opens by acknowledging his bias.

    • jauntywundrkind 26 minutes ago

      > It's not that hard to do the same for a less terrible language.

      I miss that brief era when coding culture had a moment of trying to be nice, of not crudely shooting out mouths off at each other's stuff crudely.

      JS, particularly with typescript, is a pretty fine language. There's a lot of bad developers and many bad organizations not doing their part to enable & tend to their codebases, but any very popular language will likely have that problem & it's not the languages fault.

      It's a weakness & a strength that JS is so flexible, can be so many different things to different people. Even though the language is so so much the same as it was a decade & even two ago, how we use it gone through multiple cycles of diversification & consolidation. Like perl, it is a post-modern language; adaptable & changing, not prescriptive. http://www.wall.org/~larry/pm.html

      If you do have negative words to say, at least have the courage & ownership to say something distinct & specific, with some arguments about what it is you are feeling.

      • anyfoo 15 minutes ago

        I’d normally agree with you, but JS is more or less designed to be terrible. It was hacked together by Brendan Eich in literally 10 days, who originally wanted to do something more Scheme-like. It was a quick and dirty hack that got stretched way beyond what it was even meant for.

        It then literally had decades of ECMAscript committee effort to shape it into something more useable.

        I could repeat the numerous criticisms, but there’s enough funny videos about it that make a much better job pointing out its shortcomings and, sometimes, downright craziness of it.

        > but any very popular language will likely have that problem & it's not the languages fault.

        No, sorry, just no. I get where you are coming from, but in the case of JavaScript, its history and idiosyncrasies alone set it apart from many (most?) other languages.

        Perl for example was made with love and with purpose, I don’t think it’s comparable.

    • jampekka 3 hours ago

      Hopefully the lot includes that writing stuff in low level languages isn't worth the pain most of the time.

      • winwang 3 hours ago

        Curious what you mean by "most" (I'm agnostic/unlearned on the statistics tbh). I "feel" like it doesn't happen too often when it's not either already low-level or the supposed extra performance is likely worth it.

        Like, I can't imagine most people using Javascript would want to rewrite in Rust without some decent reason.

    • FridgeSeal 3 hours ago

      I swear some JS devs will go out of their way to avoid learning anything else, whilst simultaneously and breathlessly espousing that we rewrite everything else in JS.

      • oneweekwonder 3 hours ago

        > Any application that can be written in JavaScript, will eventually be written in JavaScript. - Jeff Atwood (2007)

      • mardifoufs 3 hours ago

        It's usually the opposite. And the post is specifically about making JavaScript tools, why would you not expect them to be written in JS? I guess not making tools for say, c# devs in c# would also be bad?

        • rbower an hour ago

          > It's usually the opposite. And the post is specifically about making JavaScript tools, why would you not expect them to be written in JS?

          Take a look at rollup, vite, etc. These tools are essentially replacing webpack, which is written in JS. Modern Rollup (^4) uses SWC (Rust-based bundler), and vite is currently using a mix of esbuild (Go) and Rollup. I think they're switching to SWC in v6 though.

          The point here is that for certain operations JS is not nearly as fast as lower-level languages like the aforementioned. Bundling is one of those performance-critical areas where every second counts.

          That said, as a TypeScript developer I agree with the sentiment that JS tools should be written in JS, but this isn't a hard and fast rule. Sometimes performance matters more. I think the reasonable approach is to prefer JS – or TS, same difference – for writing JS tools. If that doesn't work, reach for something with more performance like Rust, Go, or C++. So far I've only had to do the latter for 2 use cases, one of which is hardware profiling.

        • FridgeSeal 2 hours ago

          Presumably because, apart from Python (see Ruff, uv, etc) most languages aren’t running into such major issues with their own “self hosted” tooling that it’s worthwhile to rewrite several of them in a completely different language.

          • mardifoufs 2 hours ago

            Yes I agree! And JavaScript also isn't really at that point yet. Python is really in a class of its own here... sadly enough.

            Though I don't see an issue with tools for JS built without JS. It's just that I don't think that it's a bad thing for a JavaScript dev to want the ecosystem around JavaScript to be written in JS. JS is orders of magnitudes faster than python in any case.

      • tylerchilds 3 hours ago

        i swear some non js devs will go to extreme lengths to demonstrate solutions that will never run on another machine instead of writing js

        • anyfoo 3 hours ago

          Why would they never run on another machine? It's not that hard to write portable code, and done very often. Nowadays for example, you rarely ever think about whether you're on arm or x86.

          If you write non-portal code, there might be an important reason (like writing OS components, which you won't do in JS).

          • tylerchilds 2 hours ago

            almost every time code doesn’t run on my machine, the root cause is a political disagreement with a c-compiler author three layers below my actual problem.

            javascript doesn’t have a compiler is my main point.

            • FridgeSeal 2 hours ago

              Bit rich to complain about that when all the major browsers have just as significant differences, and that’s before we bring node into the equation, let alone talking about a good 30% of websites I visit with any quantity of JS in them are either perpetually broken in some way, or so jank as to be effectively broken.

      • TacticalCoder 3 hours ago

        > I swear some JS devs will go out of their way to avoid learning anything else, whilst simultaneously and breathlessly espousing that we rewrite everything else in JS.

        The JStockholm syndrome.

  • noname120 3 hours ago

    > I just don’t think we’ve exhausted all the possibilities of making JavaScript tools faster

    Rewriting in more performant languages spares you from the pain of optimization. These tools written in Rust are somehow 100× as fast despite not being optimized at all.

    JavaScript is so slow that you have to optimize stuff, with Rust (and other performant languages) you don't even need to because performance just doesn't bubble up as a problem at all, letting you focus on building the actual tool.

    • dan-robertson 3 hours ago

      I think there’s a lot of bias in the samples one tends to see:

      - you’re less likely to hear about a failed rewrite

      - rewrites often gain from having a much better understanding of the problem/requirements than the existing solution which was likely developed more incrementally

      - if you know you will care about performance a lot, you hopefully will think about how to architect things in a way that is capable of achieving good performance. (Non-cpu example: if you are gluing streams of data with processing steps together, you may not think much about buffering; if you know you will care about throughput, you will probably have to think about batching and maybe also some kind of fan-out->map->fan-in; if you know you will care about latency you will probably think about each extra hop or batch-building step)

      - hopefully people do a bit of napkin math to decide if rewriting something to be faster will achieve the goals, and so you only see the rewrites that people thought would be beneficial (because eg you’re touching a lot of memory so a better memory layout could help)

      I feel like you’re much more likely to see ‘we found some JavaScript that was too useful for its own good, figured out how to rewrite it with better algorithms/data structures, concurrency, and sims instructions, which we used rust to get’ than ‘our service receives one request, sends 10 requests to 5 different services, collects the results and responds; we rewrote it in rust but the performance is the same because it turns out most of what our service did was waiting’.

      • winwang 3 hours ago

        Only semi-relevant, but there's also the fact that lower level languages can auto-optimize more deeply -- but that's also more my intuition (would love to get learnt if I'm wrong).

        For example, I'd expect that Rust (or rustc I guess) can auto-vectorize more than Node/Deno/etc.

    • jvanderbot 3 hours ago

      Someday soon I hope webasm gets another decent compiled language targeted for JS speedups. Something interoperable with JS.

      For analogies, look no further than ASM in the early days and the motivations that brought us C, but with the lessons learned as well.

      Rust is fine for this, except for interoperability.

    • ignoramous 3 hours ago

      Being a statically-typed compiled language has its perks (especially when doing systems programming). Regardless, JS runtimes can and will push forward (like JVM / ART did), given there's healthy competition for both v8 & Node.

      • noname120 3 hours ago

        JavaScript, Python, Lua, I don't see any dynamic language with good performances. Do you have examples?

        • metadat 3 hours ago

          "Good" compared to what? All the mentioned languages keep getting more performant year-over-year, but in the medium future scripting languages are unlikely to reach the performance levels of C, Rust or other low-level languages.

          Wouldn't it be amazing though? Maybe some combination of JIT and runtime static analysis could do it.

          Personally, I never assign different types to the same variable unless it's part of a union (e.g. string | HTMLObject | null, in JS).

          It would probably require getting rid of `eval' though, which I am fine with. On average, eval() tends to be naughty and those needs could be better met in other ways than blindly executing a string.

        • dkersten 3 hours ago

          Lua with LuaJIT has pretty good performance. With that said, I spent today writing in C++, so I do agree with the overall sentiment.

        • BoingBoomTschak 2 hours ago

          Common Lisp (SBCL)?

    • evanjrowley 3 hours ago

      >JavaScript is so slow that you have to optimize stuff

      This raises the question, is JavaScript more prone to premature optimization?

      • noname120 3 hours ago

        Well, can we really call it premature optimization if it's needed?

        • dpritchett 3 hours ago

          Reminds me of using Ruby ten years ago and having to contend with folks who wanted to default to using the string literal style over another because it was known to be more performant at scale. That awkward stuff surfaces earlier with some languages than with others.

  • jpalawaga 4 hours ago

    Anyone who has done a programming contest, advent of code, etc knows that the language doesn’t matter so much as your algorithm.

    Yes, the language can bring a nice speed up, or might give you better control of allocations which can save a lot of time. But in many cases, simply picking the correct algorithm will deliver you most of the performance.

    As someone who doesn’t JavaScript a lot, I’d definitely prefer a tool written in go and available on brew over something I need to invoke node and its environment for.

    • tyree731 3 hours ago

      Lots of very smart people have worked very hard on Python tools written in Python, yet the rust rewrites of those tools are so much faster. Sometimes it really is the programming language.

      • charrondev 3 hours ago

        In the JavaScript world a lot of speed up comes from 3 major things as far as I can tell:

        - easier concurrency. - the fact that things are actually getting rewritten with the purpose of speeding them up. - a lot of the JS tooling getting speedups deals with heavily with string parsing, tokenizing, generating and manipulation of ASTs. Being able to have shared references to slices of strings, carefully manage when strings are copied, and have strict typing of the AST nodes you enable things to be much faster than JavaScript.

      • jampekka 3 hours ago

        Python is really really slow compared to JS though.

        • gaganyaan 3 hours ago

          CPython is (though it's slowly getting better). Pypy is amazingly fast

        • zeroonetwothree 3 hours ago

          I once worked on a Python system that had 50 machines dedicated to it. We were able to rewrite it in a more performant language such that it easily ran on one machine. This also allowed us to avoid all the issues distributed systems have.

          So yeah, Python is not great for systems programming

      • jvanderbot 3 hours ago

        This is a very nice counterexample, but it's not actually a counter example without an example.

        Also, this was a thing before Rust. I've rewritten several things in C or Cpp for python back ends, and most pytbon performance-critical code is already an API to a shared library. You'd be surprised to run OR tools and find Fortran libraries loaded by your python code.

      • anyfoo 3 hours ago

        Choosing the right algorithm effectively means optimizing runtime complexity. Then, once runtime complexity is fixed with the right algorithm, you're still left with a lot of constant factors that O-notation deliberately ignores (it's only about growth of the runtime). Sometimes, optimizing those constant factors can be significant, and then the choice of language matters. And even some details about the CPU you are targeting, and overall system architecture.

        • o11c 3 hours ago

          Often languages like Javascript and Python don't allow optimal runtime complexity, because the types baked in to external interfaces fundamentally disallow the desired operation. And these languages are too slow to rewrite the core logic in the language itself.

          (but of course, the vast majority of the code, even in widely used tools, isn't properly designed for optimization in the first place)

          I only dabble in javascript, but `tsc` is abominable.

      • worik 3 hours ago

        > Lots of very smart people have worked very hard on Python tools written in Python

        Yes, I agree that is very sad

        Python is achingly slow. I know the Python people want to address this, I do not understand. Python makes sense as a scripting/job control language, and execution speed does not matter.

        As an application development language it is diabolical. For a lot of reasons, not just speed

      • bsder 2 hours ago

        > Lots of very smart people have worked very hard on Python tools written in Python, yet the rust rewrites of those tools are so much faster.


        Some tool got written and did its job sufficiently well that it became a bottleneck worth optimizing.

        That's a win.

        "Finishing the task" is, by far, the most difficult thing in programming. And the two biggest contributors to that are 1) simplicity of programming language and 2) convenience of ecosystem.

        Python and Javascript are so popular because they tick both boxes.

        • tyree731 an hour ago

          Don’t disagree about finishing the task, but personally I don’t find more performant languages any less productive for the sort of programming I tend to do.

          • bsder 41 minutes ago

            Congratulations on being a programming god. This discussion isn't for you.

            From my point of view, I'm happy if I can convince my juniors to learn a scripting language. Okay? I don't care which one--any one. I'd prefer that they learn one of the portable ones but even PowerShell is fine.

            I have seen sooooo many junior folks struggle for days to do something that is 10 lines in any scripting language.

            Those folks who program but don't know a scripting language far outnumber the rest of us.

    • hawski 3 hours ago

      In higher level languages your code may allocate memory or trigger a GC pass or other smartness in unexpected places. This may cause slowdowns you may not have control over or may change from version to version or vendor to vendor. It is often easier to manage in "faster" languages. Good algorithm may not be enough.

    • Ferret7446 2 hours ago

      Quite the opposite, for most cases you don't hit the scale where asymptotic algorithmic performance really makes a big impact (e.g., for many small set comparisons, iterating over a list is faster than a hash set, but only by 10-50% or so), vs switching to a compiled language which instantly gets you 10x to 100x performance basically for free.

      Or perhaps another way to look at it, if you care enough about performance to choose a particular algorithm, you shouldn't be using a slow language in the first place unless you're forced to due to functional requirements.

    • zeroonetwothree 3 hours ago

      The types of problems in those contests are meant to highlight algorithms. In the real world you might have a trivial algorithm but a huge input size, where the constant factor matters much more.

    • moomin 3 hours ago

      Here’s the thing: languages like C#, Java and Rust all have extensive libraries and packages that implement many common data structures and algorithms well. With all due respect to the incredible work that goes into projects like lodash, JavaScript does not. (Nor does C, for that matter.)

    • noname120 3 hours ago

      It's not just a matter of “picking the correct algorithm”. Algorithmic-interview exercises are algorithmic-interview exercices. They are barely related to real-world software engineering.

      • magicalhippo 3 hours ago

        While picking the right algorithm seldom comes up in most programmers day-to-day activities, being aware of big-Oh and the performance guarantees/characteristics of the libraries you use most certainly should.

        I don't care if you don't know how to write a merge sort from scratch. I do care about you knowing not to write an O(n^2) loop when it can be avoided.

      • anyfoo 3 hours ago

        Choosing the right algorithm is usually the prerequisite for fast code. Optimizing the constant factors is often pretty useless if you pick an algorithm with a runtime that grows quadratically, when there are much better options available.

      • tightbookkeeper 3 hours ago

        Exactly. What do you do when you have the right algorithm and it’s too slow (very typical for linear problems that require visiting each item).

        • anyfoo 3 hours ago

          You optimize the constant factors, e.g. the runtime of the inner loops. But this requires you to choose a sane algorithm in the first place.

          Some problems are much more complicated, where you have to take, for example, locality (cache hierarchy etc.) and concurrency considerations like lock contention into account. This may affect your choice of algorithm, but by the time you reach that, you've almost certainly thought about the algorithm a lock already.

    • tightbookkeeper 3 hours ago

      > knows that the language doesn’t matter so much as your algorithm.

      I know what you’re referring to but these problems have also taught me a lot about language performance. python and JS array access is just 100x slower than C. Some difficult problems become much harder due to this limitation.

      • jampekka 3 hours ago

        JS array access is a lot faster than Python array access. JS is easily within magnitude of C and can be even about as fast with typed arrays or well JITable code.

        • tightbookkeeper 3 hours ago

          > JS is easily within magnitude of C

          Typed arrays help a lot, but I’m still doubtful. Maybe it all the processing is restrict to idioms in the asm.js subset? And even then you’re getting bounds checking.

  • a_wild_dandan 3 hours ago

    I’m continually surprised at JavaScript’s speed. Seeing JS sometimes nipping at the heels of C/rust/etc in performance benchmarks blows me away. V8 is such an incredible piece of engineering.

    In my work, it’s hard to justify using something other than JS/TS — incredible type system, fast, unified code base for server/mobile/web/desktop, world’s biggest package ecosystem for anything you need, biggest hiring pool from being the best known language, etc.

    It’s just such a joy to work with, ime. Full-stack JS has been such a superpower for me, especially on smaller teams.

    The dissonance between how the silent majority feels about JS (see, e.g the SO yearly survey), vs the animus it receives on platforms like HN is sad. So here’s my attempt at bringing a little positivity and appreciation to the comments haha.

  • leerob 11 minutes ago

    If you want to steel man _for_ writing in Rust or Zig or Go, previous discussion here: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=35043720

  • cxr an hour ago

    This, like most articles dealing with "JS", is really more about the things you'll find yourself futzing around with when you're in the NodeJS and NPM ecosystem.

    You wouldn't conflate Windows development with "C" (and completely discount UNIX along the way) just because of Win32. But that's about how bonkers it is when it comes to JS and people do the same with its relationship to Node—not only was JS not created to serve the Node ecosystem, the prescriptions that NPM and Node programmers insist on often cut against the grain of the language. And that's just when we're focused on convention and haven't even gotten to the outright incompatibilities between Node and the language standard (or Node's proprietary APIs).

    node_modules, for example? That has fuck-all to do with ECMA262/JS. Tailwind, Rollup, Prettier, all this other stuff—even the misleadingly named ESLint? Same. You're having a terrible experience because you're interacting with terrible software. It doesn't matter that it's written in JS (or quasi-JS). Rewrite these implementations all in other languages, and the terrible experience will remain.

    Besides, anyone who's staking out a position that a language is slow, and that JS is one of them is wrong two ways, and you don't have to listen to or legitimize them.

  • sksxihve 3 hours ago

    > Whereas if it’s written in a native language, I’d need to check out the source code and compile it myself – a big barrier to entry.

    Is it though? Rust/Zig/Go programs are pretty much all incredibly easy to checkout and compile, it's one of the big selling points of those languages. And at the end of the day how often are javascript developers fixing the tooling they use even when it's written in javascript?

    I've always felt learning new languages give me not only new tools to use but shapes the way I think about solving problems.

    • timeon 3 hours ago

      I wonder if author is aware that Node.js is not written in JavaScript.

  • from-nibly 3 hours ago

    > It’s very forgiving of types

    I lost you here. JavaScript doesn't work around type issues, no language really can. It just pushes the type issues to a later time.

  • bryanrasmussen 4 hours ago

    the big issue here is the debuggability by having all your dependencies in the same language, and it's not even like these rewrites will all be in the same performant language for you to learn, so essentially if you are using a wasm compiled dependency you are not likely to be able to go into that dependency's code and figure out where the library author has messed up or what you have misunderstood from the documentation.

    • Kinrany 4 hours ago

      The solution to that is dependencies that work

      • bawolff 4 hours ago

        Does the dependency that always works and has no bugs also come with a free rainbow and unicorn?

        • bryanrasmussen 3 hours ago

          I sure hope so - otherwise how would I know the dependency I installed was going to always work?

  • porcoda 3 hours ago

    Sometimes it seems that people who write these kinds of pieces forget that not everyone in the world does web or even web-adjacent work, and node.js is something we don’t even consider to be part of our ecosystem. Rewriting useful things in non-JS has the benefit of letting folks like me who avoid JS like the plague use useful tools. Stop assuming everyone wants to get anywhere near the JS ecosystem: I’ve gone 30 years without touching it, and plan to continue that streak. Rewriting stuff is great from my perspective.

    • namuol 2 hours ago

      > Stop assuming everyone wants to get anywhere near the JS ecosystem

      The author is writing about JS ecosystem tools.

    • worik 3 hours ago

      > Stop assuming everyone wants to get anywhere near the JS ecosystem

      I have been dragged, through straight misrepresentation, into the Node.js world.

      OMG, awful hardly begins to touch it.

      I have not used Go, but as far as I can tell every thing the Node.js people do is done better in Go.

      I do not recommend Rust. I have a lot of experience with Rust, and unless you actually need the real time responsiveness it will bog you down.

  • metadat 3 hours ago

    > I should also acknowledge: there is a perf hit from using Wasm versus pure-native tools. So this could be another reason native tools are taking the CLI world by storm, but not necessarily the browser frontend.

    I didn't know about this before, I wonder how much overhead?

    The reason I am reluctant to rely on JS tools for anything CLI is because of Node.js instability due to version sensitivity and impossible-to-fix-without-reinstalling-the-os low level LibC errors.

    Compared to go, rust, or python, the odds that any given CLI.js program will run across my (small) fleet of machines is very low, by factor or 10x or more compared to alternatives. Some boxes I don't want to reinstall from scratch every 4 years, they're not public facing and life is too short.

  • qianli_cs 3 hours ago

    I'm not sure if JavaScript supports it, but some Python libraries allow you to choose whether to install a more optimized binary version or the pure Python implementation.

    For example, if you install psycopg you'll get a pure Python implementation which is easy to debug and hack. But you can also install psycopg[binary] to obtain a faster, compiled version of the library. https://www.psycopg.org/psycopg3/docs/basic/install.html

    • jampekka 3 hours ago

      That typically means two totally different implementations, and pure Python versions are often unusably slow, so it doesn't help much to hack that.

  • musicale 2 hours ago

    JavaScript is a terrific language: more ubiquitous than BASIC ever was; nearly as easy to learn and use as Python; syntax that is close to Java/C/C++. And it only uses 10x the CPU and memory of C or C++.

  • bawolff 4 hours ago

    Yeah, i agree. I think there is a time where rewriting in a faster language is useful (just like how handcrafted assembly is still a thing), but most of the time you are very far away from the point where that is neccesary.

    I also think there is an element of, "rewrite in rust" is just easy to say, where changing data structures or whatever requires analysis of the problem at hand.

    • MrHamburger 3 hours ago

      It is analogues discussion to C vs Rust. Sure Rust is memory safe, but whole ecosystem I am using today is C based. Compiler, SDK, drivers, RTOS, ... Nobody sane is going to rewrite it for the sake of rewriting it into a different language.

  • paulddraper 3 hours ago

    The biggest reason to be skeptical is that these tools are not open to extension in the same way that JavaScript is.

    Webpack has an enormous community of third-party plugins, it would be very hard to do something similar with e.g. Go or Zig.

    • klabb3 3 hours ago

      Right, because tooling is standardized in eg Go. There’s no custom build pipeline, transpilation hell, or experimental language features that are selectively enabled randomly. I’m not even against JS, like at all, and I think the majority of perf issues can be resolved. However, JS tooling is the prime example of where things get truly nightmarish from a software development perspective. Webpack being a perfect example of this horror.

      • postalrat 3 hours ago

        It's also a breeding ground where the best ideas often end becoming a sort of standard not only for javascript devs but for other langauges as well.

        • FridgeSeal 2 hours ago

          Well curious as to what some of these ideas might be.

          NPM has done a pretty great job of showing everyone else what to avoid doing.

          The mere mention of “web pack” sends most of the FE devs I’ve met into borderline trauma flashbacks.

          There’s seemingly half a dozen package managements tools, some of which also seem to be compilers? There’s also bundlers, but again some of these seem integrated. Half of the frameworks seem to ship their own tools?

    • tightbookkeeper 3 hours ago

      This is funny to me. Go and zig are built with the Unix shell in mind - the most extensible and modular system around.

      The webpack ecosystem on the other hand is it’s own OS.

      • dpritchett 2 hours ago

        Maybe for some the appeal of JS is in (hopefully) never having to learn Unix?

        I’ve heard several folks say that about Kubernetes, but in my experience the *nix core always resurfaces the second things get weird.

        • tightbookkeeper 2 hours ago

          That certainly can be a benefit. But as we see here it also limits your thinking to that ecosystem.

  • cyberax 3 hours ago

    > For another thing: it’s straightforward to modify JavaScript dependencies locally. I’ve often tweaked something in my local node_modules folder when I’m trying to track down a bug or work on a feature in a library I depend on. Whereas if it’s written in a native language, I’d need to check out the source code and compile it myself – a big barrier to entry.

    Yeah, JavaScript is sloppy, but you can always monkey-patch it by modifying tool-controlled files. Great idea. Not.

    JS is just not a good language. The JIT and the web of packages made it slightly more usable, but it's still Not Good. There's no real way to do real parallel processing, async/await are hellish to debug, etc.

    It's unavoidable in browsers, but we _can_ avoid using it for tools. Look at Python, a native PIP replacement improved build times for HomeAssistant by an order of magnitude: https://developers.home-assistant.io/blog/2024/04/03/build-i...

  • jongjong 3 hours ago

    I also love JavaScript.

    It's true, it has some really bad parts but you can avoid them.

    If I could design the perfect language for myself, it would have the syntax of JavaScript and the portability of JavaScript but it would use Python's strong duck typing approach.

    • anyfoo 3 hours ago

      What have static type systems ever done to you, that you avoid them so much?

      • dbrueck 3 hours ago

        Not the OP, but the appeal of languages like JS has a lot to do with developer productivity. I write gobs of JS and Python code and the finished programs and libraries can be strongly and statically typed end-to-end. I just don't want to be forced to do it in cases when it doesn't really make a difference, and I don't want to waste time on it when I'm still figuring out the design.

        My hope is one of the Next Big Things in programming languages is the widespread adoption of incremental typing systems.

        So during the early stages of dev you get the productivity benefits of dynamic and loose/duck typing as much as you want, and then as the code matures - as the design firms up - you begin layering in the type information on different parts of the program (and hopefully the toolset gives you a jump start by suggesting a lot of this type info for you, or maybe you specify it only in places where the type info can't be deduced).

        Then those parts of the program (and hopefully eventually the entire program) are strongly and statically typed, and you get all of the associated goodies.

      • bryanrasmussen 3 hours ago

        most static type systems are verbose, probably due to linguistic verbosity, so one obvious thing that static type systems have probably done to a lot of people is given them pain from typing so much.

        • anyfoo 3 hours ago

          I don't feel it's so much typing. Especially for the clarity and, most importantly, safety and correctness I get back. I'd rather type 3 1/2 seconds more than debug a dumb type issue for half an hour.

          It gets really old to get something like "NoneType does not have blah" in a deeply nested, complicated data structure in python, but obviously only at runtime and only in that hard to hit corner case, when all you did is forget to wrap something in the right number of square brackets in some other part of the code.

          I haven't fully given up on python, but I only deal with it using mypy, which adds static typing, anymore.

          • jwells89 3 hours ago

            A bit of extra verbosity as added by static typing can also be immensely helpful for trawling through and/or learning an unfamiliar codebase, especially in the absence of an IDE or debugging environment (e.g. browsing code on GitHub or in a filemanager).

            For instance, take function definitions. By just adding types to the function's arguments, you're potentially saving the reader a ton of time and mental overhead since they don't have to chase down the right the chain of function calls to figure out what it is exactly (or is supposed to be) that's getting passed in.

    • singpolyma3 3 hours ago

      JavaScript isn't really all that portable? Heck just making it run on the different JS engines and runtimes is a big pain sometimes

      • o11c 2 hours ago

        I can't even figure out how to write typescript that conditionally uses browser-only or node-only libraries depending on which environment it's in. My current best guess is to write 2 completely independent typescript projects that happen to point to the same source files?

        Let me cross-compile a C++ project any day ...

  • keybored 4 hours ago


    • 4 hours ago