Understanding how bureaucracy develops


64 points | by dhruvmethi 2 days ago ago


  • sevensor 3 hours ago

    When you treat every negative outcome as a system failure, the answer is more systems. This is the cost of a blameless culture. There are places where that’s the right answer, especially where a skilled operator is required to operate in an environment beyond their control and deal with emergent problems in short order. Aviation, surgery. Different situations where the cost of failure is lower can afford to operate without the cost of bureaucratic compliance, but often they don’t even nudge the slider towards personal responsibility and it stays at “fully blameless.”

    • SupremumLimit 2 hours ago

      This is a wonderfully insightful comment!

      I’ve encountered a similar phenomenon with regard to skill as well: people want to ensure that every part of the software system can be understood and operated by the least skilled members of the team (meaning completely inexperienced people).

      But similarly to personal responsibility, it’s worth asking what the costs of that approach are, and why it is that we shouldn’t have either baseline expectations of skill or shouldn’t expect that some parts of the software system require higher levels of expertise.

      • jiggawatts 6 minutes ago

        There is the reason Haskell or F# are relatively unpopular and Go has a much wider footprint in the industry: high expertise levels don’t scale. You can hire 100 juniors but not 100 seniors all trained up in the same difficult abstractions.

        Conversely, one skilled senior can often outperform a hundred juniors using simpler tools, but management just doesn’t see it that way.

    • poulsbohemian an hour ago

      But there's also an element where this isn't due to system failure, but rather design. Companies want to make their processes bureaucratic so that you won't cost them money in support and so you won't cancel your subscription - making the process painful is the point. Likewise in government - it isn't that government can't be efficient, it's that there are people and organizations who want it to be encumbered so that they can prove their political point that government is inept. One side wants to create funding for a program, the other side puts in place a ton of controls to make spending the money for the program challenging so they can make sure that the money isn't wasted - which costs more money and we get more bureaucracy.

    • hypeatei 2 hours ago

      I've never seen it put so succinctly but this is the issue I have with blameless culture. We can design CI pipelines, linters, whatever it is to stop certain issues with our software from being released but if someone is incompetent, they don't care and will find a way to fuck something up and you can only automate so much.

    • linuxlizard 2 hours ago

      >When you treat every negative outcome as a system failure, the answer is more systems.

      Holy crap, I'm going to save that quote forever. I have a co-worker who treats every line of bad code committed as a reason to add ever more layers to CI. Yo, we caught it in testing. There's no reason to add another form we have to fill out.

  • GlenTheMachine 3 hours ago

    Here's an example from my corner of the Defense Department:

    In order to publish a research paper, it has to be reviewed for suitability for public release. This process is more than a little silly, because it requires seven levels of review, of which exactly one - my immediate supervisor - will have any idea what the paper is about. But fine.

    There used to be a paper form. You'd fill it out and either route it around for signatures, or if you had a time crunch, walk it around yourself. Eventually they replaced the paper form with a web form, so now there's an automated queuing system that emails people when they have a paper waiting to be reviewed.

    The web form has all of the same info as the paper form, with one addition. They scanned the paper form and turned it into a pdf, and they make you fill out both the web form AND the pdf version of the original paper form. So to sign off on a paper, you now have to download the pdf, digitally sign it, upload it again, and hit the "Approve" button on the web form.

    Because God help us if anybody does an audit and we don't have all of the forms correctly signed.

    • ok_dad 2 hours ago

      At a medical device manufacturer I worked at, it’s even worse: you print a copy of the thing to sign and sign it, then upload that to the digital system and digitally sign there too. You end up with several people printing huge documents, not just the signature page, and each signing a different copy which is uploaded then thrown away. That’s right, one paper copy per person is signed, scanned, then shredded.

      • IIAOPSW an hour ago

        At least tell me the shredded paper is recycled so that the next document can be printed signed and shredded on it.

    • toomuchtodo an hour ago

      Is a list or inventory maintained of research papers that aren’t published? What happens to those papers?

      • GlenTheMachine 16 minutes ago

        In my experience no research paper ever gets rejected, at least for reasons that have anything to do with their content. If your paper gets rejected, it is almost always because you failed to put the appropriate markings on the paper, or filled the form out wrong, and then you missed the conference deadline so the whole thing was OBE.

        There is indeed a list of rejected papers. The system logs all of them. Generally they're recycled, updated, and published elsewhere.

  • wavemode 3 hours ago

    In my experience, the more siloed an organization, the more bureaucracy you end up with.

    We've all had those experiences where, the problem we are trying to solve isn't inherently difficult - it's difficult because three separate teams are in charge of parts A, B, and C of the problem, and getting them to talk to each other, align their roadmaps, change their processes, etc. is impossible, unless you can go above their heads and force them to do it.

    I think about organization design similarly to software design. It's tempting to think about your software design from the top-down, and design a hierarchy of siloed interfaces with encapsulated private data and strictly separated concerns. This looks beautiful on paper, but then in practice you now have to navigate through a sea of objects and abstractions and redundancies - getting anything meaningful done often requires "punching holes" through the siloes so data can be shared.

    Organizations are the same way. Paul Graham wrote an essay[0] recently about the differences between "founder mode" and "manager mode". In a nutshell, managers usually think about organizations as silos - we divide up the company into a hierarchy of departments and teams and levels, so that only directors talk to middle managers and only middle managers talk to supervisors and only supervisors talk to the individual contributors. Again, it looks great on paper, and is what most people are used to.

    But "founder mode" is when someone with a lot of political capital can step in and say, "you know what, I want to talk to the people on the ground. I want to find out what's actually going on below the surface in the org, not just the pre-packaged PowerPoint version I hear from my directors. I want to pull together people from across teams and across levels and across departments - whoever is best suited to making this project a success." I think that sort of "hole punching" can be really powerful, if the company's culture is amenable to it.

    [0]: https://paulgraham.com/foundermode.html

  • IIAOPSW 2 hours ago

    I'm pretty torn about this, because I am also deeply skeptical of exactly the sort of situations an IRB is set up to prevent. Things like requiring documents to be signed in pen are an important part of a secure audit trail. And an appropriate audit trail with proper safe guards is absolutely essential especially given the way personal health related things are conducted in the inherent darkness of confidentiality. The privacy protections of personal health records also happens to be just as effective at keeping evidence of corrupt conduct within the system private as well.

    Maybe the real problem is that there is (at least to a degree) a trilemma between effective, safe from research misconduct, and respectful of individual privacy.

  • robwwilliams 2 days ago

    Greatly enjoyed this commentary. The example of IRB approvals for biomedical research is unfortunately on the mark.

    How much of a full time researcher’s time is bureaucratic overhead? In my case no more than 10% but it feels like 30%.

    • dhruvmethi 2 days ago

      Thank you for reading!

      Even if it takes up only a small percentage of time, it probably takes up the majority of frustration (that's at least true for me)

  • nine_zeros a day ago

    This is a very well written article. And I firmly agree with this from first-hand experience.

    Organizational malleability is key. But it wouldn't work in FAANG style standardized performance review style of work.

    • dhruvmethi 11 hours ago

      Agreed - as organizations scale, it's like some kind of fundamental law of thermodynamics that says they must become more bureaucratic in order to remain competitive. I think it's because organizations can only work at scale if they minimize the variance of each individual business unit, and malleability threatens that. I still think that good enough leadership and communication should allow for malleable units to coexist well together, but that may be a naive ideal.

      • marcosdumay 3 hours ago

        > I think it's because organizations can only work at scale if they minimize the variance of each individual business unit, and malleability threatens that.

        It's because of the principal agent problem.

        As organizations grow, people inside it become less and less oriented towards the organizational goal. The rigidity appears to fight that.

        • toomuchtodo an hour ago

          Very insightful. When an organization is small, the individuals protect the org, and are incentivized to. The org cannot survive without strong alignment between individuals. At some point, when sufficient scale has been achieved, the org crystallizes to protect itself from certain actors that prioritize the individual over the org. The rigidity is a defense mechanism, an immune system of sorts.

        • nyrikki 21 minutes ago

          There is a school of thought about management by intent that tries to address this, following the ideas born out of the Prussian army in the early 1800s.

          But many of our current problems are more directly related to Taylorism and an intentional separation of design from production.

          GMs failure to learn from Toyota at the NUMMI plant is a well documented modern example, with Japan intentionally targeting the limits of Taylorism to basically destroy the US industrial market is another.

          The centralized command and control model also ignored the finite congitive ability and assumed the relational omniscient actors.

          The funny thing is that multiple Nobel prizes have been awarded related to some of the above, and we know that Taylor faked some of his research and most business tasks are not equivalent to loading pig iron onto train cars anyway.

          Even TOGAF and ITIL recently made changes after the Feds changed the Klinger act, moving away from this model and every modern military uses mission command vs C2, but management is still teaching the pseudo scientific management school of thought and not addressing the needs modern situations.

          The incentive models are largely a reason for this and recent developments like 'impact' scores push things back even more.

          You can still have a principal-agent relationship, but delegate and focus on intent and avoid this trap, but it requires trust and bidirectional communication.

          Really IMHO, or comes down to plans being safe feeling, high effort and compatible with incentives.

          Those plans never survive the real world, because of the actors bounded rationality and knowledge.

          A book that is potentially a useful lens into this is 'The art of action', but it is just a lens.

          Organization 'goals' are often poorly communicated and useless because 'planning' is insufficient and not durable enough.

          Being way past any horizon that can be planned for, actionable concepts of shared intentions and purpose are not communicated.

          Toyota gave teams concrete goals to obtain, allowed them to self organize and choose how to deliver.

          GM meticulously copied what those teams had done and forced Detroit teams to follow those procedures and it failed.

          It was allowing the teams, which understood the context and constraints of their bounded problems that worked, not the procedures themselves.

          Amazon's API mandate resulted in a product mindset and scaled better than almost everyone until culture erosion killed that.

          Delegating works, but centralized process needs to be restricted to the minimum necessary.

          Unfortunately the negative aspects of bureaucracy seem artificially successful in the short term, but the negative aspects of setting things in concrete are long tailed.

          The growing disengagement problem is one of those long tails IMHO.

  • alexashka 3 hours ago

    Modern society is wage slavery. Wage slaves respond to their condition with malicious compliance [0].

    The rest is talk.

    [0] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Malicious_compliance