Should you use uv's managed Python in production?


9 points | by rbanffy a day ago ago


  • odie5533 18 hours ago

    For most applications, I would not use uv's managed Python in production. I would use it just to manage dependencies. Follow along with the Docker guide on uv: It copies the uv executable to your existing Python docker image and then you can use it to manage dependencies.

    The only time I'd use uv's Python is if I were on a strange Docker image that didn't have the right version of Python that I wanted. Then I'd consider it. Not run into that yet though.

  • nemosaltat 20 hours ago

    I, like, immediately switched after minimal reading about it here a few weeks ago. It’s simply excellent.

    > in Python there should be one obviously correct way to do everything that’s why there are dozens package managers.

    I feel like the last thing that eased up my Python version and project management game like this was pyvenv.

    it also just supports all the basic pip install commands that you already remember.

    • 19 hours ago