Makerfaire Ottawa: Rule 110 (2015)


22 points | by pncnmnp 3 days ago ago


  • skeeter2020 5 hours ago

    I built something similar that I called LowBoard. It was a 12x16 array of addressable color LEDs that was originally for low-rez halloween pictures (so good timing!) and we displayed it in the window as part of our display. Then I built a web app and hooked it up to the internet to let anyone draw and display an image for 20 seconds, kind of a physical snapchat. Then an hour or so later and ~100 12x16 dick-picks I disassembled it. Several lessons learned!

    • grahamj an hour ago

      lol as I was reading this I thought this won't end well... sure enough

  • pncnmnp 3 days ago

    I just found out about Wesley's blog from the "Colmi R02" post on the front page ( I think his blog is an absolute gem. Check out:

    * Pictures from Space: a n00b's guide to receiving images from NOAA weather satellites (

    * BLUEBRIM: RGB lights on a hat with bonus bluetooth (

    * Chameleon Scarf (

    * How to propose to an engineer (

    Really fun stuff!

  • tedivm 6 hours ago

    The timing of this is kind of funny, as I've been working on my own version of this for the last few weeks. It's still very much a work in progress so don't judge the repository too harshly.

    My project includes-

    1. Wolfram's 2, 3, and 4 state automata (including Rule 110) 2. Langton's ants 3. Conway's Game of Life, Highlife, and Immigrant games (immigrant is named after another game, but it's basically life with colors). 4. A clock. This just tells time.

    Every few minutes the device will change modes. With the Wolfram rules I include both single starting cells and multiple starting cells, and with Langton's Ant I've managed to great some really interesting patterns by placing multiple ants on the display.