Regular exercise could reduce the severity of hangovers


14 points | by gnabgib a day ago ago


  • cafard 21 hours ago

    Back in the day when I ran a lot, and got hangovers from time to time, I found that a hard four-mile run would break a hangover. I would not smell good at the end of the run, and I would still be tired, but I would feel a lot better.

    Now I don't run or drink as much.

  • its_down_again a day ago

    From what I’m getting out of the paper, it’s more like 'students who work out regularly are less likely to get really bad hangovers.' I’m not sure I buy that regular exercise actually lowers the pain of a hangover if you’re drinking the same amount. For me, working out tends to make me feel tipsy faster, so I usually end up drinking less anyway when I do.

    • grugagag a day ago

      Probably something to do with higher metabolism…

  • a day ago
  • StanislavPetrov a day ago

    > All participants did at least 30 minutes of moderate physical activity per week.

    Is 30 minutes of moderate physical activity per week really "regular exercise"? Seems to me mowing the lawn once a week would qualify.

    • bravetraveler a day ago

      Mowing the lawn once a week may qualify as regular exercise, I don't know your methods or yard. Physical work counts, it doesn't need a label or tools...

      I wouldn't call it strenuous but it also exceeds what I do and many peers.

      My take: friggin Water reduces the severity, those who exercise are likely more hydrated. Feels like propaganda

      • defrost a day ago

        In context, that's the baseline for all studied ie. nobody was a full on week in, week out couch potato.

        The results were then ranked by amount of exercise (from the baseline to ran 10km every day (perhaps)) Vs subjective hangover severity for given alcohol per body weight dose.

        • bravetraveler a day ago

          That makes sense. A small benchmark for entrants otherwise just measuring and reporting on vibes. I'm not good with non-computer stuff. I think the word is "control", but will completely admit to taking liberties