Rogue Legacy code is now source available


20 points | by Decabytes 9 hours ago ago


  • pushedx 8 hours ago

    Rouge Legacy was a very polished and charming game that was released early on in the trend of "rouge lite" games.

    I had endless fun playing it back when it was released in 2013.

    Here's 5 hours of gameplay to give you a flavor of the game.

    • awelxtr 4 hours ago

      It started the trend of adding tons of incremental permanent power increasing microunlocks to games with roguelike elements that I don't like because it encourages farming instead of learning the game. Specially at the beginning where you know you are not gonna win, not because you don't know the game, but because there is an artificial wall blocking the way until you spend x hours grinding the metacurrency.

  • GenericDev 4 hours ago


  • AStonesThrow 8 hours ago

    Weird flex - only the source code is "available" (as opposed to free or open) and all the assets are still proprietary - you'll need to purchase the game for an actual working copy.

    "Genealogical"? Also strange. What's that mean, really?

    PSA: Nethack is still F/OSS, still famous, and still under active development, at version 3.6.7.

    Download it complete, free, and ready-to-play:

    Or, why install it, when you can create an account on NAO, and play it competitively online!

    • pushedx 8 hours ago

      Not weird at all. They know the distinction between source available and open source. Just like the code, they hold the copyright on the assets, but are under no obligation to license them in a similar manner to the code.

    • dartos 6 hours ago

      > Genealogical

      Maybe play the game?

      • 5 hours ago
    • awelxtr 4 hours ago

      This is what id software did with doom and see how it ended

      hint: extremely well

      • AStonesThrow 4 hours ago

        No, Doom's source license is GNU Public License. It's F/OSS. Its assets remain proprietary, but not all of them are paywalled, due to the shareware releases which include plenty of levels.