PhotoDNA and Limitations (2021)


17 points | by KolmogorovComp 4 days ago ago


  • telecuda 21 hours ago

    If working in this space interests you, I recommend checking out Magnet Forensics. They make the best tools for end users tasked with taking those recovered hard drives full of CSAM and performing the analysis. Great company to consider working for (I have no affiliation, just a longstanding respect for them).

    • WediBlino 19 hours ago

      Magnet Axiom is very poor for images. The interface is way to slow and a poor advert for .Net.

      Xways for extraction, Griffeye for image processing and grading. Axiom for browser history and OS artefacts.

      I just hope now Magnet bought Griffeye that the don't integrate it into a Axiom style clunky interface and render it unusable like the CCTV software they bought.

  • 4 days ago
  • 20 hours ago