Romhack Research and Liveblog


23 points | by apsec112 2 days ago ago


  • aquova 2 hours ago

    Fun stuff! This sort of thing is how I got into understanding retro software. Digging around with .tbl files trying to find interesting bits of text, finding out how the data structures work. This article would've been very useful to me about a decade ago. Alas, my lack of Japanese knowledge meant I never really got anywhere with these experiments, but I learned quite a bit.

    • boredhedgehog 10 minutes ago

      > Alas, my lack of Japanese knowledge meant I never really got anywhere with these experiments

      I used to be in exactly the same spot, but then I discovered LLMs. I still can't even read kana, but now it's possible to produce translations of just about any text, as long as you're willing to invest the time to discuss the more nuanced issues with the AI.