Show HN: I made this tool to re-design your room in one click


13 points | by paulcn 5 hours ago ago


  • itishappy 2 hours ago

    Is there a ground truth photo? It looks like the images here are all AI generated, which seems an odd choice if you're targeting real estate where (I'd hope) there's value in having the generated image accurately reflect the actual room. That it appears to freely change the room layout (doors and hallways imagined into the corner of a few rooms, dimensions don't appear super consistent) may imply my assumptions are wrong about your target market. This isn't a comment on your work so much as your users. If this tool is being used for inspirational home improvement, great! But when this stuff starts showing up in real estate and AirBnB listings, that starts feeling like fraud.

    Also, I don't understand the pricing model: free to start but $0.08 per design. What's a "design?" I assume a single image. How many designs are offered for free?

    • paulcn 2 hours ago

      Thanks for the feedback! You're right, I should include the ground truth. The model is still inconsistent with layouts, and I'm working on improving this to reduce those layout issues. At the moment, I see it primarily as a source of inspiration (mainly B2C), but as it improves it could evolve into a more B2B tool for interior architects for example.

      Yes, a design is an image. Right now, I offer only 5 images, but that might not be enough for a proper trial. I may increase it if people are asking for more credits.

      • itishappy an hour ago

        Might just be my preconceptions showing then. If you care to address cranky old folks like me, a few before/after images (or even those fancy JS sliders) would do wonders to clear up how you see your tool being used. For example, you mention it works with sketches, and I'm super curious to see how that works. It also acts as a basic example for those of us too lazy (or paranoid) to create an account.

  • thimkerbell 3 hours ago

    Can you make a tool to convert real estate agents' wide-angle photos of homes into images that enable the person viewing them to get a sense of the actual room dimensions?

    • wappieslurkz 26 minutes ago

      You can easily "convert" wide angle photos to "normal" photos by just cropping out at least 50% of the wide angle photo.

      Try it with your smartphone: make two pictures from exactly the same position, one with your wide angle lens and one with your normal lens. After that you should be able to crop the wide angle version in such a way that the framing & composition will be almost identical to the normal angled photo.

    • paulcn 3 hours ago

      I believe it's possible. Could you share an example to help me better understand the task? Feel free to email me at

  • tobr 2 hours ago

    I don’t know that I understand the value of this. The examples show structural elements like doors and windows being changed. To be of any use it would need to know what in the input image is impossible or impractical to change, and keep those things exactly identical in the output. Otherwise it’s like looking at a somewhat similar room, and then you might as well just go look for actual photographic inspiration, or use any image generator to create an image from scratch.

    • paulcn 2 hours ago

      Yes, these random layout glitches can occur with certain styles. I’m working on improving this. It's currently just an MVP, and I’m gauging interest before investing more time into it.

      • theendisney 2 hours ago

        It is certainly interesting and you could take it in coutless directions. For example, say one provides a good number of photos of each piece of furniture in a room. A good number of pictures of the room dimensions then get a slide show with every possible configuration.

        This would be worth something.

        People do this by moving things around and with paper cutouts. Much easier to pay 20-30 and see all variations.

        You then take pictures from something you want to buy and pay the fee again to see 50 or 200 implementations.

        • paulcn an hour ago

          Man, this idea of visualizing all possible furniture configurations in a room is genius! need to build this

  • petarb 2 hours ago

    It’s down for me right now

  • 2 hours ago
  • Hadriel 3 hours ago

    you made your forms wrong on the front-end, it's not auto-filling.

    • paulcn 3 hours ago

      Thanks for the feedback! I'll get that fixed. Have you had a chance to try it yet?

    • Hadriel 3 hours ago

      also first load took 3+ sec

  • nonameiguess 3 hours ago

    So, I figured as much that "one click" had to mean you've got image-manipulation software that will change the look of a photo of my home, as there is no possible way for me to re-design anything myself in one click or any other small number of clicks and brevity is kind of not really the point anyway.

    It does seem useful for real estate agents, assuming buyers are going to be sufficiently swayed by simulated photos of what the inside of a house could look like even when they go for a visit and it's empty in reality, plus the photos seemingly wouldn't match the furniture and decor they actually own. The wording for people already living in a home is a bit specious, though, I'd say. Generating something that looks like a photo is not "bringing my vision to life." Life isn't a photo. Obviously, it's too much to ask you to give me a team of robots that can change my actual house as opposed to a photo of it, at least for a cheap price, but let's be real on the limitations of what you can do with this.

    Does it have any connections to furniture and decor sellers such that the images it generates are images that even can be brought to life without me having to build everything from scratch? Does it know or try to estimate dimensions and show things that will actually fit? If I give it photos of all of my rooms, can it move furniture I already own between them to possibly give a better allocation than what I've got now?

    Obviously, I could sign up and try to figure these out for myself, but I suppose the biggest issue is I have no idea who you are and see no reason I should trust you with photos of the interior of my home. Your entire page here makes not a single mention of data privacy.

    • paulcn 2 hours ago

      Thanks for your comment! It's really helpful for prioritizing future features. I find the idea of re-allocating furniture really interesting. Right now, the tool focuses mainly on changing styles, but I’m working on adding more features, like the ability to add or remove actual furniture from the space.

      This is essentially an MVP, and I’m testing interest before building out more. (I could have just set up a landing page with a form, but I wanted to see the real engagement.) That’s why some elements, like privacy policies and terms and conditions, aren’t there yet—I'll try to add those this weekend.

      By the way, I'm Paul, the founder of You can find my Twitter at the bottom of the site!

  • xtracto 2 hours ago

    I see a lot of negative comments. Want to leave a positive one. The site worked fine for me and the process was pretty straight forward.

    Image generation took a bit (currently waiting, will keep writing once it finishes). I sent 3 images to generate, and even though the site said "images will be in the "generated" section even after you reload. Once I reloaded there was nothing anywhere, and no sign of the 3 images I sent. I tried re-generating again and the site told me that I only had 2 credits left; so I sent to generate 1. At the end, it only generated 1 image.



    It feels as if the generator "shrunk" the size of a wall and added some doors in place of a wall. Other than that I like the design.

    • paulcn 2 hours ago

      Sorry about that, there may still be some bugs to fix since it's an MVP... Normally, all your images should be saved in the 'generation' section, aren't they there? Also do not hesitate to send an email to to ask for more credits. Thanks a lot for your feedback!

    • 2 hours ago
  • CommieBobDole 3 hours ago


    • 2 hours ago
    • paulcn 2 hours ago

      Yes, the concern is mainly the cost. Running this AI model is expensive, and unfortunately creating an account with a real email is indeed the most effective way to prevent abuse. In an ideal world where everyone plays fair, I’d let anyone try it directly from the landing page, but that's not the reality.

      There is no credit card required btw, I should probably make that clearer on the landing page.

    • throw8610498 2 hours ago

      > If you're concerned about costs, there are plenty of ways to limit access other than a signup.

      Care to list them?