I Fell Back in Love with iPhone Photography


12 points | by gyomu 2 days ago ago


  • k310 2 days ago


    The Halide app added a new setting called Process Zero. Once the mode is switched on, the camera does as little processing as possible, avoiding artificial-intelligence optimization and any other dramatic editing of the photo. (It still performs basic tasks like correcting the white balance and lens distortion.)

    • lencastre a day ago

      And if you prefer not to pay for a subscription based app to take photos RAW without any pre/post processing from iOS then try: Reuk, Camera Libre,… and I’m sure there are others.

      I’m sick of these pay 5 EUR/week for better flashlight controls. Reminds me of the 1000 USD app that placed a red dot on your iOS top bar. But I digress…

  • mitchbob a day ago
  • tayo42 a day ago

    Is there any a free app like this that for android?assuming androids photo is app does that.