NGS – Next Generation Shell


15 points | by gurjeet 3 days ago ago


  • eviks 2 days ago

    The "why" section is unfortunately empty, would be nice to learn where other shells are worse vs NGS

    The author's origin story compares bash and Python. But then there are python-based shells like xonsh, why wouldn't it be better to improve those vs having this new one?

    • ilyash 2 days ago

      Hi. Author here.

      The biggest difference between NGS and other shells is the UI. It's work in progress. Ideas are at

      Another big difference is that NGS is a language designed ground up for DevOps-y tasks. The result, in my subjective opinion, is clear and concise scripting. That's due to better fit between the language and problems being solved.

      Edit: Python for example "doesn't like" functional programming, while NGS supports it and using map() and filter() is idiomatic.

      Edit 2: explanation why UI takes so long. That's because it is being implemented mostly in NGS itself so the language must be in shape (and now it is but it took time).

  • greatgib 2 days ago

    This is ridiculous in my opinion.

    It is not for someone that wants a shell but for someone that wants a Javascript repl...

  • hulitu 2 days ago

    > curl | bash

    What can go wrong ?

    POSIX ?