• pluc 12 hours ago

    Gee what could this be in relation to I wonder

  • 18 hours ago
  • itsdrewmiller 8 hours ago

    This was the missing piece! I'm glad we can finally put this wordpress drama behind us now.

  • hprotagonist a day ago

    that does mean "no leaking!!11!", right?

  • xnx a day ago

    What's the context? I'm assuming this somehow related to embarrassing messages being shared as part of the ongoing drama?

    • wmf a day ago

      This is to protect Matt. If he DMs you something unhinged you can't publish it.

      • unsnap_biceps a day ago

        Slight correction, you can't publish it without suffering enforcement actions [1]. There's no legal consequence for it beyond the confines of the Wordpress ecosystem.

        I would imagine if it's something unhinged, people are going to publish it anyway as they'll already be distancing themselves from the ecosystem.

        [1] https://make.wordpress.org/handbook/community-code-of-conduc...

      • a day ago
  • Kye 8 hours ago

    pulls the mask off “we” and “our”

    It was Matt Mullenweg all along

  • SheinhardtWigCo 16 hours ago

    This is just sad at this point.

  • mwinatschek 20 hours ago

    I hope Matt gets the psychological help he needs. However, the fact that people like Nicholas Garofalo are enabling his behavior through proxy blog posts like this, instead of helping him realize that, even if he was right at one point, he went completely off the rails somewhere along the way, will only make his upcoming reality check that much harsher. Good luck, Matt. Really.