S3 as a Git remote and LFS server


89 points | by kbumsik 11 hours ago ago


  • Scribbd 4 minutes ago

    This is something I was trying to implement myself. I am surprised it can be done with just an s3 bucket. I was messing with API Gateways, Lambda functions and DynamoDB tables to support the s3 bucket. It didn't occur to me to implement it client side. I might have stuck a bit too much to the lfs test server implementation. https://github.com/git-lfs/lfs-test-server

  • mdaniel 4 hours ago

    All this mocking when moto exists is just :-( https://github.com/awslabs/git-remote-s3/blob/v0.1.19/test/r...

    Actually, moto is just one bandaid for that problem - there are SO MANY s3 storage implementations, including the pre-license-switch Apache 2 version of minio (one need not use a bleeding edge for something as relatively stable as the S3 Api)

    • notpushkin 3 hours ago

      > there are SO MANY s3 storage implementations

      I suppose given this is under the AWS Labs org, they don’t really care about non-AWS S3 implementations.

      • mdaniel 2 hours ago

        Well, I look forward to their `docker run awslabs/the-real-s3:latest` implementation then. Until such time, monkeypatching api calls to always give the exact answer the consumer is looking for is damn cheating

        • notpushkin 2 hours ago

          Agreed, haha. Well, I think it should work with Minio & co. just as well, but be prepared to have your issues closed as unsupported. (Pesonally, I might give it a go with Backblaze B2 just to play around, yeah)

        • chrsig 2 hours ago

          it wouldn't be unprecedented. dynamodb-local exists.

    • SahAssar 4 hours ago

      Do you mean boto (the python SDK for AWS)?

      EDIT: They probably do not, I'm guessing they mean https://docs.getmoto.org/en/latest/index.html ?

      • flakes 4 hours ago

        moto server for testing S3 is pretty great. It’s about the same experience as using a minio container to run integration tests against.

        I use this, and testing.postgresql for unit testing my api servers with barely any mocks used at all.

      • mdaniel 2 hours ago

        Happy 10,000th Day to you :-D Yes, moto and its friend localstack are just fantastic for being able to play with AWS without spending money, or to reproduce kabooms that only happen once a month with the real API

        I believe moto has an "embedded" version such that one need not even have in listen on a network port, but I find it much, much less mental gymnastics to just supersede the "endpoint" address in the actual AWS SDKs to point to and off to the races. The AWS SDKs are even so friendly as to not mandate TLS or have allowlists of endpoint addresses, unlike their misguided Azure colleagues

  • philsnow 2 hours ago

    I'm surprised they just punt on concurrent updates [0] instead of locking with something like dynamodb, like terraform does.

    [0] https://github.com/awslabs/git-remote-s3?tab=readme-ov-file#...

    • noctune 4 minutes ago

      S3 recently got conditional writes and you can use do locking entirely in S3 - I don't think they are using this though. Must be too recent an addition.

    • ncruces 8 minutes ago

      Google Cloud Storage is good enough to implement locks all by itself: https://reddit.com/r/golang/comments/t52d4f/gmutex_a_global_...

      Doesn't S3 provide primitives to do the same? At least since moving to strong read-after-write consistency?

    • mdaniel 2 hours ago

      I thank goodness I have access to a non-stupid Terraform state provider[1] so I've never tried that S3+dynamodb setup but, if I understand the situation correctly, introducing Yet Another AWS Service ™ into this mix would mandate that callers also be given a `dynamo:WriteSomething` IAM perm, which is actually different from S3 in that in S3 one can -- at their discretion -- set the policies on the bucket such that it would work without any explicit caller IAM

      1: https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/infrastructure/iac/terraform...

  • fortran77 42 minutes ago

    Amazon has deprecated Amazon Code Commit, so this may be an interesting alternative.