• CharlieDigital 8 hours ago

    Very interesting choice of using Cypher[0]

    In 2014, we built a similar type event-driven system (but specifically for document distribution (a document can be distributed to a target set of entities; if a new entity is added, we need to resolve which distributions match)) and also ended up using Cypher via Neo4j (because of the complex taxonomical structure of how we mapped entities).

    It is a super underrated query language and while most of the queries could also be translated to relational SQL, Cypher's linear construction using WITH clauses is far, far easier to reason about, IMO.

    EDIT: feel like the devs went overboard with the mix of languages. Shoehorned in C# Blazor? Using JS and Jest for e2e testing?

    [0] https://drasi.io/reference/query-language/

    • leeoniya 8 hours ago

      > while most of the queries could also be translated to relational SQL, Cypher's linear construction using WITH clauses is far, far easier to reason about, IMO.


      • CharlieDigital 8 hours ago

        Didn't look too deeply, but one of the keys with Cypher (at least in the context of graph databases) is that it has a nice way of representing `JOIN` operations as graph traversals.

            MATCH (p:Person)-[r]-(c:Company) RETURN p.Name, c.Name
        Where `r` can represent any relationship (AKA `JOIN`) between the two collections `Person` and `Company` such as `WORKS_AT`, `EMPLOYED_BY`, `CONTRACTOR_FOR`, etc.

        So I'd say that linear queries are one of the things I like about Cypher, but the clean abstraction of complex `JOIN` operations is another huge one.

    • robertlagrant 8 hours ago

      We made a health backend partly using Cypher and the only thing I found was the simple queries looked amazing, but as soon as you need to join non-linearly it started looking a lot like SQL again. And when you're using an ORM it stops mattering. And when you need migrations it gets painful!

      • CharlieDigital 8 hours ago

            > but as soon as you need to join non-linearly
        At least in our use case, even with some very gnarly 20+ line Cypher queries, it never got to the point where it felt like SQL and certainly, those same queries would be even gnarlier as nested sub-selects, CTEs, or recursive selects, IMO.

        Perhaps a characteristic of our model (a taxonomy of Region, Country, Sponsor, Program, Trial, Site, Staff for global clinical trials and documents required by Region/Country/Program/Trial).

    • JanSt 8 hours ago

      I too have great memories of cypher. Such an elegant way to write queries.

  • otterley 7 hours ago

    Looks very Azure-centric. Both installation guides (https://drasi.io/how-to-guides/install-sample-applications/b... and https://drasi.io/how-to-guides/install-sample-applications/c...) require Azure to work.

    And then there's this:

    > Installing Drasi in an EKS cluster can be significantly more complex than a standard installation on other platforms. Instead of downloading a CLI binary using the provided installation scripts, this approach requires modifying the source code of the Drasi CLI and building a local version of the CLI.

    Is this an actual requirement or just the current easy path?

    • stackskipton 6 hours ago

      Azure SRE here, it doesn't appear to have any Azure dependencies. CLI rebuild seems to be that "drasi init" assumes Azure Kubernetes Service built in StorageClasses for Kubernetes PVC for Redis and Mongo and thus fails when running against EKS. I assume same thing would be required on GKE. Yes, it should be more modular but MVP.

      As for other stuff, it's using Gremlin Query Language or Postgres which are both open. In fact, it's going out of way it's not to use Azure authenication as loading connection string as Kubernetes secret is 100% AGAINST Azure Kubernetes Best Practice. Best Practice would be Workload Identity.

      • bob1029 38 minutes ago

        > CLI rebuild seems to be that "drasi init" assumes Azure Kubernetes Service built in StorageClasses for Kubernetes PVC for Redis and Mongo and thus fails when running against EKS. I assume same thing would be required on GKE. Yes, it should be more modular but MVP.

        None of these words are in the Bible.

    • dtquad 7 hours ago

      That is usual for new Microsoft open source projects. It takes 1-2 months for the Azure dependencies to go away.

    • jameslevy 6 hours ago

      Does it require Azure to work? Or could the Azure steps be relatively easily be swapped out for AWS/GCP/etc?

    • pjmlp 7 hours ago

      Azure is the new Windows, as timesharing OS, thus yeah that is to be expected.

  • resters 2 hours ago

    This is a very solid pattern. Many systems that are built using traditional relational database systems would lend themselves to far simpler designs using this paradigm. It is not necessarily immediately obvious but nonetheless quite true.

  • gigatexal 9 hours ago

    Oh this very much reminds me of [feldera](https://feldera.com) — they do incremental loads and computations using some novel approaches (most of which i am too dumb to follow). Really nice folks too.

    • woozyolliew 8 hours ago

      Or the related Materialize stuff https://materialize.com/

      • hobofan 3 hours ago

        I took a brief look into Drasi and it looks like it doesn't do any of the differential/timely dataflow stuff (like Materialize does), or any other sophisticated incremental view maintenance methods that are rooted in Microsoft Research.

  • stefanos82 7 hours ago

    Drasi...React...well played Microsoft, well played :D

    Assuming they choose this name from the Greek δράση which means action, React of course is the exact opposite to action, thus the React-ion; an action expects a reaction, somewhere somehow!

    • benbristow 6 hours ago

      Not like Microsoft to name things well...

      • j-a-a-p 6 hours ago

        VMS++ = Windows NT?

  • smarx007 8 hours ago
  • SiddanthEmani 2 hours ago

    Cypher is so cool. I included a graph database in my RAG patient chatbot


  • fatliverfreddy 8 hours ago

    I wish I could use Cypher for everything

  • imvetri 8 hours ago

    What does it process it from and what does it process it to?

    Is it programmable or you have a concrete concept theorised?

    What is it useful for? How it helps business in saving cost or increasing profit? Is it a hobby project?

  • f4c39012 8 hours ago


  • sitkack 7 hours ago

    But at what cost?